My Little Siren Is Slowly Getting Curious!


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 8, 2017
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
First full day with Siren!

She's starting to get curious about my fingers!
I slide a few between the wires and leave them there talking to her. After a minute or two she starts looking directly at my fingers and turning her head. When she's had enough of me, she will turn around where her butt is facing me lol! Slow but steady. When she faces away from me is when I slowly move away from her house and leave her be.

Instead of being RIGHT in the middle of her hidey-hut (as she did after I got her and put her in her new home), she's starting to be at the very end where if you peek a little you see her little face observing everything.

What do you guys think? I'd like to think she's slowly getting comfortable with me. Do y'all have any recommendations or tips?

About how long did it take for y'all's piggies to get comfortable with you?
First full day with Siren!

She's starting to get curious about my fingers!
I slide a few between the wires and leave them there talking to her. After a minute or two she starts looking directly at my fingers and turning her head. When she's had enough of me, she will turn around where her butt is facing me lol! Slow but steady. When she faces away from me is when I slowly move away from her house and leave her be.

Instead of being RIGHT in the middle of her hidey-hut (as she did after I got her and put her in her new home), she's starting to be at the very end where if you peek a little you see her little face observing everything.

What do you guys think? I'd like to think she's slowly getting comfortable with me. Do y'all have any recommendations or tips?

About how long did it take for y'all's piggies to get comfortable with you?

Sounds like she's getting more comfortable in your presence. It took about three weeks for me to see Mo (the ginger one in my profile picture) out of his hidey hole while in my presence. And about 4/5 for him to start laying down relaxed when I stroked him.

Tips I'd suggest:
●Leaving your hand in the cage for a little bit each day allowing her to come over and sniffing you.
●VEG VEG VEG - always bring a little edible something with you when you're going to interact. That way she'll associate you with food rather than fear.
●if you're not around perhaps play music low in the background or youtube videos- turns out my Mo loved youtube lol.
●above all patience. I always advise no handling (unless 100% neccessary) 5 days in. But really it depends on when you're comfortable and you feel the guinea pig is going to be ok with it.

:) hope this helps
I agree with the above. I began holding a piece of veg in my hands at feeding time, right at the beginning and my pigs soon learnt to take it from me. Even now they do although it's more like jumping in the bowl full of veg as it arrives!
She sounds adorable! Really it depends on the piggies personality, we've had ones super curious and cuddly, and others who stay timid for a while, you'll know after a few days what kind of personality she has.

As above, music is great, are youngest barney ( 4 months) loves lullabies, twinkle twinkle is his favourite. Where as our other loves latin type music (daddy yankee desposito)

If you're showing her your love, she'll learn quickly, they are smart animals and know who to trust.
Thank you so much for the tips!
Pay few days I would just slide my fingers slowly through the cage and talk to her, just so she sees my fingers and can smell them from her hidey-hole.

Did the same this morning, but slowly brought them closer to her. She got curious and came up to sniff!
She put both of her front paws on my fingers and licked/nibbled on them (). I then tried a treat, and she munched on it in my hand and pulled it off of my fingers.

Then I changed her water and gave her some space