My words finally seem to have made a bit of a difference, presumably combined with Struppi's escape. I heard yesterday that a second cage has somehow been added to the first so that the farm guineas now have a little more space. I haven't actually seen their new set-up, but a bit more space is better than nothing. Some people are just really slow with taking up new ideas.I’m glad that Struppi had you look out for them and have their best interest at heart.
After Poppet's friend Paulina passed, I adopted 2 rescue pigs, one with similar colouring to Poppet. Some of my friends couldn't tell them apart so I described Rani as having a brown skirt with a white petticoat and white stockings! It was an especially apt description when she jumped down off a hidey roof - she really showed off her underskirt! The other rescue piggy, Rapunzel, her colouring wasn't immediately reminiscent of any clothing. Rani (left), Rapunzel (right).I love the description "brown trousers and white blouse"
These were Marley, Rusty and Jerry. I can't even remember what they looked like, except that Rusty was not rusty-coloured! I probably have some pigtures attached to some emails somewhere. That was pre-Covid, so idk if any are still alive, probably not. I know their Slave added another boar to the group sometime later. Here, in Germany, they say boar groups sometimes work, but you should only try it if you're really experienced, especially with boars (or neutered boars). iirc the Slave took on the fourth boar because he couldn't be neutered for some health reason so the local Rescue asked the Slave if she could fit him in with her group and she managed.3 boars who stayed with me for about 10 weeks
i've been re-reading my thread. Nice to re-read when I'm not feeling too great.
These were Marley, Rusty and Jerry. I can't even remember what they looked like, except that Rusty was not rusty-coloured! I probably have some pigtures attached to some emails somewhere. That was pre-Covid, so idk if any are still alive, probably not. I know their Slave added another boar to the group sometime later. Here, in Germany, they say boar groups sometimes work, but you should only try it if you're really experienced, especially with boars (or neutered boars). iirc the Slave took on the fourth boar because he couldn't be neutered for some health reason so the local Rescue asked the Slave if she could fit him in with her group and she managed.
The local Rescue also connected Marley, Rusty and Jerry's Slave with me. One of them came with an unplanned eye problem, I don't remember if it was a haypoke or what, an accident which happened the day before they came to me, tho I think their slave did tell me in advance, and she certainly brought medicine with her.
What I get from reading the forum is: keeping guineas healthy and happy is pretty complicated or at least involves a ton of knowledge and know-how, more than I ever realised, tho I obviously learnt as I went along. I'm not surprised I haven't gone back to it though... But it's good there's so much knowledge and experience all gathered in one spot on this forum, thanks to @Wiebke and maybe others.
It occurs to me that today is Super Sexy Snowy's (left in photo) birthday! I think he'd be nineteen if he were still on the go. Since he was born in my home, it's more memorable than knowing a guineas's birth date where the guinea was born elsewhere and came to me later.