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My guinea pig is sick and I need help

my guinea pig was on Bene Bac and baytril i gave it to her for 7 days twice a day in the morning and night for the benebac I gave her one click twice a day and 1/2 ml of baytril twice a day as well
My guinea pig weighs about 983
Thank you!

Just one week may not be enough. We have also seen an increasing number of cases with resistance of URI bacteria to one or several antibiotics due to long term overuse/undertreatment. Please contact your vet again if symptoms have not gone within a week.
PS: All your threads of this ongoing case have been moved to the Health/Illness section and merged.
Just one week may not be enough. We have also seen an increasing number of cases with resistance of URI bacteria to one or several antibiotics due to long term overuse/undertreatment. Please contact your vet again if symptoms have not gone within a week.
Okay I got it thank you so much