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My guinea pig is sick and I need help


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 21, 2021
Reaction score
United States
My guinea pig has white snot coming out her right nostril and I can hear she has trouble breathing she can eat,sleep,run around and drinks water just fine it doesn’t seem to hurt her but I’ve noticed at some times she seems fine and it lessens and only snot comes out when she sneezes everything is okay with her but the boogers and me hearing her breathing which isn’t very loud worries me I will put her picture as my profile picture now I don’t know how to attach pictures to this thread so please look at it on my profile picture. I would like any advice thank you!
Hi - I’m sure some more experienced members will be along at some point to give some help, but I just want to offer my support. Hopefully you can get some help for your little one.
Hi - I’m sure some more experienced members will be along at some point to give some help, but I just want to offer my support. Hopefully you can get some help for your little one.
Thank you very much I appreciate it!
It is great to have you here.
Your guinea pig is ill and needs to see a vet asap.
Hopefully it is just an infection that can be quickly and easily treated with antibiotics, but please make a vet appointment as soon as you can.
Thank you very much just booked her appointment!
My guinea pig has white snot coming out her right nostril and I can hear she has trouble breathing she can eat,sleep,run around and drinks water just fine it doesn’t seem to hurt her but I’ve noticed at some times she seems fine and it lessens and only snot comes out when she sneezes everything is okay with her but the boogers and me hearing her breathing which isn’t very loud worries me I would like any advice thank you!
I hope things go ok at the vet.

Ensure you switch from routine weekly weight checks so instead weighing her daily so you can more closely monitor her hay intake and step in with syringe feeding if her weight drops
Hello and welcome to the forum. Hope your piggy is soon on the mend.
I hope things go ok at the vet.

Ensure you switch from routine weekly weight checks so instead weighing her daily so you can more closely monitor her hay intake and step in with syringe feeding if her weight drops
Thank you for the advice I will do that!
Best to get her into your vets as an emergency as soon as possible. She will need an antibiotic such as Baytril or Co-Trimoxazole tonight which should start helping her in 2 or 3 days.
How is your piggy today?
She’s well but her appointment is scheduled for January 4th everything is taken up since the exotic vet comes in on Tuesday I’ll attach a photo of her in her new bed that she loves


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Best to get her into your vets as an emergency as soon as possible. She will need an antibiotic such as Baytril or Co-Trimoxazole tonight which should start helping her in 2 or 3 days.
I called the vet and explained to them and they said as long as she’s eating well and drinking she should be fine until the 4th of January which is when her appointment is she hasn’t had anymore boogers since but I’m keeping close watch on her and monitoring her weight and how she eats thank you very much for the reply!
You may have to try another vet if she gets worse. You'll find good vets on the vet finder
I’ve been giving my guinea pig her URI medication and it’s the second day of giving it to her the vet told me to give it to her for 7 days in total but rosie my guinea pig is still not moving around much only to eat her hay and food and drink water I was just wondering how long until rosies URI medicine starts working on her because I don’t like seeing her tired all the time she’s a guinea pig who loves running around also can rosie’s URI spread to my 10th month old guinea? Thank you!
I’m sorry to hear your girl is unwell. It does take a few days for the antibiotics to kick in so I’m afraid you’ll have to be patient just a little longer. As for your other piggy, she could catch the URI if her immunity is down. She has already been exposed to it so they shouldn’t be separated.

Please weigh your girl once daily at the same time (preferably morning) and top her up as needed in order to help her maintain her weight. You can’t judge hay intake by eye I’m afraid. Antibiotics can also kill the good bacteria so it’s recommended you give her a probiotic 1-2 hours before or after her antibiotic dose.

Have a read of the guides below, they expand more on syringe feeding. I hope she feels better soon.

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

It takes a few days for antibiotics to start working so you need to give it more time. Also, you do need a keep an eye on the situation because a 7 day course might not be long enough to completely deal with it and she may need antibiotics to continue for longer if symptoms persist.

Weighing her daily is important as you need to know she is definitely eating enough hay to keep her weight up, and enable you to step in with syringe feeding if she isn’t.

Whether your other piggy gets it depends completely on her immune system and whether it can fight it off.
Hi I finished the dosage that my vet recommended for my guinea pigs uri but she still has it do I go get a refill? Or how long should I wait because I know her probiotics kill good bacteria as well I don’t wanna overwhelm her I give her her probiotic 1 or 2 hours before her antibiotic i also found her medication on chewy so is it okay if I buy it from there? Thank you.
Hi I finished the dosage that my vet recommended for my guinea pigs uri but she still has it do I go get a refill? Or how long should I wait because I know her probiotics kill good bacteria as well I don’t wanna overwhelm her I give her her probiotic 1 or 2 hours before her antibiotic i also found her medication on chewy so is it okay if I buy it from there? Thank you.


Unfortunately, we need a bit more background information if you are starting a new thread on an ongoing problem because we cannot refer back and look up what has happened so far.

Can you please tell us:
- What medication has your piggy been on, what dosage and for how long.
- How much is your piggy weighing in grams?

Any further recommendations will depend on that. We are jumping between lots of different threads every single day so will not necessarily the remember the back story some time back.

PS: You can always pick up your previous support thread for the same problem in the same guinea pig by clicking on the Find thread/your threads button by the top bar when you come onto the forum. Keeping all information on an ongoing case together allows us to help you better and more quickly. Thank you. :tu:

Unfortunately, we need a bit more background information if you are starting a new thread on an ongoing problem because we cannot refer back and look up what has happened so far.

Can you please tell us:
- What medication has your piggy been on, what dosage and for how long.
- How much is your piggy weighing in grams?

Any further recommendations will depend on that. We are jumping between lots of different threads every single day so will not necessarily the remember the back story some time back.

PS: You can always pick up your previous support thread for the same problem in the same guinea pig by clicking on the Find thread/your threads button by the top bar when you come onto the forum. Keeping all information on an ongoing case together allows us to help you better and more quickly. Thank you. :tu:
my guinea pig was on Bene Bac and baytril i gave it to her for 7 days twice a day in the morning and night for the benebac I gave her one click twice a day and 1/2 ml of baytril twice a day as well
My guinea pig weighs about 983
Thank you!