My Guinea Pig Is Bullying The Others


New Born Pup
Sep 4, 2017
Reaction score
I have three male guinea pigs who are around seven months old. Bear was super friendly when I first got him although now he won't let me anywhere near him and is super skittish. Star is chasing the other two around and not in a nice way. bear is too scared to get anh food as star attacks him as soon as he comes down the ramp. The other pig fergus fights back to star although very rarely. I was cleaning the cage out today and star chased bear up to the top level of the hutch he then pushed him out and he fell from the top. All seems fine with bear now and I don't think he's injured but I'm unsure what to do.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately boar trios are one of the most unstable guinea pig groupings. It's very likely you'll have to split them into 2 and 1 leaving one on his own :(
I have three male guinea pigs who are around seven months old. Bear was super friendly when I first got him although now he won't let me anywhere near him and is super skittish. Star is chasing the other two around and not in a nice way. bear is too scared to get anh food as star attacks him as soon as he comes down the ramp. The other pig fergus fights back to star although very rarely. I was cleaning the cage out today and star chased bear up to the top level of the hutch he then pushed him out and he fell from the top. All seems fine with bear now and I don't think he's injured but I'm unsure what to do.

Hi! I am very sorry that you are yet another shop boar trio casualty and are now suffering the inevitable consequence as your boys are right in the middle of the teenage hormones. 90% of baby boar trios don't make it adulthood without separation, and yours fall unfortunately in this category. :(

Please take the time to carefully read this guide. It lists and discusses all aspects and options in detail, far more than I can in a single post. You should find it very helpful.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Please keep your fallen boy separated and under observation for a day or two while you consider where to go from here. We are of course willing to discuss any aspects with you that you want clarifcation on.
Hi! I am very sorry that you are yet another shop boar trio casualty and are now suffering the inevitable consequence as your boys are right in the middle of the teenage hormones. 90% of baby boar trios don't make it adulthood without separation, and yours fall unfortunately in this category. :(

Please take the time to carefully read this guide. It lists and discusses all aspects and options in detail, far more than I can in a single post. You should find it very helpful.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Please keep your fallen boy separated and under observation for a day or two while you consider where to go from here. We are of course willing to discuss any aspects with you that you want clarifcation on.
Hi thanks for the help I will read this now, the fallen boar has got white scabs on his nose and mouth, I have search it up but I haven't found anything ? Could this be to do with the fighting or the fall? Again thanks to the help
Hi thanks for the help I will read this now, the fallen boar has got white scabs on his nose and mouth, I have search it up but I haven't found anything ? Could this be to do with the fighting or the fall? Again thanks to the help

Please have your boy vet checked in a case it is a fungal infection or cheilitis (fungal or bacterial lip infection cause by too much fruit/tomato acidity in the diet).
Ringworm: Hygiene And Pictures
Guinea Lynx :: Cheilitis