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My Guinea Pig Has A Lump

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I was just wondering if anyone out there could give me any advice. I'm hoping my guinea pig has nothing more than a fatty lump, but I am deeply conerned. I've only had him less than 2 months. He is still a baby, no more than 3-4 months old. I noticed a little lump on the side of his neck which is now growing. It is now the size of a large marble. It grew fast. It kind of moves when I touch it, which I read is most likely a fatty mass. But it also may be a tumor. Everytime I read about guinea pigs getting lumps or tumors, they are always older. Never one at such a young age. He just had an eye infection which was treated with Bactrim. I take such good care of him. I read everything possible about guinea pigs, and have bought books so it kills me that he is sick again. I have grown so attached to him (his name is Ricky) and so has my 8 year. old daughter. I love him to death! I am going to take him the vet this week. Has anyone had any experience with a lump growing fairly quickly? What was the outcome? Is it a big operation? I'm wondering if it's a fatty lump can it be shrunk with medicine? My husband can't believe that Ricky is sick again and wants me to take it back to the store. I could never give him back. He knows me so well that he responds to my voice. He's always leaping in the air and jumping around his cage. He seems so happy! I'm getting so sick over this because he's so small and I read that baby guinea pigs probably won't survive an operation, so that's why I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this with a baby guinea pig. Any suggestions or information would greatly be appreciated! Thanks all!
I'm sorry, I don't really know anything about lumps in piggies but I wanted to say I hope it is just a fatty lump :)

My guinea pig, Beauty, has a fatty lump on his back end which seemed to appear over night and it's about the size of a marble. I took him to the vet and they told me it's most likely to be a fatty lump and it's best to just leave it unless it gets considerably larger. At the moment it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all and he is still him normal self - the lumps been there for a few months now I think.

I would take the piggy to the vet anyway just to be sure but hopefully it's nothing to worry about that much O0

Jane :smitten:

PS. Some piccies of your piggy would be great, he sounds lovely :smitten:
Welcome to the forum :)

We have members here that are very experienced with this sort of thing and I am sure they will be along later. In my limited experience, I would say it sounds like an abcess. You do need to take him to the vet where they will lance and drain it and give you stuff to flush it out with if this is the case. Once lanced, it leaves a sort of hole and is sore but regular flushing will help it heal.
Is the lump on the same side as the eye which was infected? Also, if you are given antibiotics (baytril or septrin usually) you really need to get a pro biotic to give him by syringe as well as his gut flora will be upset and he may go off his food which is more life threatening to him than an abcess. Also pick up some critical care or science recovery in case you need to feed him by syringe (non needle type!)

More experienced advice will be along soon I am sure, but best of luck at the vets. Where are you located? This will help us advise you better re getting supplies/vet care etc :)
It could be an abscess which should be lanced and flushed daily and a course of antibiotics given as there are lots of toxins around (and probiotics too). Could be a Sebaceous cyst sometimes they get quite big and one of mine had one in the face area.

I would get to a vet today and find out what it is. No need for anaesthetic when dealing with abscesses. Guinea pigs do survive anaesthetic a lot now. I've never lost one under anaesthetic, :)

LJ has given you a good list of things to get, make sure you have some kitchen roll too ::) I use a blue Canula, syringe (without needle) and Hartmans solution for flushing all available from your vet.
yeah i agree with karenrgpr and LJ, could well be an abcess. I would just get him to the vets asap :) *HUGS*
I agree with Lavenderjade that this is most likely an abcess,especialy as he has recently had a eye infection.Abcess start slowly then accelerate very quickly.Fatty lumps are much slower to grow,and they are mostly seen in adult pigs.
Take him to a gp expert vet if you can find one,but any competent vet should be able to deal with an abcess.The abcess will need to be lanced and drained,then back flushed.Do not let the vet try and drain with a needle,this does not remove all the pus,and does not leave a hole for back flushing.
You will need to back flush 2 or 3 times a day for the first 3 days ,then once a day untill the pus is all gone and there is no smell.The best things for back flushing are either warm salt water or diluted Hibiscrub,I use the latter.The vet might prescribe Baytril for about 7 days.
Normally an abcess will clear up within 8 0r 9 days.Do not worry if the area remains swollen for a while,this will eventually go down.
Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for your advice. It was all so helpful. In answer to your question Lavenderjade, yes, the lump is on the same side as the eye infection. I live in America, so I hope it is ok to be on your forum! My husband is from England, in case I'm not familiar with a product, he can help me! I got in contact with the store I bought him from last month, PetCo, which is a huge chain in the US. They knew how upset I was because I'm afraid I may not be able to afford an operation and they want to take him back to give him the proper care. They will treat him for whatever it turns out to be. I was so upset and they realized that and have allowed me to take him back after he is well again (of course I have to re-buy him). I'm so afraid to hand him over. They have a vet that takes care of all their animals and he specializes in exotics. He comes in every week to check all the animals. They assured me he will be taken very good care of. I'm so torn. From all your replies, I feel its an absess also. I think he's to young for a tumor. I will try to post a picture of Ricky. I'm not to good at it yet, but I'll try. I'll also keep everyone posted as to his progress. I'd love to hear what anyone out there would do about PetCo treating him. I need advice! Thank you again and Happy New Year to everyone!
I thought you might be in the US when you mentioned bactrim ;)

So, do they want you to hand your piggy over for them to treat or to keep? ? If to treat, then yes. Write the info down that we have given you and gently insist :P that they follow this advice. In the UK, if a shop bought guinea pig needs vet treatment, the owner can get this done at ANY vet and the store HAS to pay, especially withinn 3 months I think it is.
If they want to keep him, say NO. They may be likely to put him to sleep rather than treat so please dont let them do this. Find out your pet store policy on sick animal sold within a certain time period, they should have it in writing.

The abscess probably came up due to the eye infection and with correct treatment, your piggy will be fine andlcould live for a long time to come, so please try not to worry :)
Sorry, I just re read your post. They should not need to keep him in, so bring him in and stay with him while he has it drained and flushed then ask for the supplies we have listed and take him home with you. Do not let them keep him, there is absolutely no need as you can continue to treat him at home :)
Hi Lavenderjade! What the store told me is that they will take him back for full treatment and when he is well, I can buy him back. While PetCo is an absolute huge chain here, they only allow 15 days for a return only. You can pick out a new animal, but I could never have returned my piggy! I was attached the day I took him home! They are making an exception for me because this is the second time he has been sick in the month and a half that I had him. If it is an absess, I will ask if I can take him home after they treat him and I will give him the medication and do what needs to be done from here. I am a little nervous. Ricky is my first guinea pig and I'm still a little shaky about taking care of an illness. Like when I had to put the cream in his eye and clean it when he had the infection. He was wonderful though! And he took his antibiotic like a trooper! I'm nervous about cleaning an absess. I'm sure I can. I must admit, I'd rather have him home than in the store. They said I can come and see him everyday, but I'm still uncomfortable with Ricky being there. I will write down everything you all requested I needed and show the vet. They told me he is wonderful. He even makes housecalls, which not to many vets in America do these days! Well, thanks again Lavenderjade for your concern. It means a lot to know people care!
You shouldnt have to buy him back but if thats what it takes, I would do the same. Avoid petshops for buying any more though!

Write down the list of supplies, including a pro biotic. If you are confused at all, post here and I will write a list only thing, so you are clear. Some things are probably different in the US though but your hubby being English, may know.
Best of luck and do keep us posted on his progress ;)
I keep logging on and off today. Unfortunatley, it looks like I have to buy him to get him back. Otherwise I have to give him up. The warranty has expired (15 days) but they are willing to help him. I wrote everything down. The pro-biotic is on my list. I'm assuming that's for a bad tummy from the antibiotic? I just went to take him out. As big as his lump is, you could never tell anything was wrong. I was trying to get a picture, but he won't stay still! He has a little inclosed hammock I bought him, and he loves being in there and sometimes I can't get him out. I will keep trying to get a pic. From your picture of your little guinea lavenderjade, I think my guinea pig looks very much the same! I'll be logging off again, but I will keep you posted on his progress! Thank you so much for your help! I do feel better already (and I've been crying on and off at the thought of losing Ricky!)
Happy New Year!

When my Murphy came to be aged 11 months from the RSPCA he had a little lump under his tummy. The vet operated and removed it, it was just a mass they said that was 4mm he had a little stitch that was disolvable. He never showed any signs of being ill with it it was just me checking him over like i do weekly with my other piggies that noticed it.

I'm sure your little one will be fine. Sending you lots of good luck from me and Murphy. x :smitten:
Do not, under any circumstances, give him back to the store. You have no guarantee about what (if any) treatment he will get and chances are you might not see him again. Petco have an AWFUL track record when it comes to the animals they sell.
daftscotslass said:
Do not, under any circumstances, give him back to the store. You have no guarantee about what (if any) treatment he will get and chances are you might not see him again. Petco have an AWFUL track record when it comes to the animals they sell.

DSL is right, do insist on staying with Ricky while he has treatment :)
Thank you guys for all your imput. I must admit, I am very nervous about bringing him to the store for treatment. All vets were closed today, and tomorrow I will make some calls. I spoke to the manager at PetCo who has been so wonderful. She has pets too and I know she feels sorry for me, but she did inform me that anything can happen. She said it probably won't but it could and that just set me off. Here's the bottom line, if it's just an abcess and it needs to be drained I may be able to handle it. If it's an operation, it's going to be a while before I can take care of it (financially) and I'm afraid to wait. My husband just does not see it the way I do. He does not want to spend any more money on Ricky. I would use his whole paycheck if I needed. He is not an animal lover. He's a great guy but can't see spending money on a guinea pig. I am a real animal lover. I can not even kill a spider. I pick it up and put it outside! So we differ very much! After my calls tomorrow, I will post the outcome. I tried to post a picture of Ricky that I took this morning, but I can not figure out how to do it. I will try again. You can not see the lump in the picture. But it is very big. Well, I hope all of you had a great New Year. I know timewise it's late over there. I will keep you all posted. And thank you all for your input. I did not realize how many people care!
We are all mad about piggies on here :D
Re putting photos on here, sign up to a site called photobucket (its free). Upload your photos from your computer onto photobucket then choose the photos you want to post here, right click , click copy then on your post, right click again and click paste O0

As for treatment, if this vet treats Ricky and provides you with what you need to continue treatment at home, it wont cost you anything, or at least not much for syringes and some other bits and bobs but Petco should provide it all!

Good luck with it all and dont let them talk you into anything you dont feel happy with, Ricky is your pet O0
Hi, I really hope you can get this sorted. If its an abscess then it will eventually burst and will need to be kept flushed. My problem with guineas and abscesses is that they seem to close over too quickly, Mary I can't believe that vets just drain with a needle! Never heard that before!

I think you should arm yourself with a syringe and Canula (for deep down flushing) to keep the pocket clean and flush out the pus. No need to hand your guinea over if you're happy doing the flushing or maybe you can take him in daily to be flushed?
I'm trying so hard to post a picture of Ricky. He's so cute, that I want to share him! I keep getting the lettering instead of the picture. I'm going to post it and see what happens. If only the lettering comes up from photobucket than I will try again later. I'm really bad at this. When I hit "paste" I get letters instead of the picture. I'll figure it out......

Yeah! It worked, but I don't know why it came out so big! You can't see the lump, but it's right there in the black area on the side of his neck. It is absolutly huge, but because of the black, you can't see it. Oh well, I have to jump now, but I will keep everyone posted as to his progress. Thanks again for all you support and also on how to post a picture!
Hi i'm sorry i just caught up with this thread :(
Firstly welcome to the forum from us in OZ :)
Gosh what a rotten start to his life, poor little guy :'(
He's a little stunner what a gorgeous little face mmmmmmmm just want to pick him up and cuddle him :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

As for the lump i agree with Karen i'd be flushing it all the time at least twice a day even more O0 I've had a bit of experience with abscesses as our boy Duke has had lots of them :( You do need to keep the wound open as the area re fills with puss with in hours, by flushing you get rid of the puss and the infection.

Wishing you all the very very best with Ricky :smitten: we'll have our paws crossed for you both O0 :)
Awww he is lovely :smitten: :smitten:
I can see the lump. Also have a look at some websites if you still nervous about flushing the abcess. Guinealynx is a good one, there might be some info on there O0
Let us know how he gets on :smitten:
Ricky is going in tomorrow. I'll let you all know. It will be nighttime there, but I'll post anyway! Thanks again.
good luck with it O0 I wouldn't want to hand him back and leave him there...I don't trust these places! Hope it all goes well though, poor little lad!
It's thursday and today Ricky goes to the doc. It will be late in the UK when I bring him but I'll post his results. I have decided against bringing him to Petco. Thank you all for the info because what I did was look up Petco's reputation and what I saw made me cry. How many animals have died in their stores was sickening. I didn't know all stuff that was going on with them. It made me cry. It said that most sick animals die there because the young kids didn't know how to take care of them and they don't take most sick animals to the vet. I read horror stories. They put most small animals to sleep instead of paying a vet. I could'nt bring my little piggy there and I want to thank all of you for the heads up. My mom is going to pay for the vet and I will pay her back. I don't know about the UK but here they charge $100. just to walk through the door. I'm not cheap, just not rolling in the dough right now! But if anything happened to Ricky, I would be sick. I'm just so scared that the treatment will hurt him. I can't stand to see an animal in pain, let alone my animal. Well, I'll post later on the outcome. Wish me luck!
I hope everything goes well and i wish you luck and ill be thinking of Ricky :smitten:
I think you made the right descion. Vets are expensive, too expensive imo, but I think it's worth it - I would want the best care and treatment for my guineas because they're so special :smitten:
Well done for doing your research beforehand, I think you made the right choice :)

Good luck Ricky and dont forget, we are here for support if you need us ;)
OK everyone...many thanks again for your support and help. Ricky is all done and is home safe and sound. I took him today (it's still Thursday night here!) to an experienced vet for exotic animals and she (the doc) was amazing. She knew her guinea pigs inside and out! Anyway, she did surgery on him (thank goodness he was asleep) and removed what was an abscess and a pretty big one she said and cleaned the whole thing out. She also put an anti-biotic inside the wound which when it is stitched shut desolves inside and cleans the whole area. I don't have to do anything but give him an oral antibiotic and pain-killer twice a day. This place is actually an animal hospital (they also do regular checkups) so they do tons of operations all the time. It was weird to see so many sick animals in and out. One poor cat was in his last stages of cancer and came in for chemo and was not expected to make it much longer. I felt so sad for the owner, but this was an amazing place and regardless of how much it cost, I felt so relieved when Ricky was done! The nurse came out with him in a blanket and said he's just coming out of the anesthesia and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! It was so cute. Now I have to make sure he does not scratch it. So far, so good. He seems ok, just a little more mellow than usual. They are actually sending out the abscess for a culture. Very thourough! It was a good experience. I'll be posting again as to how he's doing. Now that I've found this website, I'd love to be a part of it. Thank you again for helping me make the right decision. You have all been wonderful. I'll be posting again soon!
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