My female sow is trying to establish dominance over my boar and it's worrying me


New Born Pup
Jan 11, 2021
Reaction score
My boar (Genie) is much older than my sow (Daphne) and he has always been the dominant one (by default more than by nature). He is 5 years old now and I'm worried her move for dominance is a sign of his health declining. He can't run as fast as her anymore and can't keep up to try and get on top of her. Should I be worried? Does this mean he's dying? Any answers for a very concerned pig mum would be appreciated.
Do you have immediate health concerns about him?
Is his weight stable at each weekly weight check?

If he is otherwise healthy, then he may just be submitting to her now he realises he can’t and doesn’t want to defend his position.
I’ve only ever had boars and they tend to mellow out as they age and life becomes less about dominance and more about companionship.
Hi, thank you for replying! I don't do a weekly weight check but I will now to keep an eye on it! His weight seems stable to me and he's eating plenty. He does get on top of her but doesn't stay there for very long and she shrugs him off. Whereas when she gets on top he doesn't push her off. As long as he's happy and healthy I'm happy (:
The weekly weight checks are very important, particularly as a piggy ages (common conditions such as arthritis can cause a reduction in hay intake due to pain). Hay is their main food intake and it is impossible to know a piggy is eating enough simply by watching them. Even a small amount in reduction in intake will have an effect on their weight.
Any concerns about health or a 50g or more drop in weight then the weight checks need to be done daily and support feeding needs to be done.

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Ah okay thank you for telling me! Will absolutely do that for both of them. Is it worth taking him for a check-up at the vets do you think? (:
Ah okay thank you for telling me! Will absolutely do that for both of them. Is it worth taking him for a check-up at the vets do you think? (:

There is never any harm in a general annual health check particularly for an older piggy
Thanks for your advice! I'm going to get him booked in for a check up (: