Teenage Guinea Pig
I love chewys face. His brown ear 

She is the one I just adopted.My sweet Reese. She has been through a lot. She loves cheek rubs. She suffered a terrible corneal ulcer. She also has a deformity on the one side of her face from an old injury. Poor thing.
Thank you! I am hoping to hear back from my vet about the cost of diagnosing her mouth issue. I think she does have something going on. She is holding her weight. He cage is full of poop. She just eats so much slower than my other piggies. We will see.Reese is lovely and she’s a lucky girl to have found a loving and caring home
Thanks!They’re all gorgeous
She is acting completely fine. Still waiting to hear back from the specialist.Such lovely piggies.
How is Zelda?
I think they do understand in their own way. Not love as humans understand it though.The stockings are filled and hung. I wish they could understand how much I love them.