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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 20, 2023
Reaction score
Northern ireland
Morning ok so I'm freaking out here this morning just saw a mouse run across my kitchen floor. I hate mice never had one ever in house. My guinea pigs are in the kitchen in c&c cage and I'm scared for them will the mouse do them harm if it gets into their cage please
Don’t panic, go out and buy a humane mouse trap or order one online, they work like a treat. You will need to check every day and add a small piece of biscuit. Once caught let little mousie go well away from your house, in under growth.

If at all possible can you move your piggies to a different room? Mice do urinate lots so ideally separate the two species or elevate your piggies onto a table if safe to do so

I am very sorry. What a nasty surprise! :(

Additionally to the measures already mentioned, I would strongly recommend to remove any bowls from the cage and sprinkle feed veg and pellets around the cage once or twice a day in portions that can be eaten in one go by your piggies. Bowls with uneaten food will be irresistable to mice and can promote the transmission of illnesses.

Keep in mind that hay and fresh grass is making over three quarters of what guinea pigs eat in a day and that any veg, fresh and dry forage, pellets and any treats all together only replace the supplementary role that wild forage used to have.

Also make sure that you keep any human food in closed cupboards at all times. Mice can get through any hole you can push a pencil through.

Ideally, you move your piggies to another room for the time being (even if it means a smaller cage space) and keep the doors to the mouse infested room and to the room you have your piggies moved into closed at all times.

Contagion - Inter-species transmission and pet care during owner illness/pregnancy (incl. Covid)
Don’t panic, go out and buy a humane mouse trap or order one online, they work like a treat. You will need to check every day and add a small piece of biscuit. Once caught let little mousie go well away from your house, in under growth.

If at all possible can you move your piggies to a different room? Mice do urinate lots so ideally separate the two species or elevate your piggies onto a table if safe to do so
Great thanks unfortunately can't really move them to another room already have c&c built on top of double tier hutch great thank you

I am very sorry. What a nasty surprise! :(

Additionally to the measures already mentioned, I would strongly recommend to remove any bowls from the cage and sprinkle feed veg and pellets around the cage once or twice a day in portions that can be eaten in one go by your piggies. Bowls with uneaten food will be irresistable to mice and can promote the transmission of illnesses.

Keep in mind that hay and fresh grass is making over three quarters of what guinea pigs eat in a day and that any veg, fresh and dry forage, pellets and any treats all together only replace the supplementary role that wild forage used to have.

Also make sure that you keep any human food in closed cupboards at all times. Mice can get through any hole you can push a pencil through.

Ideally, you move your piggies to another room for the time being (even if it means a smaller cage space) and keep the doors to the mouse infested room and to the room you have your piggies moved into closed at all times.

Contagion - Inter-species transmission and pet care during owner illness/pregnancy (incl. Covid)
Great thanks was worried incase it would wasn't to burrow in their hat yeah I removed veg that isn't eaten in 30 mins and will scatter feed pellets thank you so much
Great thanks was worried incase it would wasn't to burrow in their hat yeah I removed veg that isn't eaten in 30 mins and will scatter feed pellets thank you so much

Please rather split your veg and feed in two smaller portions so it is all eaten within 5 minutes and not left lying around. The latter is a sign that you are overfeeding veg.
We also recommend to only feed a very small amount of pellets, not more than a tablespoon per piggy per day. The more hay your piggies eat, the better for their long term health and longevity.

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Yeah it's more when they are being fussy they leave some veg like sometimes small bit of pepper usually only about thumb nail size they get 2 small handfuls per day for 2 pigs they normally eat it all like some days they don't eat peppers and only get small amounts of pellets
Yeah it's more when they are being fussy they leave some veg like sometimes small bit of pepper usually only about thumb nail size they get 2 small handfuls per day for 2 pigs they normally eat it all like some days they don't eat peppers and only get small amounts of pellets

Keep an eye re. hay nesting - if your piggies are not going near their hay all of a sudden, then mice may have gotten in. Small spaced netting or very fine chicken wire mesh that you cannot get a pencil through, like mosquito netting over the cage or metal mesh cut and wired to the cage bars may be a solution to preventing mice getting into the cage. Make sure that all seams are firmly tucked under the cage when you are not around.