More mods

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I think the best thing to do would be to IGNORE them - quoting their posts and gracing them with a reply is only serving to feed their habit. At the moment everyone is making the admin/mod job much harder by making posts/replying to these people, when they have to clean up the 'mess' they will have to delete everyone's quoted posts too.

For the time being and until a mod/admin comes on, i suggest everyone just refrain from posting/replying to posts...
I agree, I think we could do with a few more mods, even though our current ones do a fantastic job - it may be a little easier if we had a few more.
I'd be happy to be a Mod as well; I part own a site already where I am Admin & have been a moderator on a forum before that.
There are a few of us who have mod experience who can join the mod crew with minimum fuss. The patrol forum I'm a mod on uses the same software. The police forum has over 20,000 members so it is busy 24 hours. As I work shifts, I am able to monitor to the forum at all hours of the day. ;)

(police forum)

(patrol forum)

I use my old piggy Barty as my user name on them forums. ;)
It has just taken me 15 minutes to clean up this thread due to the number of people who replied to and quoted the spammers. Please think before you post people. Do you not think rising up to them made the whole experience much more fun as they knew they were bothering people? I have very little doubt that if they'd been ignored they would have gone away far sooner.

Some members may find their post counts have reduced as it was impossible to leave some posts where spam was quoted on the forum. I apologise for this but it was unavoidable with so many members having replied and quoted.

Please learn from this and do not feed or play with trolls...

No number of mods will stop spam or trolls - the only thing to do is remember that this is a free service run by volunteers and just ignore spam.
I would just like to say, as i have already i have been on the whole time this has been going on yesterday and today, whilst i have not responded or quoted their posts i could have dealt with it and got rid before it got out of hand, i spend alot of time on here, as does sport-billy and others who put their names forward........ and i dont really have much of a life either :))
I do have a life, but I also have an internet enabled mobile that would enable me to monitor the forum when I'm at work. ;)
If I'm honest i think the admins/mods do a fantastic job, spam is dealt with very quickly. There have been couple of times where spam has been visible for a couple of hours, but really i find this is rare and doesn't happen often enough to cause panic.

If people did like a few moments ago and just ignore the spammers and use the report button (once only) - then they will go away allowing a mod/admin to then come on and deal with the problem promptly. Giving them the 'satisfaction' of winding people up only gives them more ammunition and they stay around for longer periods.

I run several websites and i would be very hesitant to give out mod/admin access to anyone who asked - i know there are some very trustworthy people on here who've put their names forward, i just don't think right now there is a need to panic - this forum is run very well and spam is seen in very minute cases - and in those small cases, it is always dealt with very quickly - even though the mods/admins have a personal life to deal with too.....
I dont disagree, we rarely have spam cases on here, I have alot of respect for the mods, i know what a stressful job it can be at times, I dont expect mod positions to be given out willy nilly and i'm certainly not 'asking' to be one, i just offered as i do spend alot of time on here and report alot of spam posts, whereas rather than report them i could just deal with them.
I dont disagree, we rarely have spam cases on here, I have alot of respect for the mods, i know what a stressful job it can be at times, I dont expect mod positions to be given out willy nilly and i'm certainly not 'asking' to be one, i just offered as i do spend alot of time on here and report alot of spam posts, whereas rather than report them i could just deal with them.

100% agree - i guess my post was more me playing devils advocate - i run several websites and been on the wrong side of giving out admin access to a 'trusted' person whom i'd knownfor years - that particular website has been closed for some time now due to their actions.

It's very difficult as a website/forum owner - ensuring the smooth running a public forum and dealing with problems is in itself a full time job.
It has just taken me 15 minutes to clean up this thread due to the number of people who replied to and quoted the spammers. Please think before you post people. Do you not think rising up to them made the whole experience much more fun as they knew they were bothering people? I have very little doubt that if they'd been ignored they would have gone away far sooner.

Some members may find their post counts have reduced as it was impossible to leave some posts where spam was quoted on the forum. I apologise for this but it was unavoidable with so many members having replied and quoted.

Please learn from this and do not feed or play with trolls...

No number of mods will stop spam or trolls - the only thing to do is remember that this is a free service run by volunteers and just ignore spam.

Bump - this is important people! Thanks to the mods...
I too think that the Mods we have do a wonderful job on here but I also think many hands make light work... Their job of keeping every thread on here spam and troll free is gargantuan in proportion and I don't think having a few more to help out would hurt.

I would like to put my name forward for mod-ification as well, I am here more or less every day, partly thanks to my health issues - for many, many hours - often until early hours when others have gone to bed.

I was a global chat moderator on an extremely popular and competitive Facebook war game I used to play; "Kingdoms of Camelot" (again nearly every day) and our job was to remove rude/ nasty/ offensive posts and to warn/ silence/ ban people who were repeat offenders.

As I said that was a very competitive place and there were even death threats being thrown around by rivaling alliance members who were at war. Despite being in one of the most powerful alliances on the domain I was on, when given that responsibility, I took it seriously and did my duty fairly and always tried to be as diplomatic as possible (including biting my tongue FAR more than I had before I was made a Moderator). I only left because we were having internet problems and it wasn't fair to keep the title when I couldn't get online to do my job. Thankfully, that was while we were with three and we are now with Orange who are far more reliable!

I love this forum... without it and the advice I have been given and taken from it, my pigs wouldn't be as hopelessly spoiled as they are. Whether or not there are any new mods made, I think it's fair to say I would jump at the chance to help out in any way and give back to everyone that has helped me and my pigs... xoxo
I do think mods do a fantastic job, But I also agree that maybe it could be considered by the higher up people to create (or assign, however you want to put it) one or two more. This is not because I feel the forum isnt being "policed" propperly, just because its important to remember how very busy the forum is! Ive only been here a year, and ive noticed a distinct increase in activity, that must be hard to keep up with. Especially seeing as all of the mods also have very busy lives of their own to lead.

That said, I definatly wouldnt want to be a mod, I wouldnt trust myself. :))
The forum isn't looking for more mods. Every mod and admin here gets email alerts when threads are reported. No amount of additional moderators would mean that the forum was staffed 24/7. Situations like this are rare and not an indication that the forum is in any way short staffed. As others have said it would have helped a great deal if people hadn't risen to the bait and simply pressed that report button. Activity on the forum comes and goes, it's not increasing overall. The forum buddies also have our mobile numbers should it be an "emergency" and we all have mobile internet access.

Yes, many hands make light work but too many cooks spoil the broth ;)
I have been coming on this forum for nearly 5 years now (albeit on and off) and it has been the same mods in that all time, and they all do a wonderful job! There will always be trolls/spammers on any website no matter how much security and mods there are. The best way, as has already been said, is not to rise to them........or even acknowledge their existence on the forum! :)
The forum isn't looking for more mods. Every mod and admin here gets email alerts when threads are reported. No amount of additional moderators would mean that the forum was staffed 24/7. Situations like this are rare and not an indication that the forum is in any way short staffed. As others have said it would have helped a great deal if people hadn't risen to the bait and simply pressed that report button. Activity on the forum comes and goes, it's not increasing overall. The forum buddies also have our mobile numbers should it be an "emergency" and we all have mobile internet access.

Yes, many hands make light work but too many cooks spoil the broth ;)

Good point. I think that the trouble was that this time many members were replying to posts from the spammers and quoting them, making the problem worse. When the spammers realised that they were attracting attention, it gave them all the more encouragement to carry on. Whereas if they had been ignored more, they would probably get bored and retire from spamming the forum.
The forum isn't looking for more mods. Every mod and admin here gets email alerts when threads are reported. No amount of additional moderators would mean that the forum was staffed 24/7. Situations like this are rare and not an indication that the forum is in any way short staffed. As others have said it would have helped a great deal if people hadn't risen to the bait and simply pressed that report button. Activity on the forum comes and goes, it's not increasing overall. The forum buddies also have our mobile numbers should it be an "emergency" and we all have mobile internet access.

Yes, many hands make light work but too many cooks spoil the broth ;)

I must admit, I get the email alerts on my police forum. I dealt with a couple today. We have our problems as well, however as the majority of our users are police officers, potential police officers, police support staff and extended police family, we don't tend to get children taking the Michael. Any bad behaviour is clamped down on immediately as we have professional standards and the independent complaints commission hovering to make our lives hell if it goes wonky!!malletheadmalletheadmallethead
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