Mixed Feelings

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Just seen your post that you enjoy palliative care. Wow! I think that is such an amazing role - something that I just would not be strong enough for. Just such a pain that you need to experience all of the other areas before you can concentrate on that. I would just keep that as your focus and your reason for doing this course and it will hopefully motivate you.

However, please also bear in mind that you should not feel pressurised to continue if you really don't want to - it takes a brave person to say they changed their mind. But if you are going to do that you need to have a plan B in place.

Both of your posts have been so helpful. Thank you so much.

Yes the more I think about it. I think the academic pressure and stress of being away from home adds to my feelings. Not just the nursing.

I agree, the different mentor situation can be tricky. I have 6 week placements, so once I finally get used to the people and the way everything works, I'm moved on!

I'm quite a shy person and doubt myself too much which adds to my stress. But thinking about what I've accomplished so far, and the amazing people I have met along the way, makes me motivated to carry on.

I can't thank you all enough for your kind comments and advice. I think I'm just going through a bad patch. I've got to keep my chin up and keep smiling! :) x
Its brilliant that you enjoy palliative care. I am interested in end of life and palliative care as a result of two elderly family members dying last year. Two very different experiences which were led by the care teams involved to make each a "good death".
We need more people like you. X

I'm so pleased you think this. A lot of people think I'm strange for liking it. In my personal opinion, creating a bond with someone at a time when they are most vulnerable, and them allowing themselves to trust you, is an incredible thing. I think a 'good death' is hard to come by. So being able to try and make that happen is rewarding.
Your post really resonated with how I felt today.. Just one of those days where you are asking yourself what you are doing things for. I look on the bright side and hope tomorrow will be a better day.
I feel this way most of the time about my psychology degree. I've seen that if you do leave you get a higher diploma in second year, and it's rather tempting. However, I know my dad for certain would be disappointed, and i constantly question what is the right thing to do. I'm miserable here but then if I quit, I'll probably regret it. It's good in a way to know I'm not the only one that feels that way.

Happiness is paramount, so do what's best for you, maybe see how this year turns out ? :)

That's my plan, because if I get rubbish grades then I don't see the point in continuing as I don't want a rubbish degree :/
@TheFurryGodmother I studied that for a year, but I just couldn't do it anymore...it was just too scientific and not practical enough for me :( shame as I am still interested..
I studied my Level 4 in Early Years with the OU but then changed courses onto the Bsc Psc which I really didn't enjoy.. Should've just continued with the Early Years then I'd be finished by now :( Ah well, too late now... (The beauty of hindsight)

I remember spending hours reading about monkeys.. oO
I studied my Level 4 in Early Years with the OU but then changed courses onto the Bsc Psc which I really didn't enjoy.. Should've just continued with the Early Years then I'd be finished by now :( Ah well, too late now... (The beauty of hindsight)

I remember spending hours reading about monkeys.. oO
Monkeys? That's different! Haha

Yes hindsight is a wonderful thing, did you do anything else or?!
If nurseing makes you that unhappy that your staying up at nights then perhaps you should try to find somethimg else your intrested in, I'm sure your friends and family will be proud of you no matter what you deicde, but you should do whats right for you.
Thank you.

The more I think over it though I think academic pressure is most to blame.

I have two assignments in and an exam all in the next six weeks. As well as working full time over a fast paced placement. I think that's the issue.
Sounds like you have decided to stick with it (I agree with everyone else it's entirely up to you what you decide and you won't be judged on here either way!). If I'm right and you have decided that then I just wanted to give you a bit of encouragement - you sound to me like someone who can do it.

You know, maybe you're suffering a small bit of temporary depression? Lots of coursework deadlines looming and working full time at the same time can do that to all of us.

Talking is a known great help with that to keep you going and get you through it so hopefully this thread is doing you good. If you keep crying a lot and wanting to be on your own, I'd be tempted to talk to a GP maybe and see if you can get a mild anti depressant prescription (if your GP feels that would be right for you). When I was a student, I had a course of those which helped and I was able to stop them really quickly and not need them again. Appreciate not everyone will have that experience but you might!
Sounds like you have decided to stick with it (I agree with everyone else it's entirely up to you what you decide and you won't be judged on here either way!). If I'm right and you have decided that then I just wanted to give you a bit of encouragement - you sound to me like someone who can do it.

You know, maybe you're suffering a small bit of temporary depression? Lots of coursework deadlines looming and working full time at the same time can do that to all of us.

Talking is a known great help with that to keep you going and get you through it so hopefully this thread is doing you good. If you keep crying a lot and wanting to be on your own, I'd be tempted to talk to a GP maybe and see if you can get a mild anti depressant prescription (if your GP feels that would be right for you). When I was a student, I had a course of those which helped and I was able to stop them really quickly and not need them again. Appreciate not everyone will have that experience but you might!

Yes I did worry about that. I've always been a stressy person. One that over thinks everything and panics if they don't have a plan!

I am going to carry on with it. I look back and think what I have achieved so far. I never thought I was capable of it. Maybe I'm stronger than I give myself credit for, who knows!
This is exactly how I've been feeling the last week or two with my degree - it's so nice to know I'm not the only person who has these feelings.

I'm in my final year of a 4 year degree, completed all my placements and have about 3 months left until it's completed. I've often wondered over the last year or 2 if this is what I really want but buried it away knowing that I've given up a career for this and really I've made my bed and I should just lie in it now, especially as my parents have put up with a lot supporting me through the career change. I've always put my apprehensions down to some particular thing and not the course/career as a whole. Last week though, I found out that I failed my practical exam (it's a clinical discussion based on a client I saw on placement) - it came as such a shock and upset me so much I just wanted to quit there and then. Although I know my feelings were mainly reactionary it did make me seriously sit up and consider things properly for the first time. I have been so stressed and anxious since October with very little let up at any point, and at the moment feel very vulnerable to falling into a real depression. It has made me think about what I really want, why am I really doing this, and is there anything else I can do to get what I want?

On top of my uni stress my parents have also just gone all guns blazing into buying a new house and selling this one which means there is a lot of extra stress at home and worry about where I'll be come July once they've moved away from the city.

As much as I want to give up my course I've decided to take it one step at a time and push on through, although I am extremely far behind with my academic work it is the bit I enjoy the most and so am hoping I can pull myself back on track. What I have done though is take the pressure off myself, knowing that even if I fail I have a back-up plan and even if I pass I may still fall to the back-up plan, essentially it will all get decided later down the track. It is just frustrating not knowing how my life is going to pan out when I know that there are huge changes ahead no matter what.

Ultimately, I've always endeavoured to make sure I'm happy - seeing that as the most important thing in life, I've always said if you're not happy figure out what you need to do to make yourself happy. Sometimes that means putting yourself through a period of unhappiness to get to the final goal of happiness, other times it means throwing yourself into the unknown to get away from a miserable situation.

I'm basically just rambling now and I know I've spilled out a lot of my situation, perhaps unnecessarily so. My main point is just always focus on being happy, and do whatever you need to do to make that happen. It is never too late change your mind about something so even if you decide to continue now it doesn't mean you are committed to having to finish it if these feelings persist. Take it all one step at a time and you will get there eventually xx
This is exactly how I've been feeling the last week or two with my degree - it's so nice to know I'm not the only person who has these feelings.

I'm in my final year of a 4 year degree, completed all my placements and have about 3 months left until it's completed. I've often wondered over the last year or 2 if this is what I really want but buried it away knowing that I've given up a career for this and really I've made my bed and I should just lie in it now, especially as my parents have put up with a lot supporting me through the career change. I've always put my apprehensions down to some particular thing and not the course/career as a whole. Last week though, I found out that I failed my practical exam (it's a clinical discussion based on a client I saw on placement) - it came as such a shock and upset me so much I just wanted to quit there and then. Although I know my feelings were mainly reactionary it did make me seriously sit up and consider things properly for the first time. I have been so stressed and anxious since October with very little let up at any point, and at the moment feel very vulnerable to falling into a real depression. It has made me think about what I really want, why am I really doing this, and is there anything else I can do to get what I want?

On top of my uni stress my parents have also just gone all guns blazing into buying a new house and selling this one which means there is a lot of extra stress at home and worry about where I'll be come July once they've moved away from the city.

As much as I want to give up my course I've decided to take it one step at a time and push on through, although I am extremely far behind with my academic work it is the bit I enjoy the most and so am hoping I can pull myself back on track. What I have done though is take the pressure off myself, knowing that even if I fail I have a back-up plan and even if I pass I may still fall to the back-up plan, essentially it will all get decided later down the track. It is just frustrating not knowing how my life is going to pan out when I know that there are huge changes ahead no matter what.

Ultimately, I've always endeavoured to make sure I'm happy - seeing that as the most important thing in life, I've always said if you're not happy figure out what you need to do to make yourself happy. Sometimes that means putting yourself through a period of unhappiness to get to the final goal of happiness, other times it means throwing yourself into the unknown to get away from a miserable situation.

I'm basically just rambling now and I know I've spilled out a lot of my situation, perhaps unnecessarily so. My main point is just always focus on being happy, and do whatever you need to do to make that happen. It is never too late change your mind about something so even if you decide to continue now it doesn't mean you are committed to having to finish it if these feelings persist. Take it all one step at a time and you will get there eventually xx

You've pretty much worded all my feelings a lot better than I could! I know exactly how you feel. I keep saying to myself, after I qualify I won't have all the essays to do in top of everything! And no matter how awful my day is I will be going back to my family and boyfriend, not an empty room that's an hour away from home.

I agree with you. Being happy is all that matters in the end.
Hey Ayemee, I have been in your situation! I think I've already said to you that I'm studying nursing too and in my final year. In my 2nd year we had all assignments and exams due all in the same week. It was a really stressful time having to revise and write essays as well as being on placement. It made me question whether I wanted to do it or not but I stuck it out and somehow managed to get through it. Now in my final year I found out I failed an essay for the first ever time just last week. I am totally gutted and it's again made me have doubts, but I'm know I'm very nearly at the end of my degree and I will get through it.

I have spoke to a few people who quit their nursing course and the have all said they regret it. Even if you finish your course then decide that you don't wan't to be a nurse, at least you will still have a degree and that's something for you to fall back on.

It's great that you enjoy working in palliative care as it can be very hard going. Just think of the difference you are making to those patient's lives by doing what you are doing.

However, at the end of the day you have to do what's right for you.
Hope you're managing to get past these feelings. If you ever need a chat about it feel free to message me x
Hey Ayemee, I have been in your situation! I think I've already said to you that I'm studying nursing too and in my final year. In my 2nd year we had all assignments and exams due all in the same week. It was a really stressful time having to revise and write essays as well as being on placement. It made me question whether I wanted to do it or not but I stuck it out and somehow managed to get through it. Now in my final year I found out I failed an essay for the first ever time just last week. I am totally gutted and it's again made me have doubts, but I'm know I'm very nearly at the end of my degree and I will get through it.

I have spoke to a few people who quit their nursing course and the have all said they regret it. Even if you finish your course then decide that you don't wan't to be a nurse, at least you will still have a degree and that's something for you to fall back on.

It's great that you enjoy working in palliative care as it can be very hard going. Just think of the difference you are making to those patient's lives by doing what you are doing.

However, at the end of the day you have to do what's right for you.
Hope you're managing to get past these feelings. If you ever need a chat about it feel free to message me x

Thank you so much. I know for sure now that I'm not giving up. I fought hard for my place on the course and I'm over half way now!

Just typing this as I'm about to sleep from my night shift haha :)
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