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I call these lice (actual term is 'running' lice) Try lice and easy from gorgeous guineas? You'd need to do Garry and any pigs he's been in contact with (Minty? Ben? Therefore Dave?) on day 1, then repeat on day 7 and again on day 14
Well, the Lice n Easy arrived this morning. Got Garry and Minty out and put them in the bath (got Minty out in the tube...think he'd be wise to that by now!). Took a bowl with me, but needn't have bothered as neither of them stayed in it. So, they had a shallow luke warm bath while they were shampooed. Got soaked while doing their bellies. Not sure they liked it much, but there was no biting so it couldn't have been that bad!

Rinsed and dried them off. They seem OK now. So, will follow instructions and do them again in a week. Hopefully, that'll sort them!

Ben's having a bit of a scratch...any pointers as to how to spot lice on a white pig?! ::)
poor wee things...... no idea on how to help you with a white piggy... poor you. xx
I can never spot lice on white pigs either ;D As my white pig lives with 3 others, if I see the others have got lice then I automatically assume she has, as they are passed on from pig to pig very easily by sitting next to each other etc
If they are in the same cage or come in contact they ALL need to be treated or they will reinfest each other. Also, make sure you cleaned the cage and washed or tossed everything or they could reinfect themselves.
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