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Mites & Lice

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sophie1307
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I haven't had a problem with Mites and/or Lice yet but I was wondering, what causes it?
I heard it can be expensive to treat if you get a breakout. Just wondered if there are ways to prevent it? :)

Sophie xx
mites can be expensive to treat as it's ivermectin from a vet you need and you know what vets are like with prices ::) ::) ::) ::)

as for lice you need shampoo from gorgeous guineas, and that is an average/good price, plus you get advice, the only annoying thing is having to bath the pigs every week - especially if you have a lot to bath!

I think lice comes from hay? as for mites people say they are always on pigs and flare up when a pig is stressed
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