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Mimi has lost weight

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maryh might be able to help you with a vet in suffolk. here in australia you're lucky if you get a guinea pig out of 100 vets. they are very rare and far between. same as bunnies. vets in australia are taught about GP's and bunnies as lab animals only, and sadly as GP's and bunnies are cheap to buy 9 out of 10 people will not take their sick GP or bunny to the vet. they just let it die and replace it with another. tis a sad sick cruel world we live in. though mind you with the lack of knowledge by the vets it would be a waste of money going to the vets. we have lost 3 guinea pigs to vets and their lack of knowledge. good luck finding a vet who knows GP's and who you can trust.
hugs and cuddles to you :smitten: :smitten:
thank u.

i feel bad because i feel i should of got him an xray but at £70 i cant really afford it and the vet said it would be pointless...if only i could stand giving things injections and things i'd become a vet and help people with their cavys...but am a nutter and cant do blood! :-\

edit...nutter in a good way. :embarassed:
I am very sorry to hear of your tragic loss. Our thoughts are with you.
If you ever need to talk don't hesitate to contact me.
You will find this forum invaluable. Have a look at the list of rodentologists under the health and illness topic, somebody might know of a good vet around your area otherwise take a look at the courses available at the Cambridgeshire Cavy Trust. My partner and I are hopefully going to enrol this year. x
Sorry to hear about Mimi, coming to this post a little late (only just seen it.)

Sounds like the wee girl had more wrong with her than first thought. Ive been in that situation too. Thinking of you at this difficult time. x
you have courses available on guinea pigs too in the UK? why on why is australia so far behind! this is so depressing! i would love to be able to do a course on this magical critters but i can't see that happening in my life time. i am so jealsous! :'( :'( :'(
thanks...i think am still in shock though! i keep thinking i can hear him squeaking at me when i move things in my room :'( he's been gone since 6pm and i just want him back.

i wish i had known about this site before xavier got put to sleep, i keep thinking what if it wasnt cancer...what if they could of done more to help him- bit pointless now...he's gone.
it's never pointless, it is all part of the grieving process. we had to allow one of our dogs and one of our GP's to sleep for ever in 2006 and even now we think did we do the right thing? was there anything else we could have done. think of the good times you shared and know mimi is at peace running free. keep her in your heart and she will always be with you. she knew you loved her and she had a happy life with you. keep your chin up and take care :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
nutty_lou said:
thanks...i think am still in shock though! i keep thinking i can hear him squeaking at me when i move things in my room :'( he's been gone since 6pm and i just want him back.

i wish i had known about this site before xavier got put to sleep, i keep thinking what if it wasnt cancer...what if they could of done more to help him- bit pointless now...he's gone.

i know how you feel, you blame yourself for every little thing. when Mimi went on Friday I found it theraputic to get all her pictures printed out and frame them. My partner and I also did a list of everything she used to do, all her traits. In the end we where laughing and thinking of all the good times we had with her and the joy she bought to use. I bought a little journal and decided to place everything in it. Have a go.

SunshineAndTwinkle said:
Sorry to hear about Mimi, coming to this post a little late (only just seen it.)

Sounds like the wee girl had more wrong with her than first thought. Ive been in that situation too. Thinking of you at this difficult time. x

Thank you for your kind thoughts x

choloe said:
you have courses available on guinea pigs too in the UK? why on why is australia so far behind! this is so depressing! i would love to be able to do a course on this magical critters but i can't see that happening in my life time. i am so jealsous! :'( :'( :'(

yes, thank goodness we have people that take interest and concern about these lovely creatures. you might be able to do distance learning?
i am doing so...i collect books and put pictures and things what make me smile in them. unfortunately only having xavier 5 months and expecting to have him alot longer i didnt take many pics of him but i've got a few- thankfully.

you're right about the blaming thing...yes i blame myself for not being paid till the end of the month and i should of taken him there sooner, i blame the vets for making me see 2 different vets, i blame the store i brought him from- he was obviously ill for a while as he never got on with other guinea pigs...

just a shame it was today...i was at my nanas funeral earlier today then my piggy goes too lol its been a bad day.
Oh I am so very sorry.
I wonder how this life can justify being so unfair. :'(
It's weird 'cos I lost my nanna this time last year as well.
Do these things happen for a reason....I just don't know.
well including xavier, in the last 2 years i've lost 3 grandparents and a fiancee...yes life is cruel but thats why i got my guinea so i could love something and have him love me.

i've just heard back from the private breeder...she's willing for me to come and have a look at her 3 boys! hopefully none will be like xavier or i'll break down again! but because she knows my mum she says i can have them for free- she also understands that in the last 3 vet trips (in one week) i've spent over £50-£90 on xavier...but he's more than worth it. she's also said i can have either one (which isnt fair on him) 2 which then leaves the other brother out, or even 3 of her babies! am soo excited. and although no other guinea pig could ever be as special as xavier he can talk to the other guinea pigs in heaven and be proud of his mum and how he's trained me!

night all...early one for me...its been a long day.
oh good news.
Let me know the outcome.
I'm sure Xavier is proud of you already.
we thought the same thing as you both in 2006, in janaury we had to let one of our dogs sleep for ever as she had cancer of the spleen she was 14. 5 days later our other dog went to the vet to have teeth surgery, fainted and his heart stopped and couldn't be revived, he was 16. august 3rd 2006 i lost my mother, august 15th 2006 took thumper our white dwarf 7 year old bunny to the vet where he struggled, fainted and heart stopped. then september 9th my husband's father passed away, september 27th we had to let choloe our GP not wake up from surgery as she has a tumour wrapped around her little bladder. we went through so much heartache and pain that year and we always wonder why we had to suffer so much that year? still haunted as to whether with our dog whether we should have gone with the surgery-she had a 25% chance of survival and recovery.
as for long distance learning would a UK campus have aussie students?is there anyway of finding out? vets here are worse, one vet when petal was sick asked me whether she had thrown up? one vet treated our dog for bad teeth, wasted 6 weeks when the problem was cancer of the spleen. then with zoe the vet was treating her for diabeties, when it was a mass on her uterus. good luck with your new babies when you get them. hugs and cuddles to you and yours. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
lol i'll need luck and an extendable cage! but luckily with the summer i can get a massive run for them...i wish xavier had made it to the summer...he would of loved it.

i think if all that happened hadnt then i wouldnt of dreamed of getting a guinea pig! so i'm kinda glad i guess in a way that it did, i'm a stronger person for it and i've come to adore guinea pigs!

sorry for your losses.

you should defo look in to distance learning, i only work in a college or i'd try and help, also the college i work in has only just got wireless--- they're a bit behind the times thank god we're not using dial up for 2,500 students and 400 staff!
even if i joined a UK or USA campus, the training i would get on guinea pigs would suit UK and USA conditions which has been pointed out to me more than once is different to the climate here in australia. and not only that simple things like timothy grass hay, i have been trying to get some of this for zoe on advice from maryh's vet and no one here has heard of it. they stare at me as if i am an alien. i will look into colleges and campuses here in aussie but i don't if there will be anything available.
bet your babies will love their run in the summer. i am so sick of summer it has been so hot this year! bring on winter i say! now now now all you UK and USA people don't jump all over me i know your winter has been extremely cold and you can't wait for summer. i just like winter you can always find ways of keeping warm but in summer especially when on depression medication it is hard to keep cool. hugs and cuddles to you and yours. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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