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Mimi has lost weight

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Dic a Dom

One of my sows, Mimi, has lost a lot of weight in the last days and I don't know why. She is still eating her daily veg but can't say if she's eating her dry food. She is definetly not her usual self as she just wants to curl up by the fire and sleep in her cuddle cup. I am trying to feed her some Recovery but she doesn't seem that interested in it. She still takes the odd broccoli etc from me but I am getting more worried.What should I do? :'(
How much did she weigh ?
How much is she now ?

Have you checked her teeth ? :)
If this were my pig .I would get her to a vet to have the teeth and mouth checked.It is often a dental/mouth/throat problem when piggies lose a lot of weight over a short period,and the fact she is not eating properly would point to teeth as well.I hope that it is a dental problem that can be dealt with,but sometimes anorexia can be indicative of some underlying problem.Vet needed asap.
She was quite plump when we rescued her and now she weighs 900grams compared to Rosie who weighs 1100grams

My oh just been out to get some grass and she is munching that at the mo but although she usually eats until everything is gone she seems to take a few and then go back to curling up.

I have tried to check her teeth but I can't see anything as she squirms a lot.
I think she is around 3 years old.

I have lost one boar to teeth problems before and see the signs haunting me again. I am really not at all confident with our vet as they don't have experience dealing with guinea pigs. I have had so much bad advice from them :(. I would prefer to take her to somebody with the background knowledge but around here we have no one :'(
Awwww hun (((((HUGS)))))) 0:) :smitten:
I have a 3 year old piggy and if i ever lost her that isnt old age then id be sooo upset too (touch wood) nothing happens :smitten:
Thanks. I am really worried and don't know what to do for the best.
I think a visit to the vet would be best.
You could always take a list of any suggestions made here, to ask about.
Good luck. :)
Does sound like a dental prob.I would have the teeth checked as soon as you can.In the meantime,keep up the syringe feeding and give plenty of plain water by syringe as well.Have you tried slicing veggies into matchstick slithers and placing them well back in her mouth?.They will sometimes chew when you do this.If they just spit it out dentals are looking more obvious. Do you have any rehydration satchets in the house?.If so maake one up as per instruction on the packet,and give little and often.It is possible that the lethargy is caused by dehydration.This can occur very quickly in pigs that are not eating properly because they do get a lot of fluid from the veggies.

3 is only just middle aged as a lot of gps these days live till 6,7 and beyond.

Ring around all the vets,it would be worth travelling a little further if you can,to get a good vet.What area are you in?,someone on the forum may know of a vet in your area.
I am taking her in tomorrow to get checked. I am feeding her the recovery satches at present.
What is the best way to syringe?
I live in North Wales near to Caernarfon and don't mind travelling at all to get her the best care.
Use either a one ml or 2 ml syringe.You could cut the nozzle off to make a bigger hole,but that is up to you.Make the feed like a thickish soup.Put the end of the syringe into the side of the mouth,not the front.Push about 0.4 mls in.Let the piggy have time to swallow before pushing more food in.I find that giving about quarter to half a ml of plain water after every 2 mls of food,helps the pig to swallow.

I do not personally feed just C Care,but it is o.k.to do that if you wish.I prefer to put some dry mix in a coffee grinder and make a fine powder,mix with warm water to a thin paste,then add one or teaspoonfuls of CC to this.The jars of organic baby ourees are easy for the piggies to swallow as well.You can give this straight from the jar,but I mix in with the other food.Sometimes if you make the mix thicker the piggy will eat it off a teaspoon.ILt is just trial and error really ,because some pigs will relish the feed and grab the syringe,other pigs will just resist.
Good luck with this.
Many many thanks for yor advice.
I really don't know what do if something happens to her. :'(
I will keep you posted
Thanks again
Sera x
David Thomas (rhondda south wales) Eugene Tiltman( west Sussex) or Chriss Slade (reading). are recommended by the CCT for doing dental work without anaesthetic, there are also vets in Reading that will as well :)

They work under the guidance of local vets and refer when necessary.

This was posted in an earlier thread, can only recommend the ones in W.Sussex and Reading, don't know David T or how long he's been doing it, if its who I'm thinking of then quite some time now ::)
Mimi went to the vet today and was diagnosed as having a urine infection. The vet checked her teeth, throat and mouth and stated that the teeth was ok and there was no ulcers. The vet checked her eyes and ears and found her bright and alert. She noted that the weight was ok and then checked her backend and Mimi squeeked so she diagnosed her as having the infection. Mimi has had an injection of baytril and we have to give her 0.2ml dose each day included in her critical care. The vet sugested that if we are not happy we are to take her back for a blood sample. I am not confident if this is the right diagnoses, has anyone had this before?
Unless she has been squeeking/straining when urinating,I doubt this is UTI but of course you cannot rule it out.Did the vet check her urine because that would show if there is any infection or blood.

0.2ml of Baytril is too low.The dose should be 0.4 ml per day.If it is UTI Septrin would be a better antibiotic,although if the infection is mild ,Baytril will often work.

Diabetis can cause weight loss,I take it the vet checked for this?.

Have you checked her skin thoroughly because mites can also cause a weight loss.

I do not worm my piggies routinely,but in a case of unexplained weightloss when everything else has been ruled out,I give a dose of Panacur.

You will be able to get Panacur from the vet,but there have been recent posts on the forum about a fairly new herbal wormer.Karen would be able to advise you re this.

I would not add the Baytril to the feed,give it seperately by syringe.
i really hope you get mimi sorted out. if you're not happy with the treatment always get a second opinion. this is your baby we're talking about so if in doubt get it checked out. perhaps one of the vets karen suggested. or as you have in the UK a rescue centre if they have vet care, i am in oz so not sure about these rescue centres so many mention. if you are concerned get a second opinion. hug and cuddles and please keep us updated. :smitten: :smitten:
I am not confident at all with the diagnosis so my OH and I are going to phone around all the vets to see if we can find a decent rodentologist. I have seen 2 that are about 3 hours drive from us up the coast and we are hopefully going to take her this weekend if they can book us in asap.

My OH agrees to syringe the baytril directly and not include it in the food as pescribed. Would you reccomend that we up the dose to 0.4ml from tomorrow then? No the vet did not check her urine nor did she check for diabities.

I forgot to mention that the vet also took her temp and said that she was cold. I have set up a heater next to her and given her loads of towels and blankets to cosy up to.

She has successfully taken a syringe full of critical care and some water tonight. Before going to bed we are going to give her a little more just in case, how much would you recommend in a day?

I also made a mad dash to Tesco and Morrisons to get some organic baby food. She wasn't impressed with it so I didn't force her to eat it. She has perked up a bit and started to wonder around the room but I know for a fact that she is not 100%

I have been studying her today and I haven't seen her weeing or passing any feaces.

I am such a pessimist and always seem to expect the worst. I just want a magic wand and make her better. :'(
Piggies who are not eating at all by themselves need at least 25-30 mls of syringe feed per day.

I would be concerned that she is not urinating or passing any pellets.Try and get as much fluid and feed into her as you can.Do you have any satchets of rehydration powder?,if so,make one up as per instructions on the packet,and syringe it into her little and often.About 2 mls every hour.I think you are going to need to give her fluid during the night,and a few mls of feed.

What area are you in?,maybe one of the other members knows of a better vet in your area.
wishing you and mimi luck. hoping she picks up for you. and good luck in finding a GP vet. here in australia you get one GP vet in 100 vets. hoping you find a vet you like and trust! come on mimi you get better for mummy! hugs and cuddles. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :) :)
just sending little Mimi some love hope she is feeling better soon,i know whats its like not to have a good guinea vets its a nightmare :(


Thank you all for your kind wishes but we lost Mimi late afternoon yesterday. We are absolutely devastated beyond belief. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Only just seen this thread, so sorry you lost her :'(
RIP little Mimi 0:)
oh i am so sorry to hear mimi has passed on. but at least she is at peace and running free. watching over you, playing with piggies gone before her. 0:) 0:) 0:)i am so sorry for you! :'( :'( :'(i know what it is like to lose guinea pigs due to bad vet advice or no advice with most of them. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: all i can say is RIP little mimi 0:) 0:) 0:) and hugs and cuddles to you. :smitten: :smitten: do you have other piggies? while you think of mimi and the good times she will never leave you she'll always be in your heart. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: take care sending hugs and prayers to you. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thank you all for your kind words and wishes.
We buried Mimi today under her own tree named little white star. We thought that would be fitting as she is now a star in heaven looking down on us all. She was placed next to Domi who we lost in October last year. We are still trying to come to terms with Domi's death and for Mimi to go to in a space of three months is just so unberable.
But we are still blessed to have four little ones with us and we are trying to be strong for them.
I am just so angry with the sheer ignorance of our vets. They probably think that they are just rodents but to us they are our babies. It will be so hard tomorrow to get back in the swing of day to day life. Knowing that I am to come home to another empty wooden house is so unfair but yet again to come home to four little squeeky hungry mouth will ease the pain.
I will undoubtbly go through this pain again but to have that one moment with these adorable creatures makes it seem worth it.
i know how you feel i lost my first and only guinea pig today, i've left him with the vets because i couldnt bear to bring him home on my own. my thoughts are with you.

but i know what you mean about vets- the first one told me xavier would be ok it was a slight swelling, the next vet i saw told me that it was a large tumour which was probably cancerous. they didnt even give me the option of feeding him myself...they just told me to carry on as normal, i feel bad because i should of tried harder but i trusted the people with the degree!

i've already looked in to getting 2 possibly 3 new brothers...which will be nice but i will not be using that vet again. unfortunately i dont know of many good vets in Suffolk
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