About 30 minutes into bonding this morning... I do believe it's going well!
I opened up both their grates into the neutral area, thinking they would both run in there and duke it out, but blaze ran into bandit's side, completely ignored bandit and started eating all the hay like he didn't have exactly all the same stuff on his side! Bandit was hiding out in a draped towel and it was like they didnt know or care the other was there.
Then blaze found bandit, humped bandit, but then bandit turned around and humped blaze, there were some circular chasing, teeth chattering, chin ups, and that kind of constant small squeaking i always thought was the "ok, I'm submissive" sound. But BOTH of them were both teeth chattering while simultaneousy making the submissive vocalizations.
But luckily I appear to have ADD guinea pigs because the intense moments only lasted a couple of minutes and both piggies gpt distracted and started exploring the other side of the wall from their normal sides.
Bandit would occsionally go seek out Blaze and they would kind of pose or chatter, for a few seconds, but both of them seem more interested in other things.
Now Blaze is still eating like he's been starved for a week, despite that he's had an entire bin of timothy, bermuda, AND orchard hay, same as Bandit. And Bandit had decided to take a nap in the big red tunnel on the right.
So as of this sentence it has been about 50 minutes and only a couple of tense moments throughout all that. I am cautiously optimistic! I'm hoping that going back to Bandit's norm space of 30 sq ft will help his impactions too. (He's been in 8-9sq ft for a week initially because we made a smaller portable cage so that we could move him around the house to hang out with us so he wouldnt be lonely, then he was back in the big pen but smaller space due to the divide and creating a neutral area for the bonding).