Merab's Herd

Sorry to hear that Phoebe's weight is still giving you cause for concern. The earlier 40g loss you mentioned isn't hugely significant on its own, how much is she down now in total? Could it just be that she is eating less fresh juicy summer grass or something like that?
Glad she is taking the syringe feed well though and I hope if there is anything going on, your vet can work it out.
Sorry to hear that Phoebe's weight is still giving you cause for concern. The earlier 40g loss you mentioned isn't hugely significant on its own, how much is she down now in total? Could it just be that she is eating less fresh juicy summer grass or something like that?
Glad she is taking the syringe feed well though and I hope if there is anything going on, your vet can work it out.
She’s down a total of 70 - 80 g in about 2 months.
Not seriously worrying but concerning enough, especially as this is how Jemimah’s tumour first manifested itself before it could be felt.
I know other factors could contribute such as 2 car journeys and a week in strange cage.
Lower temperatures.
No more grass.

We have an appointment this afternoon with the vet so we’ll see what they say.
Phoebe is a bit gassy and food doesn’t appear to be moving through as well as it should.
She had a very thorough examination, despite being very wriggly.
Protested loudly at the injection of Metaclopromide ( ?).
I’m to continue with syringe feeding.
Vet suspects it’s dental as there nothing else to be found.
Phoebe is booked in on Tuesday morning for a proper dental check so hopefully that is the problem and it will be dealt with.

I gave her a syringe feed when we got home and was rewarded with being peed on.
There was also poo in the towel which was good to see.

Fortunately she’s still young and healthy so should be fine on Tuesday.
Slave is going to be stressed that day!

Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Fingers crossed for Tuesday. If it’s teeth I hope it’s nothing too major.
Good girl Phoebe, peeing on your slave 😉 now be a good girl and take your syringe, we don’t want that hot bod losing its attraction 😘
This morning she fought me for every ml of syringe feed and deposited a vast quantity of poop into the towel .
They are looking more normal so the stuff she got yesterday to kick start her guts is definitely working.
At least this morning I didn’t get weed on - unlike yesterday (twice!)
She is eating for herself so I will continue with a syringe feed every few hours but not worry too much if she refuses to take much.
Dish of grated carrot and oats in the cage as an extra boost.
I can see Micah topping the scales at 1500g as he loves to help Phoebe by licking her eyes and eating her food!
Phoebe is back from the vet.
She handled the anaesthetic well and recovered quickly.
There was a tiny spur on her molars so that’s been dealt with. Vet not sure if that’s the only issue but time will tell.
They would like her to get to 1.3kg!

I did say that her normal weight has always been around the 1.2kg mark so they’ll be happy with that.
Back home and in the cage she was soon tucking into hay and veggies and wobbling around.
Hopefully by tomorrow she’ll be over the anaesthetic and eating well.

Feeling very relieved - so is the bank account!
Phoebe is back from the vet.
She handled the anaesthetic well and recovered quickly.
There was a tiny spur on her molars so that’s been dealt with. Vet not sure if that’s the only issue but time will tell.
They would like her to get to 1.3kg!

I did say that her normal weight has always been around the 1.2kg mark so they’ll be happy with that.
Back home and in the cage she was soon tucking into hay and veggies and wobbling around.
Hopefully by tomorrow she’ll be over the anaesthetic and eating well.

Feeling very relieved - so is the bank account!

glad she’s tucking into her hay and veggies :) to Phoebe xx
My beautiful Phoebe has been trying very hard to put all her lost 100g back on in one day.
She’s been stuffing herself with hay and is brighter than she has been for days.
Will weigh her tomorrow and see how her efforts are paying off.


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Good girl Phoebe. So adorable!, I could just sit and watch her sleep... :wub::coat:
All piggies weighed and checked. All weights stable - Phoebe hasn’t gained anything since Thursday but she hasn’t lost anything either and her appetite is very healthy.
Cage clean.
Hay house restored.
Yet another new paper bag of hay to replace the one that was new on Tuesday.
Micah already working very hard to create a back door.


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So glad Phoebe is holding her weight x Come on Micah nosh your way through that bag 😂 🚪
Cage clean and health check today.
All piggies keeping steady weights.
Phoebe is gaining weight very slowly but she’s so active that it’s not surprising.
Priscilla finally had her nails trimmed so the neighbours all know we horribly torture her.
Micah decided he would snuggle into my lap today.

They decided to ‘help’ with the cage clean so some parts were poop scooped twice!


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Priscilla finally had her nails trimmed so the neighbours all know we horribly torture her.
Betsy says she's going to report your Slave to the GPU Priscilla. She hates having her nails clipped too. Some of them are curly and next to impossible to clip.
Not only does Priscilla have an odd curly nail but she also has 2 black nails.
As she screams and jerks I never know if she’s just being a diva or if I’ve hurt her!