Merab's Herd

Some Jemimah spam.
My cute teddy girl has been losing weight despite eating well, weeing and pooping well and behaving perfectly normally.
Something was amiss but nothing I could put my finger on, so yesterday we went to the vet.
Not a good diagnosis- she has a mass in her abdomen, highly likely attached to her intest and kidney.
The best way forward given her age and the high risk / trauma of surgery is to keep a careful eye on her. Give her high calorie treats to help keep weight up and give her lots of happy ‘todays’.
The vet will give me painkillers if she needs them otherwise we wait until her quality of life diminishes to the point I need to let her go.
The grieving has started for my cute teddy.


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Some Jemimah spam.
My cute teddy girl has been losing weight despite eating well, weeing and pooping well and behaving perfectly normally.
Something was amiss but nothing I could put my finger on, so yesterday we went to the vet.
Not a good diagnosis- she has a mass in her abdomen, highly likely attached to her intest and kidney.
The best way forward given her age and the high risk / trauma of surgery is to keep a careful eye on her. Give her high calorie treats to help keep weight up and give her lots of happy ‘todays’.
The vet will give me painkillers if she needs them otherwise we wait until her quality of life diminishes to the point I need to let her go.
The grieving has started for my cute teddy.
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear your sad news, sending big hugs to you :hug: I’m so shocked, she’s such a beauty, oh you must be devastated. Give her a big cuddle from me and Ted. I prey you have lots and lots of happy pain free time together x 😢
Oh no, poor Jemimah, I'm so sorry. This news must be so difficult for you to take in. I hope there will be many, many "happy todays" for her still to come. I know you will make the most of each one.
I am ever so sorry to hear the diagnosis @Merab's Slave but at least Jemima doesn't know what you do. This awful period of grieving does give you the chance to make plenty of happy memories and get loads more fuzzy bum photos of the beautiful lady. I am sure you will give her the best quality of life and she will live out her days in luxury and comfort (and giving you the run around) with her chums. Huge hugs xx
Oh god, so sorry to read this, poor Jemimah, I’m so sorry @Merab's Slave. Hope you’ve got lots more pain free time together and you won’t have to think of that day for a long time. Hugs from me and the piggles x
Jemimah seems to be taking longer naps now but she’s still a happy girl and she still wheeks if she thinks it will get her veggies.
She loves Oxbow Critical Care with a bit of banana mashed into it so I like to give her a bit most days.
The others also like it and love to help when I put little dishes in the cage


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Oh my heart is breaking for you, I just caught up with your thread. I am so sorry. I’m holding you both in my heart, and dreaming of many many many happy todays for you gorgeous girl. 💕
Jemimah enjoying the new hay box
View attachment 143227

I hope she appreciates the sacrifice we make just so they could have a new box
View attachment 143222

Can’t miss out the others - piggies just chilling
View attachment 143225Phoebe
View attachment 143226Micah
View attachment 143223Priscilla (whose fur is now tidier than my lockdown hair!)
Gosh poor slaves I bet it’s been hard work getting through those eggs! Aw, they are all looking gorgeous especially Jemimah 💕 Hope she’s doing alright x
Thanks @Bill & Ted
At the moment she’s happy enough in herself and behaving normally
She still wheeks for veggies and purrs happily when she gets her favourites.
She’s sleeping more but still gets around the cage.
She is still losing weight but I’m only checking every few days - I don’t want to stress her out.
How many piggies can you fit in a box of hay?


Hiding while the cage was being cleaned.
All piggies weighed and checked over.

How Priscilla managed to get such a knot of fur on her tummy I will never know - but we had fun as I tried to explain the concept of lying still on her back so I could cut it off.
Managed to removed the dried lump of recovery food from Micah’s nose.

Jemimah is holding her weight steady which is good.
I think I know where all her lost weight has gone - Micah.
He weighed in at a whopping 1430g today.
I think the conversation was going something like this:
Priscilla; If you’re not feeling well Jemimah shall I do the veggie ‘wheek’ today?
Jemimah; Well ok, if you want to try it, go ahead.
Priscilla; Wheek! Wheek!
Jemimah; No Priscilla, that’s not how you do it. First you have to stand straight, take a deep breath and then wheek with everything you’ve got. Like this - WHEEK!
All piggies weighed and checked today - nail trimming will have to be done soon.
Micah, Priscilla and Phoebe are all much the same weight which pleases me as there have been a few extra calories in the food because of Jemimah.
Jemimah now weighs just over 1kg and when I hold her I can feel the mass in her abdomen now.
She’s still eating well and happy in herself so hoping this will continue and that she will simply not wake up one day not having suffered at all.
All piggies weighed and checked today - nail trimming will have to be done soon.
Micah, Priscilla and Phoebe are all much the same weight which pleases me as there have been a few extra calories in the food because of Jemimah.
Jemimah now weighs just over 1kg and when I hold her I can feel the mass in her abdomen now.
She’s still eating well and happy in herself so hoping this will continue and that she will simply not wake up one day not having suffered at all.

I’m pleased that Jemimah is oblivious to what is going on, and she is still happy in herself. Long may it last.
All piggies weighed and checked today - nail trimming will have to be done soon.
Micah, Priscilla and Phoebe are all much the same weight which pleases me as there have been a few extra calories in the food because of Jemimah.
Jemimah now weighs just over 1kg and when I hold her I can feel the mass in her abdomen now.
She’s still eating well and happy in herself so hoping this will continue and that she will simply not wake up one day not having suffered at all.
Aw, poor little gorgeous Jemimah, luckily she doesn’t know, so life goes on x
Aww I just caught up with the news about Jemimah, I hope to god she stays pain free ☹️ Sending massive hugs to you both ❤️