Merab's Herd

Ted says he’s sick of that slave forcing him to eat mush! At the moment I’m a bit depressed with my toothes, they are giving me jip and my tummy wants hay but I just can’t eat it 😫 Your sweet photos Jemimah have cheered me up no end 😍🥰😍
Jemimah sends you lots of love 💕 and piggy kisses💋 and she hopes you feel better soon.
Some piggy spam from afternoon veggie time


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Dear Aunty @VickiA , we want to say thank you for coming to visit us today and helping our slave trim our nails.
Priscilla is sorry for being a bit of a diva and tossing her head and trying to nibble you.
Our slave enjoyed your visit too.
We hope you will come to visit us again soon.
Love and licks from Jemimah, Priscilla, Phoebe and Micah
Dear Aunty @VickiA , we want to say thank you for coming to visit us today and helping our slave trim our nails.
Priscilla is sorry for being a bit of a diva and tossing her head and trying to nibble you.
Our slave enjoyed your visit too.
We hope you will come to visit us again soon.
Love and licks from Jemimah, Priscilla, Phoebe and Micah
I am very interested in the idea of Aunty @VickiA helping with nail trims! Clover just wont give front paws. Even one of the vet nurses sent her home front nails untrimmed, she scrunches her toes into a tight angry fist and wheeks like she's being murdered then flails around like she might hurt herself... does Aunty @VickiA want to come to my house and show us how to do Clover's front paws and also the "dark nail cage" with Ollie and Tallulah?
PS I can make home made mince pies and send Aunty Vicki home with a bottle of prosecco!
I am very interested in the idea of Aunty @VickiA helping with nail trims! Clover just wont give front paws. Even one of the vet nurses sent her home front nails untrimmed, she scrunches her toes into a tight angry fist and wheeks like she's being murdered then flails around like she might hurt herself... does Aunty @VickiA want to come to my house and show us how to do Clover's front paws and also the "dark nail cage" with Ollie and Tallulah?
PS I can make home made mince pies and send Aunty Vicki home with a bottle of prosecco!
We could have a nail trimming session - bring all piggies :))
I am glad the mini herd enjoyed their mani and pedi. They were, as you’d expect, utterly gorgeous and really very well behaved, bearing in mind that a complete stranger was messing with their tootsies.
@PigglePuggle I’m a have a go hero with a pair of clippers, but best hold the Prosecco until after the job is done 😂
Bill and Ted say “Hello ladies, you’re looking good there” 💕 our slave needs to get her act together, the place is a pigsty!
Aw of course I remember, Micah was tiny and recovering from his neutering surgery and abscess and he was just a teeny tiny handful of fluff needing lots of cuddles and extra coriander snacks according to piggy daddy! So lovely he is such a big healthy boar now and so well bonded with his gorgeous ladies, I'm sure he knows it was well worth the operation and the wait and hopefully majestic Queen Jemimah appreciates him a bit more now he's so splendid and muscular! X
Went to feed the piggies.
Do you want food?
Whatever, says Micah, barely lifting his head. No response at all from 3 sleepy girls.
However....... the veggie bowl appears and suddenly there’s 4 starving piggies all scrabbling to get at the veggies. Micah literally climbed over Priscilla to get to them.