meet up in Scotland- anyone fancy it?

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So hoping I'll be able to come, Jo, as I've been looking forward to it, but my mother, who was visiting my sister (to give me a wee break!) has been taken to hospital in Ayrshire. Not sure how long she'll be staying with my sister when she gets out or when she'll be coming home (meaning I'll be on call again...) Fingers crossed...
Sorry I wont be able to make the meet up tomorrow. Hope it goes well and give fred a cuddle from me...x
My mother is still in hospital in Ayr, near where my sister lives, and I visited her yesterday, so can come today. The cupcakes are made and waiting to be iced, so all going well I'll be there around 12. Looking forward to meeting everyone, humans and piggies! :)
Does anyone who is coming have rabbits? I bought some food cubes, but they're rabbit ones (stupid!) and I'd be happy to give them to anyone who'd like them. Let me know before 9.50 if you can.
I've got an afternoon sitting in a soft play then Frankie and Benny's to look forward to! I'd rather be cuddling guinea pigs and chatting pig stuff! Have a fab time today and please lets arrange another one soon! x
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