Meet my new pig...

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We went shopping today and mum agreed I could have a quick look in the pet shop... of course straight over to the pigs and I saw a very cute baby pig...

He is a tiny Himalayan x Abby :smitten: he is soooo adorable!

I feel like a spoiled brat... I had to beg and cry so I feel very stupid right now! :-\

A few names I have thought of are Sam and Sox but still not sure... he isnt very tame and is a bit fast... He had a play with Wilson and all seemed to go well :) But he will be sleeping alone tonight to make sure there are no disagreements :)

Also he doesnt really like being touced between his ears 98) Ooh and his poops are TINY! ;D lol And he only weighs .44Kg! He is sooooo tiny ;D

But anyway here he is :)


Sharing some food with Wilson :)


Just got home :)


From the top :)
aww hes just GORGEOUS!

all that begging and crying paid off ^^ i would have done the same for a pig that cute 0:)

good luck with your new babe! xx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Ow thankyou! It was a bit embarrasing crying in the shopping centre but it was def worth it ::)

He isnt really shy, he is very easy to handle but although he gets a bit scared in his cage he doesnt go under his house ;D

I asked what sex it was and the lady goes its a girl... she has a quick look... 'its a girl!' then she pushed it and oh! its a boy ;D
I checked myself also definate boy :)

Aww cant wait to see him tomorow ;D
You said you had a surprise but WOW what a beautiful surprise :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

He's gorgeous :smitten:

I wonder if i pull a tantrum like that do you reckon i'd get a new piggie ::) probably a divorce >:(
;D Glynis! Lol well with the tantrum I have promised to do alot more housework and if I do anything mum will get rid of all my pets and send me to my dads to live :( So i really got to stick to it this time :) lol

Everytime I walk up there he has his face planted in his bowl ;D
How old do you think he is? He fits easily into one hand and is much smaller than Wilson :)
A new piggie with babies on the way! Sooo jealous! You have a great mum! I'm an adult now but as a kid I think my dad would have gone crazy! Do you live on a farm or small holding?

Ooh I forgot.... He's a cutie :smitten: :smitten:
omg thats so cute and i bet willows will love ot have a firend to play with again
:) I think I'm driving mum a bit 98) lol with my mini-farm

We just live in a normal house :) they live in my bedroom in a piggy mansion ;D
Aww yer Wilson was getting so lonley... I bet he loves the company apart from the fact the new piggy steals his food ;D

More pics on their way ;)
Sounds like my house! Our house is a smal new build so I have 2 bedrooms. The pigs are in the box room which must only be 8' x 6' and they are in a 5 x 2 (or will be!) and I also have a computer desk and me to squeeze in! My dad said this morning he is going to evict me!
oh i know i have 8 piggies with more on the way and a cat too my dad saidi cant get no more cages
I'm not allowed to tell my dad I got this new pig... lol
Might have to disquise him as Cindy's baby... although he would need a diaper so as not to get her fat again 2funny nah ill just hide him ;)
Aww! He's gorgeous! Definitely fabulous pigture of him and Wilson.
And, just checking, are you POSITIVE that he is a boy?

And I thought we only pulled those kind of stunts!

Fingers crossed he won't notice :) If your room is anything like mine though my dad daren't venture in!
;D I dont live with my dad so I'm safe ;D

Yep kimmie I am real sure :) he has a dot in his Y I havent put pressure there yet but dont want to stress him too much on his first night :) Ill have a good inspection in the morning... he is sleeping alone so it doesnt matter :)

Ill try get pics of it to be tripple sure! lol
He's so pretty! I bet you didn't realize how small piggies can be until you got him. You're probably gonna flip when you see new babies ;D

Hehe yep piggy-trains all over the couch ;D
When I first got Wilson he was that big! They grow so fast! But ive never seen a piggy smaller than him :smitten:

Ill try get those piggy lips Glynis :) I tried looking at them and theyre mini lips :-* he is soooo sute!

So any name suggestions? We want somthing original and weird in a way ;D
oh my! he just keept falling off the table :o of course I am trying to stop him and catch him everytime!
When I got wilson he jumped of my bed and then learnt not to do that but this guy keeps backing up ;D crazy baby :smitten:
aww thanks! I'm so glad I bought him home! he is so livley and affectionate! lol

...Aww now he has found a comfy place to be propped on me :smitten: he is being very talkative, very active... oh and he has a small o\bowel too :-\

he is a very determined lil fella ;D and clumsy too!
His ears are all propped up and look 2 sizes too big ;D
his ears are huge ;D and theyre all propped up ;D

hehe I was trying to type and he was crawling all over me ;D

then he peed, got scared and it splatted everywhere! while i was cleaning up he kept slipping near the edge of the table.. he fell onto the soft floor and got pee all over it :( I hope he is alright... he seems to be very clumsy and is falling off places quite a bit.. see how he is tomorow though... it may just be the stress of a new home and that dredful car trip ;D crazy driver ;D
o o o cute! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: so you have 3 with what i think there is to come.... 3 or 4!
you think she will have 3-4 bubs?

that means ill have 6-7 pigs :o wow! lol I feel so spoiled ::)
I had a cuddle just before and only a few hours of handling tonight and he is already kissing my fingers and nose ? lol I feel so lucky to have 3 awesome pigs inmy life with MORE on the way! lol bit scary too...
I sort of feel Cindy is being left out... like ive pushed her and her babies aside by getting a new baby :'( compared to the baby she is HUGE! and so are her babies! And poor Wilson probably feels a bit pushed aside too :( even though I'm still snuggling them both! :( selfish me >:(

Cindy got to meet the new fella too... no mating, no violence nothing it was so sweet :) she is being motherly already and started grooming him :) but Wilson was very jelous seeing them together ;D so he got to inspect her cage when the himi baby was gone :D
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