Meet Jynx!

Jynx is looking so much happier already. I've been watching her eat hay and her whole body posture is more relaxed. It may not have been solely the cystitis causing her discomfort, or the drugs are really good; the wound isn't bothering her at all. 😄


(Excuse the wet bum; the vet nurse gave her a wash after she peed herself coming round from the anaesthetic! All normal so she shouldn't be embarrassed.)

And it's more good news! Jynx had her post-op check-up this morning and fortunately the urine sample results had also just come in. She's clear! She had her sutures taken out and the wound is a bit inflamed, so she's continuing with the Metacam for another 5 days.

In terms of her thickened bladder and calcification, there's not really anything we can do except keep her on a low calcium diet and up the vitamin C, which might help to slow it down.

All in all, she's back to being a happy piggy!