Me and my guinea pigs! (Add your own favourite picture)

This is a shot of Dindypig that I took one morning when I was preparing her breakfast veggies.
It is so iconic of her. This shot of herhas been used on the rainbow bridge page of Guinea Pig Magazine where she looks like she is nom nomming off into the distance. I have another favourite picture of her that has now been painted or drawn by several artists, these pictures are on the walls of our house.

Aww butt...
Have 2 that I quite like. Piggy Itsy on the first one and Lola on her second day home after I got her from the rescue :love:


A moment of sheer bliss with the Tribe! This is a snap of me that my hub took this winter; it's definitely my favourite!

What is your favourite picture with your own piggies? Please add!
What a really beautiful picture. My three are such scardies. Only just starting to stay out in the open when I am in the room ...
Just caught up with this thread, so many wonderful memories and photos, thanks to everyone for sharing them.
my two favourite girls. Poppy-rose is a very special girl as my mum bought her for me on our last shopping trip before she died. She is a great comfort for my daughter who is really struggling with the loss of her grandma

What a wonderful last gift!
Unfortunately we lost loads of photos of our dear departed Gromit, but thankfully we managed to save a couple and his memory will always be with us.


Wallace & Gromit

Wallace & Tim.. ( hope you can see how this new pairing was always going to work.. GroMIT , we didn't choose Tim's name )

Lisa & Ali.. xx
This is such a lovely picture!

Thanks! It is a bit sad that both Bethan (the white piggy on my lap) and Ceri (the black and white in the foreground) have since joined their Tribe friends on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.