Me and my guinea pigs! (Add your own favourite picture)

Jingle (orange guinea pig on the right);

Mistletoe (blonde with a white blaze) when I first bought her home;

These two lovely sisters are from Palace Piggies Rescue in Crawley. I love them.
The pic with cute Mistletoe reminds me of another pic of mine:
These two are the troublemakers, neither will accept our new neutered boar, Treacle. This pic makes me think of the Kray twins! Rusty on the left takes a chunk of fur from Treacle each time I've tried to bond them. Clove is on the right. IMG_0770.webp
IMG_20170709_182426.webp Newest addition to the gang number 8. Meet Charlie Brown our newest rescue piggy. Was in need of a new home due to not getting on with other piggies and fighting apparently.

Well he has settled in lovely with the other boys. A bit of teeth chattering and slight argiebargie to begin with but now all is happy. Since he is the biggest since all the boys are only 2 to 4 months old he seems to of taken charge and has his own piggie train now.IMG_20170709_182431.webp
So here we are again two weeks after our last rescue we found another. Sweet little girl about 6 weeks old. But seems very underweight. Compared to the weight of our own baby pigs at the same age she is about 80g underweight.

So going be pairing her off with one of the ladies for a few days while she settles and gets plenty to eat before mixing her with the full here.

Few pics of the current first time meets with the girls all going well.

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