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Managing Impaction & Arthritis

Tofu’s still losing weight. Down to 1208g today which is the lowest I’ve seen him since he was a teenager. I’m debating getting him on some syringe feed - he eats his veggies but isn’t interested in pellets or oats. I tried giving him readigrass out of the cage (so that Patches wouldn’t eat it all!) and he had a few strands and then gave up on that too. I worry he isn’t getting enough hay-based foods into him

I emailed the vet back this morning to put the metacam up and switch to twice daily, just waiting for her to give me specific doses, and told her about the weight loss too. Because it’s so gradual I’m not sure at which point to step in

He does seem brighter since the sperm rod was out, behaviour-wise. He’s been pottering around the cage and even climbing the bars again (he struggles to get up on his back legs these days)

Here he is grumbling after getting his impaction sorted tonight

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I would consider trying gabapentin.
Tofu’s still losing weight. Down to 1208g today which is the lowest I’ve seen him since he was a teenager. I’m debating getting him on some syringe feed - he eats his veggies but isn’t interested in pellets or oats. I tried giving him readigrass out of the cage (so that Patches wouldn’t eat it all!) and he had a few strands and then gave up on that too. I worry he isn’t getting enough hay-based foods into him

I emailed the vet back this morning to put the metacam up and switch to twice daily, just waiting for her to give me specific doses, and told her about the weight loss too. Because it’s so gradual I’m not sure at which point to step in

He does seem brighter since the sperm rod was out, behaviour-wise. He’s been pottering around the cage and even climbing the bars again (he struggles to get up on his back legs these days)

Here he is grumbling after getting his impaction sorted tonight

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Oh gosh I’m sorry to read this - hopefully the stronger dosage will help ❤️
You could try oats in mashed banana maybe a spoonful 🤞
After another chat with the vet Tofu’s meds are now 0.2ml metacam twice a day and 0.1ml gabapentin once a day. There’s room to put those both up if he doesn’t seem better in the next few days

His weight has been stable-ish but still low (hovering around 1210-1220g) and he is active around the cage but still showing signs of pain. I just picked up the gabapentin today (it’s liquid form, thankfully) so we’ll see how he gets on with that tonight, I’m hoping this will be enough to get him back on track

He seems to like the glucosamine pellets which is a plus (when I manage to stop Patches stealing them all, anyway!)
After another chat with the vet Tofu’s meds are now 0.2ml metacam twice a day and 0.1ml gabapentin once a day. There’s room to put those both up if he doesn’t seem better in the next few days

His weight has been stable-ish but still low (hovering around 1210-1220g) and he is active around the cage but still showing signs of pain. I just picked up the gabapentin today (it’s liquid form, thankfully) so we’ll see how he gets on with that tonight, I’m hoping this will be enough to get him back on track

He seems to like the glucosamine pellets which is a plus (when I manage to stop Patches stealing them all, anyway!)


You may find this guide here helpful to put any major weight loss into its proper perspective. Keep in mind that older piggies naturally lose tone in older age; but they often to do so very gradually, just the same as very old people but you use the BMI check around the ribs for judging that. Please try not to get hung up over numbers.

All the best with fine-tuning your meds. Gabapentin comes with less side side effects than buprenorphine.
Thank you Wiebke 😊 it is easy to get caught up in the numbers. I haven’t had an older piggie before (well not since I was a child) his heft does feel alright though. Not too bony, though he’s a little lighter

I’ve stopped daily weighing for now as he was back up at 1338g the other day. He’s perked up a lot since adding in the gabapentin - he even went up on his hind legs for veggies today, without climbing the bars! And he’s been a lot more active and generally back to his usual self

Weekly weigh day is tomorrow and if I see any other concerning signs I’ll go back to daily checks. He’s still out of the cage a lot for meds and his impaction and he’s a lot more comfortable with that now too. No more nipping, lots of licks. I think his pain is back under control

Here he is having a very relaxed nap

Just resurrecting this thread for a bit of advice/reassurance

We’re still struggling to get Tofu’s arthritis under control. He’s now on 0.2ml metacam and 0.1ml gabapentin twice a day, the vet put the gabapentin dose up again at his checkup a couple of weeks ago as he was flinching when handled. He’s more mobile around the cage now and his weight is back up in his normal range (1.26kg)

However I’ve noticed he’s struggling to keep himself clean. I gave him a one-off bum bath on the advice of my vet, the hope being it would reset things and then he’d be able to keep on top of it himself on the higher meds. But a week later he’s very mucky again. Is a bum bath something I should think about doing regularly now he’s a bit older?

He’s also got what looks like cauliflower willy from the boar care guide. He is not a fan of me inspecting too closely 😅 but I’m having to pull out bits of hay/large sperm rods/general muck every couple of days and he seems a lot more comfortable if I can get most of it out. His impaction is about the same, needs cleaning every 2-3 days. Haven’t discussed this with the vet yet as he was just there for a check up and he’s monitored regularly, so dragging him back between appointments isn’t ideal for his stress

I wouldn’t want to put him through regular bathing unless he really needs it. But I’m starting to think I shouldn’t let him stay as mucky as he is - he never used to have this issue even as a teenager so I’m sure it’s because of his arthritis

Piggie tax as a thank you

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Just resurrecting this thread for a bit of advice/reassurance

We’re still struggling to get Tofu’s arthritis under control. He’s now on 0.2ml metacam and 0.1ml gabapentin twice a day, the vet put the gabapentin dose up again at his checkup a couple of weeks ago as he was flinching when handled. He’s more mobile around the cage now and his weight is back up in his normal range (1.26kg)

However I’ve noticed he’s struggling to keep himself clean. I gave him a one-off bum bath on the advice of my vet, the hope being it would reset things and then he’d be able to keep on top of it himself on the higher meds. But a week later he’s very mucky again. Is a bum bath something I should think about doing regularly now he’s a bit older?

He’s also got what looks like cauliflower willy from the boar care guide. He is not a fan of me inspecting too closely 😅 but I’m having to pull out bits of hay/large sperm rods/general muck every couple of days and he seems a lot more comfortable if I can get most of it out. His impaction is about the same, needs cleaning every 2-3 days. Haven’t discussed this with the vet yet as he was just there for a check up and he’s monitored regularly, so dragging him back between appointments isn’t ideal for his stress

I wouldn’t want to put him through regular bathing unless he really needs it. But I’m starting to think I shouldn’t let him stay as mucky as he is - he never used to have this issue even as a teenager so I’m sure it’s because of his arthritis

Piggie tax as a thank you

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He may need a daily gentle wipe down from you; including a check on the foot soles - and regular bedding changes. Please be aware that softened foot soles are more likely to develop tiny cracks and bumblefoot; especially in combination with reduced mobility. It can become a bit of a balance act with frailer old piggies.

You may find this guide here helpful:

PS: We appreciate if you keep further developments to this guide. It makes it easier for us to check the backstory and it can also help people searching the forum in the future to follow a case through all its twists and turns; which is usually not possible on social media.
He may need a daily gentle wipe down from you; including a check on the foot soles - and regular bedding changes. Please be aware that softened foot soles are more likely to develop tiny cracks and bumblefoot; especially in combination with reduced mobility. It can become a bit of a balance act with frailer old piggies.

You may find this guide here helpful:

PS: We appreciate if you keep further developments to this guide. It makes it easier for us to check the backstory and it can also help people searching the forum in the future to follow a case through all its twists and turns; which is usually not possible on social media.

Thank you, that's really helpful ☺️ his cagemate came to us with bumblefoot, so I keep on top of their fleece bedding for him, making sure nothing wet is left for them to sit on. Tofu has a couple of favourite spots to nap in. He does still move around the whole cage, especially for food or after a cage clean, but he favours two areas in particular I keep an eye on

Is plain water and cotton wool enough to wipe him down with daily? I used baby shampoo for his bum bath as I was hoping it would be a one off, but I'd get in some guinea pig specific shampoo if he needed it regularly. He gets so much stuck in his back end now, I feel for him, it can't be very comfortable

He doesn't nip or complain when I handle his back legs anymore, so I think the painkillers are doing their job. It's just balancing the dose to make sure he's as comfortable as possible that's been a bit tricky. The vet said we might need to put the meds up again, depending how he does in the next few weeks
Ah dear lovely Tofu ❤️
Are you sure it isn’t a little Diarrhoea ? Maybe from his meds ?
My lovely Bobby was on a lot of meds for his uti/bladder stones and was unable to clean himself - he was a bit mucky every day
I gave him a bum bath with warm water and cotton wool - gently toweling him dry
He was so good at having it done 🥰
Ah dear lovely Tofu ❤️
Are you sure it isn’t a little Diarrhoea ? Maybe from his meds ?
My lovely Bobby was on a lot of meds for his uti/bladder stones and was unable to clean himself - he was a bit mucky every day
I gave him a bum bath with warm water and cotton wool - gently toweling him dry
He was so good at having it done 🥰
Aww lovely Bobby, he must have been a sweetheart ❤️

I hadn’t thought it could be diarrhoea with Tofu. His poops are still small, but they’re not runny at all, and his weight is much better since being on the higher doses. I’ll keep an eye on it

Going to start giving him regular wipe downs just to see if that helps him stay more comfortable. He’s a sweetheart and has done the typical mellow aging boar thing, so he quite enjoys being out for a cuddle, even though he is not a fan of the water 😅
Aww lovely Bobby, he must have been a sweetheart ❤️

I hadn’t thought it could be diarrhoea with Tofu. His poops are still small, but they’re not runny at all, and his weight is much better since being on the higher doses. I’ll keep an eye on it

Going to start giving him regular wipe downs just to see if that helps him stay more comfortable. He’s a sweetheart and has done the typical mellow aging boar thing, so he quite enjoys being out for a cuddle, even though he is not a fan of the water 😅

You may want to get some leucillin from online for any sore skin. Flamacine is now prescription-only in the UK.
The Metacam dose could be increased. I had a piggy with severe arthritis and he was on 0.6ml of dog Metacam twice daily plus Gabapentin (not sure what the dose of this was). He was on this for two years without any side effects. He was helped across the rainbow bridge at over 6 years of age (old for a skinny pig) when we could no longer keep him comfortable. I believe it is better to give them a good quality of life without pain rather than worry about the longer term effects of the medication.
The Metacam dose could be increased. I had a piggy with severe arthritis and he was on 0.6ml of dog Metacam twice daily plus Gabapentin (not sure what the dose of this was). He was on this for two years without any side effects. He was helped across the rainbow bridge at over 6 years of age (old for a skinny pig) when we could no longer keep him comfortable. I believe it is better to give them a good quality of life without pain rather than worry about the longer term effects of the medication.
Thank you, that’s reassuring to hear there’s lots more flexibility with the dose 😊 vet said last appointment that increasing the Metacam would be her next suggestion, she was doing some research and wanted to see how he got on with twice daily doses of gabapentin

I’m going to have a chat with the more senior vet about removing my other piggie’s lump tomorrow, and I’ll be picking up Tofu’s meds refill at the same time. Will check in with her then about the Metacam

Tofu has been quite bright recently. I’ve given him a couple of wipe downs but for the last few days he hasn’t needed it, and he’s been doing full body popcorns again! He does still seem uncomfortable with prolonged handling though. I agree I’d rather give him better quality of life short-term than a longer life in pain
Thank you, that’s reassuring to hear there’s lots more flexibility with the dose 😊 vet said last appointment that increasing the Metacam would be her next suggestion, she was doing some research and wanted to see how he got on with twice daily doses of gabapentin

I’m going to have a chat with the more senior vet about removing my other piggie’s lump tomorrow, and I’ll be picking up Tofu’s meds refill at the same time. Will check in with her then about the Metacam

Tofu has been quite bright recently. I’ve given him a couple of wipe downs but for the last few days he hasn’t needed it, and he’s been doing full body popcorns again! He does still seem uncomfortable with prolonged handling though. I agree I’d rather give him better quality of life short-term than a longer life in pain

It is good to hear that the meds have kicked in and given Tofu more quality and joy of life again. Actually the regained zest and joy of life in itself is life-prolonging and outweighs any concerns about longer term side effects (kidneys).

I've always put quality of life before length of life with my own arthritic oldies; and they have usually surprised me positively!
It is good to hear that the meds have kicked in and given Tofu more quality and joy of life again. Actually the regained zest and joy of life in itself is life-prolonging and outweighs any concerns about longer term side effects.
It has been so lovely to see him bouncing around the cage again. He's even climbed the bars for veggies a few times, which he stopped doing when the arthritis got worse, and we play tug of war with his syringes, especially the metacam which he loves. He is resigned to the gabapentin but definitely doesn't like the taste of it haha

I did have a question about picking him up - I've always used a snuggle sack to transport him. He knows to go in the bag and then I pick him up from inside, which has always worked well. But he's been squeaking when I first lift him. I do tend to lift from the back end, to support his bum, but as the arthritis is in his lower spine and back hips maybe it's too painful to do it that way? I have to get him out for meds and health checks but I don't like hurting him. Maybe it's another sign to put the painkiller doses up?

Here he is poking his head out for a treat (pea flakes)

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Red and Brillo have been on .45 - .5 Metacam x2 daily since October 2022 for arthritis. They also now have .12 Gabapentin x2 daily. Brillo had soft poop when he dropped some weight so we dropped his Metacam by .05 which helped. Red who is heavier was on .15 Gabapentin but he got sleepy on it so the dose was dropped.

It is a case of trial and error with them and having a sympathetic and interested vet is key to managing their pain. They are seen every six months for a check up and meds adjustment unless they need to go sooner.

It's lovely to hear Tofu is brighter. I sympathise with the gabapentin, mine hate it too. When they were just on Metacam and 4joints they would come to the bars for what they considered their treat but now I have to pick them up to persuade them to take it. I use their Fuzzbutts beds which have a fairly rigid bottom, maybe persuading Tofu into something more solid would help his pain when picking him up. Their beds have a layer of folded newspaper and a piece of vetbed which make them even more rigid.
Red and Brillo have been on .45 - .5 Metacam x2 daily since October 2022 for arthritis. They also now have .12 Gabapentin x2 daily. Brillo had soft poop when he dropped some weight so we dropped his Metacam by .05 which helped. Red who is heavier was on .15 Gabapentin but he got sleepy on it so the dose was dropped.

It is a case of trial and error with them and having a sympathetic and interested vet is key to managing their pain. They are seen every six months for a check up and meds adjustment unless they need to go sooner.

It's lovely to hear Tofu is brighter. I sympathise with the gabapentin, mine hate it too. When they were just on Metacam and 4joints they would come to the bars for what they considered their treat but now I have to pick them up to persuade them to take it. I use their Fuzzbutts beds which have a fairly rigid bottom, maybe persuading Tofu into something more solid would help his pain when picking him up. Their beds have a layer of folded newspaper and a piece of vetbed which make them even more rigid.
I used to give Tofu his meds in the cage when it was just Metacam as well - he loved running over for it! I tried with the gabapentin and he ran in the other direction haha, so now he’s out of the cage twice a day

He’s fine once he’s out as long as I’m careful and gentle with his back legs, it’s just the picking up. I like the idea of using a bed with a firmer base. Do you find vet bed helps yours? I’ve been considering getting some, especially when Tofu was favouring a couple of spots in the cage. He’s got more mobile again and using all the corners of the cage for now

I’m glad your boys are getting on well with higher doses. I suspect we’ll put Tofu’s up again when I next speak to the vet because while he’s definitely brighter than he was, he is still uncomfortable at touch - I wish he could tell me if he’s still sore haha, but I wouldn’t want to be too conservative and leave him in pain
They were getting red feet which is why I dug out the old vetbed I used to use for Caspy. They no longer have red feet and last time they had a vet check the vet commented on it and said she would expect them to be getting urine scald. If Tofu is moving around a lot and not only sleeping in one or two places then he probably doesn't need it yet. I would keep an eye on his feet though.