@furryfriends (TEAS) does cheesy smells in the mouth suggest an abscess in there to you?
@Shadowsmum If you have a cotton bud could you try wiping one just inside his mouth (slide down one side of his little cheek) and then use a different one to gently insert just inside his behind (be very careful - don't poke it in) and then you might be able to tell which end the smell is coming from.
I googled to find the CC fine grind papaya flavour and ordered over the internet - the green pack aniseed flavour and the Recovery we just got from local vets that I phoned round to find some. We had to register at reception but I explained that we were just trying different types - you don't need to be seen or anything to get this if they have it in stock because it's not a medicine - just a different type of food. They only register you for their invoice system.
I don't think you'll be able to manage anything like 60 ml CC because he's not fully grown but it's worth weighing him daily at the same time to keep an eye on whether he's gaining or losing weight. He sounds very sad in himself. I would suspect the antibiotics are upsetting his system but where did the vet think he had an infection... was it some sort of tooth abscess? If it is uncomfortable for him to take the syringe he will fight it, poor boy. Is his piggy friend looking after him? They are often very close when one is ill.
When you say 3.5 of AB do you mean mls? Or do you mean 0.35 of a ml... it's quite a difference! And could you tell us the name and the concentration? (eg Baytril is a commonly used antibiotic) And how long has he been taking them. If they are going to work you usually see a difference after a day or two but it can take 3 days sometimes. If you are not seeing any difference after 4 or 5 days it is likely that you either need a different antibiotic or that bacterial infection is not his main problem. What were they prescribed for - infected gums? Dental operation?
If he's on 0.1 ml? kg? metacam and it is the 0.5mg/ml strength one that seems a bit low if he's refusing all food, but the vet will have to advise on raising that - it could well be that pain is stopping him eating in the short term so upping his pain relief might encourage him but try and get a call or mail into your vet asap because his bodyweight and age will all affect how much he can have. In the past we've put in a call and requested a call back which happens at the end of the day and usually someone says "yes, give them this instead and see how you get on". In the short term they've never said no. My George is 1.4 kilo and is on
about 0.5ml of 1.5mg/ml once per day for his arthritis - now I reckon that works out at about 0.5 mgs per kg of pig per 24 hours - it's quite a complicated calculation which is why the vets do it and not us. But the syringe I get isn't actually marked in ml, it's marked in kg because piggies have a higher dose than dogs (in my case) so George gets "8 kg" on the syringe - that half a ml or so is actually the dose for an 8 kilo dog!
If you got him from a shop and it was not very long ago you have some consumer rights as if you have been sold any 'faulty products' but I'm afraid I don't know the time limitations of these or how to go about making a claim. I do know that sometimes people have been able to get their vet bills paid at least in part by the company that sold an unwell guinea pig. It will be worth phoning cat and rabbit to register and trying to make an appointment with Simon - ask reception about how to get emergency appointments there too.