Malnourished Piggie

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New Born Pup
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
Kursk Russia
Hello! I am new here, and to owning a guinea pig. A couple of days ago I got a peruvian Guinea Pig from a pet shop, and as soon as I picked him up I knew he was being poorly treated. I can feel his hip bones, his spine, everything! And he is so frightened, he's just starting to trust me a little. So, my question is: since he is so malnourished, is it ok to feed him double the daily recomendation? I am currently giving him two sliced cucumber (small ones) and one sliced carrot everyday (he rejected others) and guinea pig mix (about 30gr twice a day), and hay. Is it enough, or is it too much? I read about Critical Care by Oxwall but unfortunately I cannot find it in Russia (where I live). Please help!
Poor little piggy. Does he have hay all the time to munch as well? X
Too much cucumber is bad, too much moisture and carrot is too sweet in large quantities. Variety is key as you can give little bits of many things to make a large portion. Try finding some alternative to critical care because that is the route that would be good to go down.
Yes, he has hay all the time, plenty of it. I also noticed he doesn't drink much water, almost none at all. I tried feeding him broccoli, cauliflower also but he rejects it. If it's not possible to bring him to normal body weight with food alone, maybe it's best to take him to a veterinarian.
Supreme Science Recovery is very similar to critical care so that maybe something to look for :D
So I should follow the standard amount of daily food? I read somewhere here for a similar case as mine, except that the piggie was adult, someone recommended 2 cups of veggies everyday until brought to at least 1kg.
I am doing some research online to see if I can find anything here thats is similar to Critical care or Supreme science recovery
Today when I was cutting cucumbers he actually stoof at the border of his cage and waited for me to give it to him, it was the cutest thing. Little Stanley's won my heart already =)
I'm not sure at all what you do with a malnourished piggie. I thought growing and underweight guinea pigs could have unlimited pellets but perhaps I am wrong?
Probably unlimited pellets would be good so long as its a good quality one. The 2 cups of veggies would be a really good idea just make sure you are not giving too many high calcium ones, there is a good chart linked to one of the stickies in the food section that gives the calcium levels
He may not be eating other veg at the mo because he is not used to it. I would still put a variety of veg in his cage everyday and he might eventually start eating the other kinds :) Have you tried herbs like dill, coriander and parsley!
Also, you say 'guinea mix' is that a muesli type food with coloured bits in it? If so it's better for your piggy just to have pellet type food (all 1 colour and shape) as it stops selective feeding from piggy.
He may not be eating other veg at the mo because he is not used to it. I would still put a variety of veg in his cage everyday and he might eventually start eating the other kinds :) Have you tried herbs like dill, coriander and parsley!
I haven't tried herbs yet. At the shop, from what I saw, he was fed mostly just cucumber and carrots. I will start putting other veggies between the cucumber pieces, which he likes the most, so maybe he will end up eating the others as well. And will try herbs also.

Also, you say 'guinea mix' is that a muesli type food with coloured bits in it? If so it's better for your piggy just to have pellet type food (all 1 colour and shape) as it stops selective feeding from piggy.
Yes, it is. Good to know that. I did notice that half of what's in his bowl he throws off the bowl, and doesn't eat it at all. I will most definitely buy pellets.

Probably unlimited pellets would be good so long as its a good quality one. The 2 cups of veggies would be a really good idea just make sure you are not giving too many high calcium ones, there is a good chart linked to one of the stickies in the food section that gives the calcium levels
Yes, I will carry that list with me at all times.
Hello. Welcome to the forum. Hay is going to be the most important thing for your little one. Vegetables do not put weight on piggies. Really, the best thing is to take him to the vets as he may actually be sick and need treatment.
Hi and welcome!

Please do not overfeed! Your little boy will prosper on a good general diet, like we recommend. It will give him all the nutrients that he needs to build up his body in a healthy and sustainable way. You will find that a few weeks down the line, he will suddenly have a few weeks of mad weight gain and growth when all the nutrients have filtered through and his body is reacting to that. Any guinea pig under two years of age can still make up for lost time fully or at least to a good extent, so you have still all to play for without having to stuff him full of empty calories and watery veg that can unbalance his guts. ;)
Probably unlimited pellets would be good so long as its a good quality one. The 2 cups of veggies would be a really good idea just make sure you are not giving too many high calcium ones, there is a good chart linked to one of the stickies in the food section that gives the calcium levels

He may not be eating other veg at the mo because he is not used to it. I would still put a variety of veg in his cage everyday and he might eventually start eating the other kinds :) Have you tried herbs like dill, coriander and parsley!

Hello. Welcome to the forum. Hay is going to be the most important thing for your little one. Vegetables do not put weight on piggies. Really, the best thing is to take him to the vets as he may actually be sick and need treatment.

Poor little love. Do let us know how he gets on.

Thank you all so much for the help. I took little Stanley to the vet today. She said there is no need to give him any sort of Critical care since he is not extremely malnourished. Also, that the idea of giving him two cups of veggies everyday is good, as long as I decrease the quantity as he gains weight, which will be soon. I am giving him pellets now, instead of that mix. I just gave him his new plate of veggies with all sorts, and I've never seen him so happy. I will take him to the vet next week to check on how he's doing, and I'll let you guys know. Thank you so much :)
ps: Just one thing I forgot to ask the vet. Is it okay to wash him with water? I saw a post teaching how to do it here, but I am unsure about it since he is so young.
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Here are our diet recommendations:

I would rather recommend to stick to unlimited pellets (that is where you regulate underweight/overweight) than upping the amount of veg, espeically if he is not used to them. If necessary, feed fresh herb and double the amount of fresh pepper a bit more often to help with minerals and vitamins. Guinea pigs will catch up on a good normal diet anyway. ;)

Usually you see a week or two with a mad weight gain a few weeks into a good diet when the nutrients filter down into the body. Until a piggy is 2 years old, they still have the ability to make good lost ground, so there is no need to overdo things!
I'm glad that your little Stanley is not too underweight and that you found a vet to see him. What are vets like with guinea pigs in Russia? Do they treat many of them?
PS: Could you please add your country to your details, so we can always take it into our consideration re. availabity of brands and citing medication by active substance rather than brands etc. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
You obviously love your Stanley very much and I hope he soon feels better. You will find SO much good advice on this forum and I wish you a lot of enjoyment from owning your new Guinea pig.
I'm glad that your little Stanley is not too underweight and that you found a vet to see him. What are vets like with guinea pigs in Russia? Do they treat many of them?
Thank you :), I'm glad too, I was so worried about him.
I'm actually Brazilian, I live in Russia to study. I took Stanley to a vet hospital, because I was afraid to go to another vet that's not so used to a guinea pig. The vet who saw us seemed pretty used with guinea pigs, knew how to interact with him. But, at least in my city here, guinea pigs are not very common to own. Cats are the most popular animal in Russia.

PS: Could you please add your country to your details, so we can always take it into our consideration re. availabity of brands and citing medication by active substance rather than brands etc. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
Done. Thank you :)

You obviously love your Stanley very much and I hope he soon feels better. You will find SO much good advice on this forum and I wish you a lot of enjoyment from owning your new Guinea pig.
I've been meaning to get a guinea pig since the year started but I kept changing my mind all the time, because I was insecure. When I got him, I was kind of lost because I've ever only owned dogs (and a bunny when I was 4), so I had no idea what to do with him, especially when I saw how skinny he was. My boyfriend found this forum for me, and it's been a blessing, really. There's such great stuff here. Thank you so much :) Wish you all the best
That's interesting, in the UK we have some very good vets who treat guinea pigs and other exotic animals but some do not see many guinea pigs at all so their knowledge can be very limited.
That's interesting, in the UK we have some very good vets who treat guinea pigs and other exotic animals but some do not see many guinea pigs at all so their knowledge can be very limited.
I believe there's some of that here, but probably not in my city. Maybe in Moscow, but it's a bit far
Stanley, such a cute name for a piggie! I am glad he is not too under weight :D He should recover well! Looking forward to seeing some pictures too :D
Thank you =)
I haven't taken any pics of him yet, i'm afraid to spook him too much

Here's a picture of little Stanley. No flash, he was scared enough with just the phone.:)
I'll try to post more pictures of him as he gains weight and loses his fright.
Hello everyone! Passing by to give a little update on Stanley.
He seems a lot, lot, happier. He squeaks all the time, especially when he wants cucumber, doesn't hide in his little house anymore, and doesn't play dead when I put him on the ground.
However, I noticed something earlier that got me worried. When I let him out of his cage yesterday, he peed a little on the floor and when I cleaned it I noticed that his urine is not clear, is actually brownish. Is that normal? I am worried it may be blood in his urine. Has anyone seen urine like that?
I'm so pleased Stanley is doing well. I think it is best you open a thread about his urine in health and illness as you will get more of a response.
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