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Lump on guinea pigs shoulder


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2021
Reaction score
United States of America
Hi there! The other day when I was washing my guinea pigs, I noticed that one of my girls, Mac, has a small lump on her shoulder. When I brushed the fur out of the way, it was about the size of my pinkie finger nail, and was had white pus coming from the top of it. I tried to get all of the pus out, cleaned it, and put some vetericyn on it for the time being. It’s been about two days, and it hasn’t scabbed over, refilled, or changed at all really. It just looks like a tiny hole in her arm. I am planning on taking her to the vet to get her checked out, but I was just wondering what you guys thought it might be in the meantime.


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It is impossible to say based on a photo - it is good you are taking her to the vet for a proper diagnosis and hands on examination.

Hopefully it is just something simple like a burst cyst, but getting it checked out would be a good idea.
Bless her. I’m sure the vet will be able to help. Good luck.