She still has diarrhea. It is not getting better. She has been on probiotics and some cardboard on her oxbow cupcake she’s been eating.
I am starting to wonder if metoclopromide could cause diarrhea or make soft poops worse to where it turns into diarrhea? She was getting .4 every 12 hours but I gave her .3 last time. I might cut it down to .2 next time. I’m scared to not give it to her at all.
She still sits and sleeps hunched and very puffy. She eats and drinks still. She will beg and squeak at me. I recorded her earlier squeaking while on my lap, it was very sweet.
it is clear that whatever it is, is definitely still bothering her or causing her pain/discomfort.
She also still stumbles and is a bit wobbly when out. She walks okay. It’s not she can’t walk good at all. Sometimes her back feet kind of drug a bit but never full on dragging them and that was only for a second and then she would walk fine. She sometimes stumbles too. I have no idea what would be causing it. She doesn’t stumble constantly and doesn’t walk in circles.
So far her symptoms are
-puffy, sitting hunched & puffy. In pain
-diarrhea (metoclopromide possibly making it worse)
-stumbling/losing balance
-gas bubbles( haven’t felt any for a day or so though)
-belly looks like it’s lower to the ground/hangs lower but could be imagining it.
-spine feels more pronounced.