Looking For Best Bedding

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I've decided to go with a 5x2 C&C cage, split into two.. One side will be fleece lined & the other will be Fitch! (Hopefully!) Can anyone give me an idea of the actual size of the Fitch 20kg bag? I can't even compare it to my woodshavings cos there's no weight on the bag! I've been getting the large PaH bag.

I'm so excited! :D
the fitch bale is pretty large and heavy, it shorter and fatter than wood shaving bales but it's well compacted, you still get as much and you need to fluff it up, when i got my first bale i thought it looked small but there's more than it looks! :)
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Is snowflake from an equestrian place? I found the aubiose a bit too spiked for their little paws. I've never heard of snowflake before
You can get it from equestrian centres, I ordered mine from my local independent pet shop.
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