My brain was whirring away last night thinking of ingenious methods of keeping the elderflower plonk cold for the journey. I came up with a brilliant idea! I have at home an old 12 volt fridge, solar panels and a rucksack. Came up with the idea of dismantling the fridge and using the electrics to keep the plonk cool whilst being powered by batteries and topped up by the solar panels. All plumbed in to the ruck sack. I could even charge my phone up at the same time

My god, I'm a genius!

BUT, wouldn't I look dodgy walking along Euston train station with a bag making funny whirring noises and wires hanging from it and flashing lights from the solar panel? Even more so if I had my phone plugged in to it as well

What's the betting I wouldn't even get to London without someone reporting the 'suspicious' package!