Adult Guinea Pig
I'd have loved to of come to this meet but the train fare from the North East is just too much! Hope the rest of you have a great time.
I wish you could come too.Wish I could comeHave fun everyone xx
Wish I could comeHave fun everyone xx
Claire, so do I - but it's a bit too far for you![]()
What about me! Lol.True but hopefully I will see you soon anyway x
Yeah! XxAnd youxx
Yep we will be there!Right, have written everyone's names down and I think we have the following
Me plus 1
Piggyfan and Matthew
GuineaGrandma and Chloe
Dearbarbie (possibly plus 1?)
Louise C
Are you all still ok to come? and would anyone else like to join us. 1pm at the William Morris in Hammsersmith on Sunday 31 August.
So will you be joining us?I'm 45 minutes from London x
Do you know if the table booked is on the ground floor or upstairs? I bet I will not be able to find you. Lol.We have booked an area in the pub too. The OH says under 16s can go in pubs but it would depend if your parents would be happy for you to come to London and meet a load of strangers in a pub.