London meet up? xmas time? Any takers?

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Wow they sound fantastic! I am a vegetarian with an allergy to sesame! That complicates things, I know. I love the sound of the carrot cup cakes but they all sound amazing. Plain with jam centre sound lovely too like mini victoria sandwiches.
Just had a little practise making diabetic cupcakes using a recipe my Aunt suggested. I'm watching them and they aren't rising very much . . . oh well they can be vanilla cake biscuits instead! I will try to perfect them for the day! Otherwise it will just be gluten free cakes I'm afraid.

Really looking forward to it.

Just had a little practise making diabetic cupcakes using a recipe my Aunt suggested. I'm watching them and they aren't rising very much . . . oh well they can be vanilla cake biscuits instead! I will try to perfect them for the day! Otherwise it will just be gluten free cakes I'm afraid.

Really looking forward to it.


Please, please, please don't go to any trouble on my account. I can always have a "cheating" day anyway.

See you next Saturday!
Awww that's fine. I enjoy doing it. It's a way for me to relax before and after work. My family aren't complaining about eating my experiments as I prepare for the big day!

That's o.k. then. I'm SO pleased we're (a) helping you to relax, and (b) giving your family lots of treats :)) .
If we keep plying you with strong black coffee, will that help?

So it's Cafe Nero at St pancras station at 12.30 next Saturday. Looking forward to it.
Everyone still ok to meet? Who exactly is coming? I'm bringing my brother. Anyone else bringing family or friends?

So excited!

I am bringing my boyfriend. I am definately coming. I hope your brother likes piggies! :)
Just thought, please be sure to bring pictures of your piggies (and any other pets)
It was lovely to see you too and thank you so much for the yummy cakes and cookies.
I'm back home too - what horrible weather we chose. Amy, it was super to meet you, and I hope Andrew wasn't too fed up. Thank you SO MUCH for the yummies you baked, that was lovely of you. I enjoyed meeting Matthew too - and seeing Abi and Piggyfan again. I hope we can do it again - I really enjoy discussing piggies with people.

Amy I will bookmark the blog - thank you.
Great to see you all. We shall have to make it a more regular thing for the forum members this way. I love a bit of a chin wag every now and then. Cakes were super yummy thank you! Back home and everyone is begging for dinner!

I think it's a great idea to make it a regular thing, glad everyone got home safely.
Hi all, firstly a big apology from me for my no show! I hope you all had a lovely time - sounds like you did! My plans changed quite quickly at the last minute, although I have a poor excuse for not coming! A friend of ours got us guest list for a night out on Friday, we didn't get in until 7am ") so I was sleeping for a large majority of yesterday! Will look out for the next time you meet x
No need to apologise, but we were sorry you couldn't join us - maybe next time? Mind you, you could have come straight from your night out, had fun with us, then slept all day today instead!

:)) i''m not sure I would have been much fun! I was sooooo tired! I tried to wake myself up at 11 to come but it wasn't happening!
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