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Loki pig has a URI


Forum Donator 2024/25
Dec 8, 2020
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
Loki pig has a respiratory infection, lots of sneezing, no wheeze. Plenty of nose snotty pig equivalent & apparently no temperature.

We have been to the local vets & Loki has been prescribed 0.44ml Baytril once a day.
Despite my questioning the vet they believed we didn’t need pain relief/Metacam as well.
Also is Baytril better once a day or twice a day?

Should I be petitioning the vet for some pain relief?

Loki is quite sleepy at the moment, but we have had a normal kind of a week. Just a small drop in weight then the sneezes began.
Loki was already on pro biotics, so I guess I just need to space that out away from the antibiotic now.

Wally is currently showing no signs of having a URI.

Pig tax- Loki guarding his hay cookie yesterday!
Loki pig has a respiratory infection, lots of sneezing, no wheeze. Plenty of nose snotty pig equivalent & apparently no temperature.

We have been to the local vets & Loki has been prescribed 0.44ml Baytril once a day.
Despite my questioning the vet they believed we didn’t need pain relief/Metacam as well.
Also is Baytril better once a day or twice a day?

Should I be petitioning the vet for some pain relief?

Loki is quite sleepy at the moment, but we have had a normal kind of a week. Just a small drop in weight then the sneezes began.
Loki was already on pro biotics, so I guess I just need to space that out away from the antibiotic now.

Wally is currently showing no signs of having a URI.

Pig tax- Loki guarding his hay cookie yesterday!
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A snotty nose is not painful, as you will hopefully know from your experiences. ;)
It may be of more use to place a bowl of steaming water next to the cage and replace it every now and then.

Once a day has more impact but if you are worried about loss of appetite from a larger dose of baytril (the risk is a little higher), I would recommend to split the dose and give it twice daily. If in doubt, please confirm with the clinic.

We recommend that you give the baytril undiluted but follow it up with some water to wash the bad taste away and then with their favourite veg or treat. The water will prevent the treat starting to taste like baytril when you give it directly. Mixing baytril with water or sugary fruit concentrate only means that you have to get double the volume into an unhappy/uncooperative piggy.

All the best with a good and quick recovery!