Little Olive is under the weather.


Forum Buddy
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
Australia, Victoria. (originally from Essex, UK)
My little Olive isn’t her self at the moment, I’m not sure if it’s her heart murmur getting worse or if she has a UTI and a bladder problem. Or something else of course.
I’ve heard her squeaking going to the toilet a while back, but it took me a while to figure out whom the squeak was coming from. But I haven’t heard her doing it recently. But this weekend she is very quiet, a little fluffed up and just doesn’t seem herself. It’s difficult as she’s always been a quiet piggie who often sits in a corner looking unwell but actually it’s just the way she relaxes! But I can tell this weekend she’s not well.
She’s eating, but not as interested in the food as she normally is, today she got bored of the picked grass after only getting half way though! I’ve seen her eating hay, but she’s not herself. I recon I’ll start syringe feeding her tonight.
I’ve just weighed her and she hasn’t lost any weight.
I’ve put her on septrin and loxicom over the weekend, But I will be phoning her vet first thing in the morning (Monday) to get her booked in asap.

Poor Olive. She’s 5.5years old now and such a petite little poppet, I really hope she can get better. But for some reason I have a feeling she’s not going to be around much longer. I hope I’m wrong.
Ah dear Olive - you’ve got onto this straight away so I really lovely Olive will get better ❤️
Poor Olive and poor you.

I hope the vet can find out what's wrong and that it's something that can be easily fixed.
She’s very quiet tonight, only ate a bit of capsicum and cucumber for dinner despite a plate full veg. I let then out for floortime but she wasn’t interested. She’s just sitting in her pigloo feeling rubbish :no:
I'm worried she’s going to be very poorly in the morning and I’ve got work!
Sorry to hear this, she’s looks so lovely. Hope the vet visit is helpful.
I hope Olive is feeling better once the meds kick in. Good luck at the vets. 🤞🏻

Sending healing vibes. ❤️
Poor little Olive, I hope you can sort out what’s trouble her, she’s such a cutie little girl 🤞
Oh dear poor Olive. Hopefully the pain relief meds will kick in soon and she'll start feeling better 🤞❤️
we’ve just found Olive passed away overnight. I knew she wouldn’t be in the best way this morning but I didn’t expect to find her dead.
I’m absolutely heartbroken, the last of my first pigs when we moved to Australia.
She looks peacful.
She’s so cute, I’m devastated
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. It must have been such a shock for you!

Gorgeous olive was so well loved, and I know she lived the best life.
Sleep tight gorgeous girl x ♥️🌈
Oh I’m sorry to hear this :(

Such a small, beautiful piggy. Sweet dreams little one :(
I’m so sorry. Popcorn over the bridge gorgeous Olive. ❤️
Such a cutie. So sorry to read your sad news. Loss is so hard to bear, but take comfort that she was at home where she was happy and loved and will leave precious memories in your heart. Sending hugs x
Enjoy the lush meadows at the bridge sweet Olive 🌈
Oh Hannah, I am so sorry for your loss.
A shock for you but a good ending for Olive who passed away peacefully in her own home.
Holding you in my heart ❤️
I’m so sorry, she looked and sounded like she was an absolute poppet. It must be so hard, I hope you can get time to take care of yourself amongst all the other pressures on your time.
Oh Hannah I'm so sorry that you found Olive in her forever sleep. The Rainbow Bridge was clearly calling her name and when that happened she just had to go. She is once again in her prime and eating her favourite foods. She knew how much she was loved and has taken that with her to the Bridge. Sleep well little Olive.
I'm so sorry to hear your sad new Hannah. It's always a terrible shock when they leave us.
Sleep tight sweet Olive.
Thank you everyone. I left Olive in the cage for a bit longer so Newton could know what had happened.
I’ve now taken her out and wrapped her up as I can’t bury her until I get home from work this afternoon.
I will make a post in the rainbow bridge section tonight.
Thanks for all your love and support x
I'm very sorry you have lost your pretty little Piggy..Rest in Peace sweet Olive.
I’m so sorry to hear that Hannah 💔 - lovely Olive was living her best life with you and Newton and your other piggies.
That’s all we could wish ….to give our piggies their best life.
She is popcorning freely at RB
Take care and I hope lovely Newton will be ok ❤️
Oh Hannah, I’m am so sorry to read this. Take heart that she passed away peacefully surrounded by her friends, take care x

Popcorn high little Olive 🌈
So sorry that lovely Olive has popcorned off across the rainbow bridge. Sending big hugs. :hug: