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Liquid vitamin C


New Born Pup
Feb 26, 2022
Reaction score
Hi! Thinking whether or not to get our boy a liquid vitamin c supplement - what experiences do people have with it? Also are there any particular types you would recommend from Amazon Prime? 😊
Healthy piggies on a good balanced diet (lots of hay, grass, variety of veggies and one tablespoon of pellets), do not need supplementary vitamin c. They get all their vitamin needs from their diet.

Giving vitamin c above and beyond their diet can actually be detrimental.
At best, excess vitamin c is simply excreted in the urine so can end up just being a waste of money.
At worst, their bodies get used to abnormally higher amounts so that if that level drops for any reason (even though the level it drops to would be considered a normal intake level for any other piggy), the drop can actually cause scurvy symptoms.
Therefore, the majority of long term owners do not supplement and instead ensure their diet is as good as it can be.

You are better off to give a short (two weeks) supplementary course of vitamin c only when a piggy is unwell and needs a boost to their immune system
Healthy piggies on a good balanced diet (lots of hay, grass, variety of veggies and one tablespoon of pellets), do not need supplementary vitamin c. They get all their vitamin needs from their diet.

Giving vitamin c above and beyond their diet can actually be detrimental.
At best, excess vitamin c is simply excreted in the urine so can end up just being a waste of money.
At worst, their bodies get used to abnormally higher amounts so that if that level drops for any reason (even though the level it drops to would be considered a normal intake level for any other piggy), the drop can actually cause scurvy symptoms.
Therefore, the majority of long term owners do not supplement and instead ensure their diet is as good as it can be.

You are better off to give a short (two weeks) supplementary course of vitamin c only when a piggy is unwell and needs a boost to their immune system
Thank you so much for that detailed insight! Yes, he gets the best of all food types at a very balanced ratio and has a constant fresh supply of hay and pellets ☺️ Great to know we don't need to add the supplement
Please make aure he doesn’t have access to endless pellets. They are the least important part of the diet (5%) and are the chocolate of the piggy world.
Please make aure he doesn’t have access to endless pellets. They are the least important part of the diet (5%) and are the chocolate of the piggy world.
Sorry I wrongly phrased my message before - we give him around one tablespoon a day, not a constant supply - that’s for the hay ☺️
Sorry I wrongly phrased my message before - we give him around one tablespoon a day, not a constant supply - that’s for the hay ☺️
It sounds like you are doing everything perfectly for your piggies.
Does your boy have a friend, or are the plans to get him one?