Katie has mammary cancer

An update for katies treatment.
Katie has completed her 4 lots of Intravenous chemotherapy.
She has had a complete body ultrasound.
Which showed no return of the mammary cancer at this time.
Katies appetite is poor and has lost weight.
Ultrasound found some thickening in her bowel,which is suggestive of low grade lymphoma,or irritable bowel disease.The local vet is going to do some bloods tests,see what that throws up.
She will only eat pate style food.
She is well in herself and moving around as normal.

I am very sorry that more problems have turned up and that Katie's bowel/appetite has tken a turn to worse.
Poor Katie. Sorry to hear that her appetite hasn't returned. Hopefully your vet will come up with a treatment plan that helps.xx
Hope Katie is feeling better soon and her appetite returns.
One of my cats had gastro problems and he prefers the pate style cat food too.x
Healing vibes to Katie & hopefully she'll find her appetite again now the chemotherapy's finished 🫶
Take care of yourself too.
Love the girls & I. xx
Sending loads of healing vibes to poor little Katie, hope she gains her appetite soon 🤞
Katie has had low appetite for sometime.she has lost 0.6kgs since the begining of chemo.
Local vet taken blood tests,vit b test.

Anyway to add to the health problems.Katie now has renal failure due to the drugs given for chemothearapy.

She is now to start a renal diet.which is prov ing difficult to find one she will eat .ive tried a pate style one this evening,as shes wolfed the lot down.
Ive now decided on pallitive care,as she has been through so much.lets hope the diet gives her more time ,and she remains comfortable.
Sorry it isn't better news for Katie. I know you will give her lots of love and cuddles. Take care of yourself too.xx
I am so sorry it wasn't the news you were hoping for. She knows she is loved and hope that gives her strength. I send big hugs and hope you have more happy days with her x
Katie has had low appetite for sometime.she has lost 0.6kgs since the begining of chemo.
Local vet taken blood tests,vit b test.

Anyway to add to the health problems.Katie now has renal failure due to the drugs given for chemothearapy.

She is now to start a renal diet.which is prov ing difficult to find one she will eat .ive tried a pate style one this evening,as shes wolfed the lot down.
Ive now decided on pallitive care,as she has been through so much.lets hope the diet gives her more time ,and she remains comfortable.


I am so very sorry. What a bummer for you and your massive efforts for Katie. I hope that she has some more days yet with a zest and will for life.

PS: For other readers of this thread, we have got a guide about the challenges that come with facing up to and looking after terminally ill guinea pigs:
Katie is up and down.she eats some of the kidney diets but not easy to get her to eat it
She is very quiet today.
I'm okay,just alittle busy
.Thanks for thinking of me @piggyminder

Sending you a
