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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
Cornwall/Devon Border
I've just been advised to put Pepe on 0.3ml Kaolin mixture for a dodgy tum but had a question - does anyone know if Kaoline comes with Morphine as standard, or can you get Kaolin by itself? I just trudged up the local chemist in the rain who informed me they don't stock it but even if they did they wouldn't sell it to me as its for an animal and it's not licensed! Bit of a long shot, but if anyone knows, I'd be grateful.
Kaolin is no longer recommended for piggies.,.I must have got it wrong but I thought Kaolin and Morph had been taken off the market.

Is the problem diarrheoa?,if so, loperimide is the better option.Give half a capsule per day.

Diaralyte or a similar rehydration therapy is the most important weapon against diarhheoa.Make this up as per instructions and give little and often by syringe.
I've seen Kaolin in the chemists but not with Morphine.

Don't tell them why you want it, if they ask its for your neighbour who's had it before- play dumb :)

No luck on finding the cause yet?
Thanks Mary - it was CCT who just texted me about the Kaolin, she's on holiday so I didn't want to hassle her again, I'm surprised she responded at all if she's away!

He had a really soft tum from Monday night, Dylan had full on diahorrea but is almost back to normal already - Pepe's was never liquid like Dylan's but is is very soft like thick sludge (sorry!) and are by no means pellets. I was just concerned he seemed to be straining when passing and it doesn't seem to be getting any better/firmer. He's not had any veg for three days except a couple of bits of banana to help. He's remained chirpy throughout and was popcorning like a demon this morning and leapt on his dry feed bowl when I put new food in. I've had him on 1/2 Diocalm for most (not all) mornings and nights since Tuesday morning together with a Buscopan but I stopped after 3 Buscopans when it became a bit firmer, I started giving it to him again this morning as it seemd to better. I really don't like keeping him on tablets but I'm at a loss as to how to get his normal pellets back. I have Arrowroot which I haven't tried yet, may give that a go before I start on Loperimide (Is that the same stuff as Diocalm?)

I just found some info anbout Kaolin on the net and it appears you can get Kaolin alone or with Morphine, she must have meant the one without the Morphine.

I think I'm going to have to pay your vet a visit.

Hi Karen - nope! And yes, will definately play dumb this time, honesty gets you nowhere!
I think you need to source the problem (and I know thats hard and you've done your best!) the diarrhoea is a symptom of something that needs righting. If Mary's vet is close then I would definitely pay them a visit. Diarrhoea is something I don't have a problem with in mine, that isn't righted by the usual probiotics etc.
Diacalm is fine..none of these antidiarrheoal drugs should be used for more than 2 or 3 days.I myself,would not give more than 3 doses/

Have you tried Bio-Lapis?.

You do need to find out what is causing this,it is no good just giving drugs to bung him up.

I agree that a second opinion from another vet would be a good idea.
We've tried to get to the bottom of these problems for weeks as you both may remember- we've had the throat swab, the faecal pellet tests, physical examinations - I really don't know what else can be suggested! I hate giving them drugs, and just want him to be well. But I just can't ignore such a soft tum. I haven't been giving him Diocalm or Buscopan solidly over the last few days, when it showed signs of firming I didn't give the doses. I'm trying a bit more banana and arrowroot tonight to see how we get on. I'll switch from the Vetrumex pro-biotic to the Avipro plus tonight. It says to mix that with 200ml but can I give a lot less by syringe?
Yes I do remember now that this has been going on for a while.

I do not use Avipro or Vetrumux,but I have an idea that Karen does,so she might be able to advise you re dosage.

Have you had x ray/sc an done and bloods?

Sorry I forgot about your previous messages but I get so many pms,emails and phone calles asking for help,it it very difficult to keep track of all the piggies.
It's okay Mary we haven't PMd you about Pepe :) I've booked him in to see Ann at OMears tomorrow REALLY early. No, haven't had XRay or a blood tests done, I would probably have to take him up to Cambs to get those done as I know how much vets charge, but will see what she says tomorrow. Thanks for your advice.
Good luck at the vets tomorrow :) The vet you are going to is also my vet, though I have not had to go for anything serious thankfully. Hope they can find whats wrong with poor Pepe :(
Good luck tomorow with Pepe - hope the traffic isn't too awful. I spoke to Ann on the phone when Tetley was ill, she was really lovely. I don't suppose she will remember me from adam but please pass on my best wishes and thanks. Keeping everything crossed that you get to the bottom of this problem. Sending big kisses to Pepe :-* :-*

Do you know if Vedra is still doing x rays etc?.A friend of mine who lives in Bedford took one of her pigs to Vedra last week because it is nearer than coming to Anne.The piggy was not eating and losing weight.Vedra said the teeth were o.k.,but there was a growth in the throat,and she said she could not x ray.
The piggy was taken to Andy and he found the molars had grown over the tongue.He x rayed as well,but could not find any growth in the throat.The piggy is now eating and regaining weight.

What time is your appointment?,I will be at the surgery about 11am.
I'll be in early Mary for 8.40am, braving the rush hour from Kent.

What would an XRay show up if he was having the runs?

It's turned back into proper runs again, poor little chap, I'm glad we've got the apppointment tomorrow early. He's still so chipper though, rumbling away...
I have no idea what Vedra does and doesn't do. Some xrays that were done for the OD study were unsatisfactory and couldn't be used because of this :)
Karen, Mary said you use Avipro Plus - is it possible to reduce the amount of water to syringe feed the correct amount during the day to make sure they get what they need? I'm not sure Pepe will drink 200ml of water a day!
If I half the water I half the powder, but I can't see why you shouldn't give a more concentrated dose.
Well, just got back from Surrey, Ann seemed really pleasant. She couldn't find anything which felt like an internal abcess or any obstruction etc, couldn't work out why he was having the runs, so took some very runny samples to be taken for lab work, even though its already been done several weeks ago, it may show somthing up now. She also said I may as well start re-feeding wet foods again as it clearly wasn't helping with him being off them, and to forget the Diocalm and Buscopan for the same reason and gave me some Fibreplex 0.1ml 3 times a day. Looks like he's lost even more weight though - when she weighed him she said he was only 1.1kg, before all this started his weight averaged 1.26, he's lost loads. So its a waiting game again until Mon or Tues. Then we probably still won't be any the wiser, I'll have to do bloods then apparently, but will probably have to get them done at a more local one as I can't get to Surrey next week.
It must be frustrating for you not being able to pinpoint what is wrong ? Glad you are getting some more tests done, hopefully these will show something!
These "mystery" illnesses that gps seem so prone to are very frustrating.I have had so many in the past,and have a piggy here right now that has mystery symptoms.

I do hope something positive comes from your tests.In my experience the blood tests seem to come up with more results than feacal tests.
Well, Julie said Pepe had a runny bottom at 2.30am last night and was worried sick he wouldn't make it before I got in as I've been away with work. She checked at 6.30am and there was one single perfect looking dropping! How could that happen from runny to perfect looking although slightly soft dropping in just over 4 hours? ? By 10am when I got in there were another half a dozen perfectly formed droppings waiting for me.

We are not sure if the lab results will show anything though. We're just relieved he's made a recovery and hopefully his weight will gain now his appetite is back to normal.
I am so glad Pepe is a bit better.

These little creatures never cease to amaze me.

I would not think that the Fibreflex would work that quickly,but I suppose it is possible,it is very good.

Hope Pepe continues to make a recovery
Thanks Mary. Julie said she also switched from the vetrumex to avipro plus from Thursday night so perhaps the vetrumex could have been too strong, or it could have been the arrowroot she replaced the diocalm and buscopan the same time. Perhaps it was combination of all the changes including the Fibreplex, we probably will never know. She's been up syringing dioralyte, arrowroot and probiotics and small portions of grass through the night and the last couple of days, so it could have finally had an effect. His droppings look fine except for a slight sheen on them.
That is great news, it has been such a worry. I really hope he continues to improve :)
Hopefully that was the problem. Still a mystery though, I hope it hasn't just masked symptoms, sorry to be negative- I am pleased for you :)
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