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Just wondering..

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I can help you there love, it's a probiotic .... in other words it helps neutralise the gut when the piggies are on antibiotics i believe available from the vets and i think health stores (erm not sure of that but i thought someone else said it...)
Guess it's similar to the brand YAKULT that you can get in the supermarket to line your gut with good bacteria. I know some people that actually use it on piggies in moderation , it's sweet, so they tend to love it.
dont think id use yakult on a piggy :-\

but yeah bio lapiss is a pro biotic. vets usually give you it when your pigs are on anti biotics to prevent stomach upset.

you can also get avipro which is also a pro biotic i think there are a few others too.

i usually use avipro and keep some in the house
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