Just Rescued 2 Guinea Pigs From A School,need Advice

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just got them both out on the sofa together. they both hugged next to each other, the dominant one (sky) approached pip. Pip started vibrating and making his usual talking noises. mite be a different story inside a cage together. the dominance did used to happen outside the cage though before. this time there was no display of dominance atall as far as I could tell, I have to be really careful because pip has only just got over his uri and it mite not even be fully gone
If he is still contagious you must keep them far apart and wash your hands between handling.
Welcome and well done you for getting four animals out of a nasty situation. Perhaps the rabbit and other piggy may be next, like others have said we have a rescue locator on the page who may be able to help you liaise with the school re welfare issues and support rehoming of the final two animals. So often it seems a good idea to have class pets and it then goes wrong to the detriment of the animals.

Try re-introducing your boys slowly and on neutral territory. There will be some chasing and humping and probably squealing as they sort out their pecking order. Try looking at this thread for help. As large a cage as possible with two of everything will help. You may also not know that neutering male guinea pigs has no effect on their behaviour unlike in cats and dogs, it only stops unwanted pregnancy.

If your little guys really don't like each other and can't get on then it is possible to introduce them to a new buddy. I would highly recommend getting help from an experienced rescue with this and not til the little one is over his illness. If they or one of them is neutered he could have a wifey-pig, Cross gender pairs are the most stable and a good rescue (see our locator) will help him find a lady he gets on well with. If they are un-neutered then they can be bonded with another male with the help of an experienced person. Bondings rely on good character matches and not so much on age although that is a factor. Young, excitable males are harder to bond than babies or older more sedate males. A good rescue will be able to help your guys find friends they love. I've been through the process many times and there is nothing more satisfying than a well bonded pair of piggies who love each other very much.

Good luck with you new guys. They will be back on their feet and loving life very soon with someone who cares about them. Well done. x
Welcome and well done you for getting four animals out of a nasty situation. Perhaps the rabbit and other piggy may be next, like others have said we have a rescue locator on the page who may be able to help you liaise with the school re welfare issues and support rehoming of the final two animals. So often it seems a good idea to have class pets and it then goes wrong to the detriment of the animals.

Try re-introducing your boys slowly and on neutral territory. There will be some chasing and humping and probably squealing as they sort out their pecking order. Try looking at this thread for help. As large a cage as possible with two of everything will help. You may also not know that neutering male guinea pigs has no effect on their behaviour unlike in cats and dogs, it only stops unwanted pregnancy.

If your little guys really don't like each other and can't get on then it is possible to introduce them to a new buddy. I would highly recommend getting help from an experienced rescue with this and not til the little one is over his illness. If they or one of them is neutered he could have a wifey-pig, Cross gender pairs are the most stable and a good rescue (see our locator) will help him find a lady he gets on well with. If they are un-neutered then they can be bonded with another male with the help of an experienced person. Bondings rely on good character matches and not so much on age although that is a factor. Young, excitable males are harder to bond than babies or older more sedate males. A good rescue will be able to help your guys find friends they love. I've been through the process many times and there is nothing more satisfying than a well bonded pair of piggies who love each other very much.

Good luck with you new guys. They will be back on their feet and loving life very soon with someone who cares about them. Well done. x
Ive decided to keep them myself, I will work something out for them asap, btw I didn't get sky nurtured it was a different teacher in the school, its stupid how a vet must have gone through with it knowing nothing about guinea pigs. I know they should always go to an exotics vets. to be honest though my 2 boars character match is really bad, sky is huge! and is very boisterous and popcorny . where as pip is much smaller and shy and loves cuddling up on my chest and mumbling on and on in his language haha. I have to go off now , il be back on tomorrow please reply still :)
they are darlings :love:

I hope they settle down soon so you can enjoy them rather than worrying, they really are pretty boys :drool:
they may just be figuring out who's boss in their new home, my boys have wee dominance matches every so often but they sort themselves out. try giving them a large space and lots of veggies to be around each other but with a distraction
Aww nice to see them. They are beautiful. Has the uri cleared up?
seems to have cleared up, still a little sneezing but that has gone from like 50 a day to about 5 ish, his runny eye doesn't run anymore, breathing is still a tiny sniffly compared to my other pig though, still keeping a close eye = ) you can kind of see on pip where the fur around his eye is a bit flattened. I got pip a new big cage yesterday for half the price that it should of been because someone left the wrong price tag on ; ) and I cant believe the results, before he used to sit in the corner depressed looking, now hes running about and started popcorning a tiny bit like sky does. His appetite has grown and hes much more thirsty now, and also has a proper shelter now because in his old cage I had to make a shelter out of an old pizza box haha.
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Guinea pigs need so much more space then people think. That is why I love c and c cages as they can be made any size. I hope the uri clears soon and they can be bonded.
Guinea pigs need so much more space then people think. That is why I love c and c cages as they can be made any size. I hope the uri clears soon and they can be bonded.
cool , do they have to be the normal rectangle or square or can you build it like a bit like an L shape so that I don't waste any corner of my room. I think I mite have the vet look at him and if all clear il bond them , o yer just quick, when he had the uri to start with he was so blocked up, runny eyed and slow n depressed, but now hes quite lively and is eating normally , no runny eyes, pretty clear breathing, do i still have to watch him like a hawk , because I hope he doesn't just die and I'm thinking hes doing ok, he had 1 week of baytril
o and there's my old springer spaniel in the profile , he was called mak , sadly he died 2 years ago. Havnt got any other guinea pig pics on laptop yet :p

cool , do they have to be the normal rectangle or square or can you build it like a bit like an L shape so that I don't waste any corner of my room. I think I mite have the vet look at him and if all clear il bond them , o yer just quick, when he had the uri to start with he was so blocked up, runny eyed and slow n depressed, but now hes quite lively and is eating normally , no runny eyes, pretty clear breathing, do i still have to watch him like a hawk , because I hope he doesn't just die and I'm thinking hes doing ok, he had 1 week of baytril
A c and c can be made to any shape or size. Just make it to fit in with your room if you wish. It is a good idea to have the all clear from the vet before you attempt to bond them.
I bent a couple of my grids to fit an awkward space for my duo to fit round a box that covers my gas pipes.Also bent two to make hay racks for my c&c cages.The cardboard for a run may start smelling, you would be better using corotherm so you can wipe it
I bent a couple of my grids to fit an awkward space for my duo to fit round a box that covers my gas pipes.Also bent two to make hay racks for my c&c cages.The cardboard for a run may start smelling, you would be better using corotherm so you can wipe it
ok cool, I was thinking of lining the base of the cardboard run with something wipeable.What is corotherm? I mite have to google that = ]
Probably a bit late but ... I use a puppy pen with a correx base for my two guinea pigs. They have two littler trays (cage bases for so called indoor rabbit cages) filled with news paper and hay which are half way under the hamster's rabbit hutch.

How your two are both doing well. Great that you rescued them from the school.
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