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Joe's chesty

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
Bottesford, North Lincolnshire
Just got the piggies out after their breakfasts for cuddles and checks and Joe seems to be a bit chesty. Phoning the vets a 9.30 when it opens for an appointment. He is jumping around ok and has munched all his breakfast but his breathing does sound like its crackly i can hear it without having to put my ear to his chest. :(

Paws crossed for him everyone please. :smitten:

Lindsay x
Good luck to Joe, could be a simple allergy but hopefully it will be sorted! :smitten:
Cheers Debbie and Louise. Just given him some extra greens from Nana Linda and he has munched them all up.

Just having coffee then we are off Jimmy's coming too to avoid any unnecessary stress from them both being apart.

Lindsay x
lindsay7 said:
Cheers Debbie and Louise. Just given him some extra greens from Nana Linda and he has munched them all up.

Just having coffee then we are off Jimmy's coming too to avoid any unnecessary stress from them both being apart.

Lindsay x

Whenever mine go the vets I always take their cage mate. Their cage mate stays in with them too if ever they need an operation. It seems to reduce the stress so much. I really hope Schmichael never needs to stay in, because they would need to find a cage big enough to accommodate me too as I am Schmichael's mate. ;D
We are back bless with them they were not stressed my the journey. They were both layed out on their fleece blanket chlling!

The vet listened to Joes chest and said he does sound crackly she thinks its a URI but with him being still his usual self and eating ok she thinks he should well be ok.

We have got baytril 0.4ml dose to give him once a day, which he has just taken now. She said to keep him indoors, so while its nice and warm he has just gone into the run with Jimmy, then i will make a cage up in the kitchen and bring them in tonight as i think its going to rain tomorrow and it will be warmer in here than in the garage.

Bless him I'm so pleased he is a big pig and a good eater think this will carry him through. You would never guess anything is wrong with him though. So pleased i handle mine daily and check them over.

He sounds like a little old man though with his crackly chest. :smitten:

Consultation and baytril cost £9-46 excpected to pay alot more.

Vet didnt mention probiotic, so i mentioned it to receptionist and she said that as its a small dose he should be ok and thought the vet would have mentioned it to me if he needed probiotic as well.

What do you guys think?

Lindsay x
Glad to hear he will be ok. I agree with Debbie I'd still give the probiotic. Can't hurt really. :) x
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
Glad to hear he will be ok. I agree with Debbie I'd still give the probiotic. Can't hurt really. :) x

Dont know much about Probiotic. Which is best to buy how often do you feed it and how do you administer it?

Sorry for all the questions but this is the first time i have had to use antibiotics.

thanks in advance for any info you can give me.

Lindsay and Joe
In my experience,pigs that are on a low dose of Baytril for a short period are usually o.k.without the probiotic.I on ly give it if the pellets start to look soft,but this does not happen very often,and then,it has only been very elderly pigs.

If you do decide to give probiotic,Bio Lapis is the best and easiest,the problem is it is only available from a vet!.
maryh said:
In my experience,pigs that are on a low dose of Baytril for a short period are usually o.k.without the probiotic.I on ly give it if the pellets start to look soft,but this does not happen very often,and then,it has only been very elderly pigs.

If you do decide to give probiotic,Bio Lapis is the best and easiest,the problem is it is only available from a vet!.

Thanks Mary so pleased you posted a response. I think he should be ok when i mentioned it to the receptionist she said that he should be ok because of the low dose. Bless him i have made up a cage inside so he is in now tucking into his tea with Jimmy. You would never guess anything is wrong with him at all. If i couldnt hear i would think he was fine its only the rattle sound that gives it away.

Joe said thanks to you all that are thinking of him :smitten:
am so glad all went well at the vets and the boys weren't bothered at all. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: so glad joes has 5 star accomodation inside with jimmy tagging along O0 sending healing vibes and hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send the boys :-* :-* :-*
This am Joe is so much better his chest is hardly rattling at all he is sneezing more than anything.

Just given him his second dose of baytrill much to his disgust bless him. He is loving being a house pig and he is popcorning all over my kitchen floor. Jimmy his house mate is just laying around on the fleece think they seem to like it better than hay!

I have given them some hay in a rack as i thought with Joe having his bad chest it might be better for him to be off hay.

Here are a few snaps of Joe the house pig and loving it.



Definitely not off his food he is eating more than ever

Even had a go at my kitchen units


Jimmy was refusing to pose as he is fast asleep in his bed :smitten:
joe looks right at home inside the house :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: he knows there is more food in that cupboard, once he opens it look out ;D ;D ;D as for jimmy life is hard being a nurse and joe has worn him out ;D ;D ;D joe is a very handsome boy and love his colour, a picture of jimmy asleep would have been cute too but i guess professional nurses need their sleep ;D ;D ;D sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send them :-* :-* :-* hoping the patient continues to improve and that he gets that cupboard open O0
choloe said:
joe looks right at home inside the house :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: he knows there is more food in that cupboard, once he opens it look out ;D ;D ;D as for jimmy life is hard being a nurse and joe has worn him out ;D ;D ;D joe is a very handsome boy and love his colour, a picture of jimmy asleep would have been cute too but i guess professional nurses need their sleep ;D ;D ;D sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send them :-* :-* :-* hoping the patient continues to improve and that he gets that cupboard open O0

Managed to snap these of Nurse Jimmy tonight he is one chilled out piggy. :smitten:



Joe is more hypo than ever I'm sure the antibiotics are making him more energetic he is into everything and loving every minute of being a house pig. :smitten:
am so happy joe is having fun inside ;D ;D ;D jimmy looks so fluffy and soft and piggy lips made for :-* :-* :-* looks like jimmy is wondering what all the fuss is about ? ? am hoping jimmy can relax and joe has fun exploring the house :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks Mary. I think that they get on so well with them being different. Joe is into everything and a right Mummys boy and Jimmy is very laid back but one for the ladies he will sit hours on your knee really still but Joe is like a wriggly worm as he just wants to be off exploring. Bet Jimmy is wondering where the girls are while they are inside as Jimmy kisses the girls through the dividers when the runs are side by side. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Joes chest is again quiet think he is over the worst cant believe how quick it came on saturday sounding so terrible and now its gone we are so pleased. Just off to give him his medicine once he has finished his breakfast. Wish me luck as he hates it!

Lindsay x
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