i found mine outside. someone said they saw her before i got her like a month before. depending how cold its gotten their is still hope. my caramilk NEVER left the bush she was living in. they can claim small areas like a bush or hole as their area and not venture from under cover. Theirs a chance wild animals have gotten them if your neighbors have cats they let loose or foxes in the area but dont give up hope just yet. venture father away in a circular pattern from where you think they got out. Did they react to pellet feeding time with wheaks? shaking a containing of pellets as you search may help. Also have you asked around to the neighbors? Fliers and a $20 reward. hand them out in the area. especially let kids in the area know. they go everywhere and most would like $20 in their pocket.. adults wont care and are too busy with work and home life to look for wild animals they dont stumble upon.

Dont lose all hope. guinea pigs naturally rummage in the under foliage in jungles. they're incredibly hard to find. they first instinct to noise or vibrations is to run into their hiding spot and be quiet.... pellets might change that behavior and have them come out of their hiding holes.
There‘s a mixture of both foxes and cats in our neighbourhood. We had put up flyers, and even had a massive search party looking in the surrounding areas. I bring food out to their hutch still just in case they do come back. I live on a main road so it’s also possible they‘ve been squashed by a car.
There‘s a mixture of both foxes and cats in our neighbourhood. We had put up flyers, and even had a massive search party looking in the surrounding areas. I bring food out to their hutch still just in case they do come back. I live on a main road so it’s also possible they‘ve been squashed by a car.
i live in canada. got cats and dogs and foxes and large birds of prey both night and day ect. my guinea pig survived a month living in a bush. maybe longer. i have no way of telling. i know she wouldnt go more then 3 inches from the edge of the bush. staying well in the shrubs even with pellets... pellets just had it go to the edge of the bush. if you look at other rescues on this site. they're all also well deep in bushes and hard to see/find when you know where they are. This works in their favor of surviving wild animals. Also roads dont have cover and you need to jump off a sidewalk most places to get on them. neither of those things are attractive to guinea pigs. with nothing worth it for them immediately on the other side i dont see them doing that. probably still in your block area. hiding under a pool cover or deck if they're still alive. people actively rummaging around in bushes will make them want to hide more. not come out.. ask your neighbors if it would be ok for you to go in their backyards alone and shake the pellet container near bushes. see if you can hear them.

The hutch didn't work. they went some where further to where theirs cover. and wont leave that cover to go back to their hutch. time to think like a guinea pig. bushes and other areas with sky cover. neighbors porches ect. somewhere grass will be accessible if not under the cover then very close by.
Guinea pigs are small. literally about the size of a package of peanuts. you could lose them in your couch. outsides a big place. i wouldn't lose all hope just yet. the odds of you finding them when they're hiding was already very small. but same goes for wild animals. it also means they didn't go on a 10km hike through the county...

Worst comes to worst, remember people do find them all the time. maybe you can't find them cause someone else did. might not be your home but if they're warm and fed that's all that matter's. a lot better of a thought then something horrible happened to them at least.