
New Born Pup
Aug 31, 2022
Reaction score
St Albans
Yesterday there were three Guinea Pigs in a hutch. Today there is only one.
We found a door swung open and two piggies missing. There is a fox that likes to roam our garden and we believe that the fox has got to them, however I don’t want to give up hope.

I’ve set out some food and left the cage doors all open just in case they do wander back into their hutch. We’ve searched everywhere in our garden and even asked our neighbours for help. Still, nothing. At the side of our house there is a gate with a gap underneath it; probably enough of a gap for the piggies to fit under.
These piggies are only 2 years old and do squeak a lot and we can’t hear a single squeak.

Any ideas where they could be? And how could we get them back if they are not dead? I’m so scared and worried for my sweet piggies…
The best thing you can do is leave out boxes and carriers along the fence line, and fill them with hay and possibly some bedding from their hutch.
If they are still around they probably won't have gone far and will stick to sheltered areas. The familiar smell of their hay and bedding will help attract them.

Hopefully your remaining piggy is safe and sound inside the house now, as if a fox knows they are there he will come back.
I hope the other two turn up soon.
The best thing you can do is leave out boxes and carriers along the fence line, and fill them with hay and possibly some bedding from their hutch.
If they are still around they probably won't have gone far and will stick to sheltered areas. The familiar smell of their hay and bedding will help attract them.

Hopefully your remaining piggy is safe and sound inside the house now, as if a fox knows they are there he will come back.
I hope the other two turn up soon.
We have moved the remaining Guinea Pig inside the house. I can try and find some boxes to put around the fence but the fox may get them. I’ll continue looking in the morning. Thanks for the help!
I’m sorry they’ve absconded. I wouldn’t leave the hutch door open. But do consider how to secure it as unfortunately foxes are clever 🫤Hopefully they’re just scared hence not wheeking. Ive got everything crossed they come back.
Good luck. I hope they are found safe and sound. 🤞

Putting food and hay into boxes is a great way to entice them in.
I couldn’t find any boxes so instead I used their little houses. Surrounded and filled with Hay and Sweetcorn and Carrots and under the Trampoline. Hopefully they find their way back home. Anything else I could do?


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Can you put some boxes along the edge too as they will probably stay close to the bushes for safety. Good luck. 🤞
Good luck, I do hope you find them 🤞
Last week we caught 3 dumped guinea pigs with humane squirrel traps, they worked a treat but we could actually see the piggies amongst the brambles and scrub
Can you put some boxes along the edge too as they will probably stay close to the bushes for safety. Good luck.🤞
I cant find any boxes. Anything else I could use that would server the same purpose? How about I move the houses to the bushes instead?
I’m so scared. I feel like it’s my fault they’ve gone missing. I don’t know where they could possibly be and I’m starting to lose hope.
I’m so scared. I feel like it’s my fault they’ve gone missing. I don’t know where they could possibly be and I’m starting to lose hope.
I know it's difficult, but try to stay calm.
If they just escaped then the chances are high that they will be nearby.
If they are around they should come out sooner or later and head towards their familiar houses.

You can get cardboard boxes from any supermarket and just cut holes in them to act as doors.
Another thing that might help is sitting quietly outside at dusk and playing guinea pig noises on your phone - this might attract them if they are hiding and too scared to come out.
Hopefully they will turn up.
I know it's difficult, but try to stay calm.
If they just escaped then the chances are high that they will be nearby.
If they are around they should come out sooner or later and head towards their familiar houses.

You can get cardboard boxes from any supermarket and just cut holes in them to act as doors.
Another thing that might help is sitting quietly outside at dusk and playing guinea pig noises on your phone - this might attract them if they are hiding and too scared to come out.
Hopefully they will turn up.
The escaped two nights ago. I can try and play some noises. That might work. I’ll go and buy some cardboard boxes later.
The escaped two nights ago. I can try and play some noises. That might work. I’ll go and buy some cardboard boxes later.
The boxes are usually free - just old boxes used for cans or wine work well.
Ask at customer services - they shouldn't charge you for them.
set up camera's that point at the carriers. this way you can see if they've at least visited them. keep them pointed at the hutch after, so you can find out if something is trying to get at them in the future.
Guys, it’s been over a month, I’ve done everything you told me to do, and they haven’t come back. I haven’t seen them on any footage on the cameras and haven’t heard of any sighting. I think thats it’s safe to say that they are gone.
Guys, it’s been over a month, I’ve done everything you told me to do, and they haven’t come back. I haven’t seen them on any footage on the cameras and haven’t heard of any sighting. I think thats it’s safe to say that they are gone.
i found mine outside. someone said they saw her before i got her like a month before. depending how cold its gotten their is still hope. my caramilk NEVER left the bush she was living in. they can claim small areas like a bush or hole as their area and not venture from under cover. Theirs a chance wild animals have gotten them if your neighbors have cats they let loose or foxes in the area but dont give up hope just yet. venture father away in a circular pattern from where you think they got out. Did they react to pellet feeding time with wheaks? shaking a containing of pellets as you search may help. Also have you asked around to the neighbors? Fliers and a $20 reward. hand them out in the area. especially let kids in the area know. they go everywhere and most would like $20 in their pocket.. adults wont care and are too busy with work and home life to look for wild animals they dont stumble upon.

Dont lose all hope. guinea pigs naturally rummage in the under foliage in jungles. they're incredibly hard to find. they first instinct to noise or vibrations is to run into their hiding spot and be quiet.... pellets might change that behavior and have them come out of their hiding holes.