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milo is itching his back a bit, i cant get near to see if his got mites :'(
If its mites, he'll have scabs and flakey skin, probably hair loss as well.
The chances are it's probably lice. Lice can easily be treated with Lice and easy from gorgeous guineas.
cant bath him he will go mental lol how can i tell if his got them
you need to part the fur and check. They usually live on the back. They look like wriggly white things, gross!

I think applying topical ivermectin works, you need to weigh him first. If he's 800g or under he needs Xeno 50 Mini, if he's over he'll need Xeno 450. They come in little tubes and you squeeze it onto his skin.

You can buy these from your vet. You might be best off getting a vets opinion on him, they might be able to offer an alternative
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