Is this pair actually working…?

I too get over anxious especially about my boys as they are still youngish and have days when they squabble. Mischievous Master Boris is a very loud and dramatic underpig which doesn't help.
I try to look for the positive behaviours instead as this reassures me that their bond is good.
Bullying in boars tends to be very upfront. It’s sows who are subtle about bullying so it may be harder to detect.

What you are seeing is dominance. Removing a piggy from a hide is dominance - the dominant piggy will have his pick.
Backing down is respecting the hierarchy. It’s not through fear.
You will not be able to call bullying within the first two weeks of a new bond as this is when they are settling the hierarchy.
Even though I’ve now had about 4 different boar pairings, it has always been babies and adults due to the lack of rescues near me, so this is my first time seeing a "proper" bonding. If you could not tell already :))

One last question, for now lol, Remi has a vet appointment at 4:45 today. I am not sure whether to take Reggie along in the carrier or not. On one hand putting them in such a small does not seem like a good idea in any sense, but I am worried if I leave Reggie along in their cage, a) the bonding they had been doing will be pushed back and b) he will claim the cage as his territory.

What would you do in this situation?
Even though I’ve now had about 4 different boar pairings, it has always been babies and adults due to the lack of rescues near me, so this is my first time seeing a "proper" bonding. If you could not tell already :))

One last question, for now lol, Remi has a vet appointment at 4:45 today. I am not sure whether to take Reggie along in the carrier or not. On one hand putting them in such a small does not seem like a good idea in any sense, but I am worried if I leave Reggie along in their cage, a) the bonding they had been doing will be pushed back and b) he will claim the cage as his territory.

What would you do in this situation?

I always take my piggies to the vets together in the same carrier (I’ve never had to so close to a new bonding though) but from my experience they’re normally so terrified in the carrier and at the vets that they don’t really interact with each other and just cuddle up in the corner.
I would take them together. I wouldn't split them now they are getting on so well. What you are seeing is normal dominance from what you are describing.
I would take them together too. They will most likely ”stick it out” together as it’s probably a bit stressful for them
Glad to hear you and the piggies have made it through the night! Well done for leaving them to work things through, despite your anxiety. You are doing brilliantly and I'm sure they are too. Keep asking questions for as long as you need xx
There’s been a noticeable increase in rumble strutting from Reggie this afternoon. Whenever he gets near to Remi he starts rumble strutting, but as before he still runs away whenever things start to escalate.

I’m putting my “brave face” on and letting them work it out, but it’s hard at times.
My main concern is that something drastically changes like a major fight, and I might miss it and leave them together.
I know multiple people have said it’s normal dominance behaviour, and I really appreciate all your input/advice, truly.

But I just feel so on edge. I was just sat watching my tv show on my phone and everything’s normal. And then suddenly i hear them scurrying across the cage (one clearly chasing the other) and then they’re in a standoff, maybe 10-15cm apart and Reggie’s chattering his teeth.
Then I sat up, which probably diffused things a bit because their attention switched to me, but I could lay there and wait to see what was happening. I had to make sure they weren’t properly fighting.

They then went back to eating separately as “normal”
It seems like Reggie has had a bite/nibble taken from his ear. Is this classed as a proper bite or a nip?


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Hi, thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately as I went to put their items back in their cage things got a bit heated and Remi ended up pushing Reggie out from his favourite hide. Reggie then tried to eat some hay off the top of the hide where his stomach was exposed to the entrance of the hide and Remi didn’t like that at all and they ended up fully fighting.
No one seems to have been bit, thankfully I had a bath mat on hand and managed to intervene.

I’m upset, I really needed them to work out because due to them living in a hutch, there was no way to keep them both singularly.
For now they will stay inside next to each other but unfortunately when Remis abscess is completely healed I will have to make the 2 hour trip down to Dundee, where the nearest guinea pig rescue is.

I am genuinly heartbroken, I love them both so much but for them both to not live a singular life (one ontop of each other in a hutch), I have to allow one of them to start a new life with someone else.
This is my best option as the rescue dont rehome single pigs and have cage requirements for them to rehome to you.
I’m so sorry it’s not worked out for them. Is there any way you could perhaps buy another hutch (second hand) that you could alter both side panels and fit a C&C grid to each and join them side by side? I know it’s probably a bit of a faff but if done right it might work?
I’m so sorry it’s not worked out for them. Is there any way you could perhaps buy another hutch (second hand) that you could alter both side panels and fit a C&C grid to each and join them side by side? I know it’s probably a bit of a faff but if done right it might work?
Unfortunately not, apart from the fact I just broke down and put my other (old) hutch in the skip, there just isn’t the space in the garage to have two hutches side by side.

It’s not left me in a great position. I’m just not really sure how i’m meant to ‘pick’ between them.
It’s all easy and fine me telling myself one will have to get a new friend and, if i was going to the rescue, i’d probably boar date my other. My anxiety won’t let go of the thought that if i put them away they may be mistreated.
Although this could happen in any sense and I will never have control over it, it’s just too scary of a thought for it to have been my fault (by giving them up and putting them in that situation).

Excuse my little ramble, it’s just something quite predominant i’m my mind right now.
I’m so sorry it hasn’t worked out and it put you in a really hard position😔. Give yourself time to have a think and maybe you can speak to the rescue in case they can offer you any alternative options? Could you get them both a friend and the two pairs live on top of each other in the hutch?
I had very similar feelings when i had to return rosie and syrup to the rescue because they failed to bond with Winston, i kept thinking about how they might not get as good care as what i provided for them in the short time i had them and was so stressed about it, to ease my mind i kept thinking about the fact the rescue vet people adopting guinea pigs and there are lots of questions, and they check the cage etc. The rescue are also keeping me updated with Rosie and Syrup while they’re waiting for their forever home which is nice.
Sending you lots of hugs :hug:
I’m so sorry it hasn’t worked out and it put you in a really hard position😔. Give yourself time to have a think and maybe you can speak to the rescue in case they can offer you any alternative options? Could you get them both a friend and the two pairs live on top of each other in the hutch?
I had very similar feelings when i had to return rosie and syrup to the rescue because they failed to bond with Winston, i kept thinking about how they might not get as good care as what i provided for them in the short time i had them and was so stressed about it, to ease my mind i kept thinking about the fact the rescue vet people adopting guinea pigs and there are lots of questions, and they check the cage etc. The rescue are also keeping me updated with Rosie and Syrup while they’re waiting for their forever home which is nice.
Sending you lots of hugs :hug:
Thanks for sharing your experience with it, it is nice to know I am not the only one to have such worries.

Unfortunately no, I still live with my parents and although I do make my own money, they would not allow me to have 4 pigs (trust me, I have asked :))).
Thankfully Remi is still recovery from his abscess, and I have the space inside for them both, so I can get more time with the both of them before any proper decisions need to be made.

I do have a thought of who I would be giving up for adoption, due to the fact that he is my newest piggy and we do not really have a strong bond yet. Do not get me wrong I love them both so much, but when it comes down to it, it would be harder to put the one you have the strongest bond with up for adoption.
I thought about putting away of both of them, because as much as I love owning pigs, the mental stress it gives me can be quite a lot at times. Like when everything all is well, when they're happy and getting on with life it is fine, but when illness or bonding issues come into play, my mental health always takes a big hit. I have came to the conclusion that I am not ready to stop owning pigs yet, but it did go through my mind.

I just feel guilty really. The fact I am even considering putting one of them up for adoption is mind boggling to me, but I know at the end of the day they are both still so young, so they don't deserve to live a life alone.
Thanks for sharing your experience with it, it is nice to know I am not the only one to have such worries.

Unfortunately no, I still live with my parents and although I do make my own money, they would not allow me to have 4 pigs (trust me, I have asked :))).
Thankfully Remi is still recovery from his abscess, and I have the space inside for them both, so I can get more time with the both of them before any proper decisions need to be made.

I do have a thought of who I would be giving up for adoption, due to the fact that he is my newest piggy and we do not really have a strong bond yet. Do not get me wrong I love them both so much, but when it comes down to it, it would be harder to put the one you have the strongest bond with up for adoption.
I thought about putting away of both of them, because as much as I love owning pigs, the mental stress it gives me can be quite a lot at times. Like when everything all is well, when they're happy and getting on with life it is fine, but when illness or bonding issues come into play, my mental health always takes a big hit. I have came to the conclusion that I am not ready to stop owning pigs yet, but it did go through my mind.

I just feel guilty really. The fact I am even considering putting one of them up for adoption is mind boggling to me, but I know at the end of the day they are both still so young, so they don't deserve to live a life alone.
By making that decision you’re showing how much you love them and what a good owner you are by putting their needs first