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Is it a URI or a chest infection? please help!

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Hey I'm new to the forum so still not realli sire if I'm doing it right lol.

Thursday I noticed that my guinea pig had a leaky eye, i did think much of it, so i bathed it. The next day when i got honey out I noticed that her breathing wasn't very good, it was loud and sounded like she was struggling, so i took her to the vet. The vet wasnt sure wat it was so she gave me antibotics for her and said to let her know if there if their wasn't any inprovement. On the sunday her breathing sounded almost back to normal, and on mon it sounded bad again so i took her back to a different vet, who has put her on a higher dose of antibotics for a week to see how it goes.

What do you think it is? Is there anything that I can do to help her? I'd hate to lose her shes only about 2-3 and never had anything like this before.
She isnt of her food and she is drinking. x x x
shes on baytril at the moment shes on 30units once a day, the vet didnt really sound sure about what was wrong with her
I can't believe some vets are so c**p they can't even diagnose a URI in a guinea pig :( Did the vet listen to Honey's chest? Did they check in the eyes to see if anything was lurking in there (bits of hay etc)?
The baytril will do the job, but it needs to be ongoing to work, URIs can try to hang on.
I no and shes been to two vets, she listened to honeys chest and they looked at her eyes, they didnt check to see if anything was in it they just said that it was to do with the infection that shes got :( have you had a guinea pig with the same problem? Did it recover?
Yep I've had a guinea with a URI. Having never had any of my pigs have one before I panicked! But woodstock eventually got better, he was on Baytril like Honey and in a week it had gone. Honey might need to be on the Baytril longer though, as I caught Woodstocks URI quite quickly :)
Baytril should do the trick and she should be fine. It sounds like you caught it early anyway.
Did the vet give you and pro-biotics to give her? Baytril can sometimes upset their stomach so I would ask your vet for some Bio Lapis to be safe.
Hhi. I'm new here too and had both my piggies to the vets and only got them Saturday. If it's of any use to you if your piggie is drinking and eating that's positive. My Jasmine had a chest infection (pheumonia I discovered today when I took my other piggie to the same vet) and with the ABS she's doing fine now. Belle has a runny eye which I now have cream for to put in twice a day. apparently that's quite common for them as they get straw in their eyes sometimes. Sounds to me like your piggie will be ok especially given that she's eating and drinking. I have my fingers crossed and hope she gets well soon. Keep us posted of her progress. Kerry
she souded a bit better 2day which is gd, the the first vet I went to gave her an injection which was probably a pro-biotic :-\ not too sure though, thanks soooo much for everyones help, illl keep you posted x x x :D
hi littlemisslovely1973 ;D wat cream do u use for belles eyes was it from the vet? O0
Yes it was from the vet. Not sure what it is called but I'll get someone to read it and let you know.
ill have to post a pick of her eye to show you, but it looks like shes got a little bald patch underneath :-\
could be like what one of mine had, which would be mites :-\
Sorry for bringing this up again but I'm still a bit worried :( The first time she was on anti biotics for three days then I took her back to the vet who put her on anti biotics for another week. The week is now up but theres still some batril left so I'm gonna continue to give it too her because I can still hear her breathing. She is still eating and drinking but I'm aware she's still not her self,

but I'm now worried that the bad breathing should of gone by now, and that because it hasn't completely gone yet, does that mean it never will ? I know its got better then it was 13 days ago but it hasnt got better or worse for a couple of days, is this a bad sign? How long does a URI last for? and am I right in continuing the baytril? :'(
how many times a day are you giving baytril, and what dosage? are you getting it all into her? So am I right in saying she's only had 1 week of treatment so far? Advanced URIs can be difficult to shake off, she might need treatment for 2 weeks
for about three days she was on 20units once a day. When I took her back the second time she was put onto 30units once a day. As far as I know it all goes in her mouth and she swallows it.
the vet is obviously concerned, I would definately take her back and say her breathing is not right and you're still concerned. The vet should check her breathing with a stethascope
Yeah I wish it wasn't so expensive though, so far I think I've paid £60. I'll call the vet tomorrow and talk to her to see whats best x :(
I know how expensive it can get :( Yep calling the vet is a good idea. Good luck :)
Hi. Just had Belle and jasmine to the vet's for all-clear. If it's any consolation to you Jasmine seems to be all clear of the chest infection but the vet has advised me to administer the antibiotics until they're all gone and then keep a close eye on her for about a week after as according to him chest infections are sometimes hard for the piggies to fight off. Sounds to me like good advice. I hope you get your piggie sorted and let us know what's goin on with him. all the best. I'm sure he'll be fine. x
aww thank you, ill let you know how it goes, i just hope honey is as lucky and Belle and Jasmine :smitten:
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