Is Fleece Smellier Than Woodshavings?

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Mairi M

Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 5, 2015
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I have a smelly problem with my 2 boars! I've had them about ten weeks and started them on fleece from the outset. They are in the spare room which sadly I have to keep closed due to their distinctive not so pleasant perfume that spreads throughout the (small) flat. The boars are about 19 months old (rescues from gumtree). They have a 2x4 with a ramp to a 1x2 C&C cage. I have already tried dietary adjustments, excluding cruciferous veg, limiting veg intake. They are just super smelly boys! It is becoming an increasingly difficult issue that is limiting my enjoyment of them. I wash their liners frequently and even on day 2 they smell bad already. I chose fleece due to my own allergies with woodshavings. I am reluctant for many reasons to swap to woodshavings but their smell does not seem to be a pleasant mix with fleece. Any advice helpful. At this point I am wishing I'd rescued a pair of sows! I feel bad for that! Plus, what's more my fiancee from California is moving in with me just as soon as she gets her visa. She has a nose like a bloodhound and though she loves animals too I think this smelly problem will be hard for her to stomach with her super sensitive sense of smell. :vom:
I was going to say switching to wood shavings as it absorbs the wee and smell to a certain extent but that's not a good idea since you're allergic. Is there any other good bedding that you know of like wood shavings that you aren't allergic to?
have you tried megasorb or aubiose,i use these with my boars and very good at absorbing urine,you get them from horse feed places or on line.they may seem expensive at first but last me 1 1/2 months.boys are charachterful.thanks eileen.x
Thanks for these ideas. I will definitely look into them further. I fear cost may be prohibitive for some of the suggestions but hopefully something will work out. I just feel so upset the fleece isn't working out. Fleece was the reason guinea pigs became possible for me and it's all gone expensively wrong! Out of interest, does anybody know if others have found this problem with fleece, that it doesn't cope well with animals on the smellier end of the scale? I have looked after my sister's sows on fleece and it was perfectly fine. It's just the boys that don't do well with it.
Nope, no experience with fleece at all. Mine live outside on the ground in an aviary with just a bunch of straw and wood shavings underneath. But that's not possible, living in an apartment. I also use wood shavings for my mice and chinchillas too. Hopefully you find a good affordable bedding soon! Sorry I'm not much more helpful.
Nope, no experience with fleece at all. Mine live outside on the ground in an aviary with just a bunch of straw and wood shavings underneath. But that's not possible, living in an apartment. I also use wood shavings for my mice and chinchillas too. Hopefully you find a good affordable bedding soon! Sorry I'm not much more helpful.
Thanks all the same! I think my smelly boys would do better outside in an aviary. It's a bit unfortunate I live in a flat and at this time of year I'm limited with how often I can air the room due to wind, cold temperatures and heavy rain. My sister never had this problem with her sows so it didn't occur to me that there would be a difference with males. Now I know!
hi.i use half fleece and half disposable bedding in 5 feet indoor cage ive two boars ,i find this works well with megasorb,its pound a bag.litter trays eg cat trays with a substract can work well,as most of wast goes in there and keeps hay off fleec.just a suggestion.thanks Eileen.xx
85 lires of megasorb,this keyboard keeps missing out letters,i change litter trays with bedding every 4 days and that has no smell in cage with fleece,
Sorry if you wrote this and I missed it in your initial post, but what do you use under your fleece? Could it be that if you use a different underlay it might help with the smells? I use a layer of newspaper, then a towel layer and a fleece in top and don't have odour issues. I hope you figure out an alternative.
Sorry if you wrote this and I missed it in your initial post, but what do you use under your fleece? Could it be that if you use a different underlay it might help with the smells? I use a layer of newspaper, then a towel layer and a fleece in top and don't have odour issues. I hope you figure out an alternative.
My fleeces are ones that I had made specially. They are a double layer of fleece with an absorbent core. I've no idea what the middle is. I had them made by Ziggy's Piggies. They certainly hold the moisture well but I have to wash them regularly due to the smell.
I use fleece around most of the hutch and dont have a problem with my boys. however, I put puppy pads with hay on top in their bedroom and in one pigloo - they do most of their wees and poos there but it is really easy to roll it up and chuck it out when it gets a bit stinky.

I also found that puppy pads were less smelly than Fitch or megazorb.
i HAVE ZIGGYPIGGY liners and she uses toweling between excellent quality fleece,they are brilliant.
Those are what I have. I also have some cuddle cups and tunnels for them. They love the cuddle cups! (And look extra cute when they sleep in them!)
I use fleece around most of the hutch and dont have a problem with my boys. however, I put puppy pads with hay on top in their bedroom and in one pigloo - they do most of their wees and poos there but it is really easy to roll it up and chuck it out when it gets a bit stinky.

I also found that puppy pads were less smelly than Fitch or megazorb.
I think I will look into the puppy pads. I'm sure I will find them at pet shops quite easily. Thanks!
I was just thinking @Mairi M do the pigs have a certain place they do most of their wees in? If so you could get some small fleece pee pads and wash them every day?
My boys are messy boys! They pee and poo everywhere and anywhere! Pongy piggies! (But I love them all the same)!
@Mairi M are you sure they don't just smell because the door is shut and there's not much air circulating the room?
That's a good point. I wish I could open the window more just now. However when I do accidentally leave the door open the smell quickly spreads. I think maybe boars are less suited to flats/apartments. My sister doesn't have this problem with sows. I know some people even keep piggies in their bedroom and there is no way on earth I could do this with mine (even if I wanted to - I don't). They are just so smelly. Poor piggies :-(
If you haven't got a B&M, Home Bargains do a box of 40 for £4.99. I've tried everything & puppy pads seem to be the best overall for less smell & longer between changes. I find with some boars that they are continually scent marking which would cause a smell whatever bedding is used. They usually do this less as they get older :) x
If you haven't got a B&M, Home Bargains do a box of 40 for £4.99. I've tried everything & puppy pads seem to be the best overall for less smell & longer between changes. I find with some boars that they are continually scent marking which would cause a smell whatever bedding is used. They usually do this less as they get older :) x
Thanks for this! I think scent marking may be part of the problem. My boars are not best of friends. Maybe more tolerating each other rather than liking each other so they do scent mark. Definitely giving the puppy pads a go!
I have one particular pair of boars in my rescue who are really bad at this. I can clean their hutch & 10 minutes later it stinks. You go back an hour later & it's OK. I think they make an effort to mark a freshly cleaned hutch & then just do the scent marking as and when they feel like it xx
I have one particular pair of boars in my rescue who are really bad at this. I can clean their hutch & 10 minutes later it stinks. You go back an hour later & it's OK. I think they make an effort to mark a freshly cleaned hutch & then just do the scent marking as and when they feel like it xx
Yep! I certainly noticed this! Unfortunately their "perfume" tends to linger! Have just checked out B&M stores online. Apparently I have one 3 miles away. Definitely going to be checking this out. Thanks for the tip!
Fleece doesnt keep the smell, use a towel under the fleece and wash the towel every 2 days, did you wash the fleece 3 times b4 you used it? Ive just bought a vet bed and its fantastic, no smell and wash once a week and there cheap to buy. There is heaps of info online about useing fleece for piggies and how to use it, but my advice is to get the vet bed.
Fleece doesnt keep the smell, use a towel under the fleece and wash the towel every 2 days, did you wash the fleece 3 times b4 you used it? Ive just bought a vet bed and its fantastic, no smell and wash once a week and there cheap to buy. There is heaps of info online about useing fleece for piggies and how to use it, but my advice is to get the vet bed.
I have fleeces from Ziggy's Piggies. They are ready made up with two layers of fleece and an absorbent core (likely toweling of some sort though not 100% sure. I prewashed all of them 3 times as instructed before using them. My friend has some spare vetbed. She has just offered me it and since you are so pleased with vetbed I think I'll accept and see how I get on! Thanks :-)
Hi. Yes please do grab it, your piggies will be popcorning with joy. They are fantastic lol. Ive got 1 but ordering more so when i wash 1 i can just change it. And there quick to dry as well. Please let us know what you think of it after you have used it :)
I've never smelt my boars you know. When I walk in their bedroom, the only thing I can ever smell is hay and it's not a horrible smell.. Unless I'm so used to their smelliness that my nose has become immune haha. But I have asked people before (who I know would tell me the truth) if they smell and everyone has said they don't
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