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In pain when pooing

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You are quite right. Some piggies do seem to be more prone to some medical problems.I have found that a few pigs get repeated attacks of parasitic problems,while others living in the same pen,never get mites at all.After all humans are the same,some folk get colds every winter some rarely catch a cold.
PiggyLoon said:
Mary - My 2 have Super Guinea Pig excel (orange bag) - recommended by vets! ::)

Rube still seems to be in pain when pooping and weeing - so I'm going to ring up the vets tomorrow, the next step is to have her bladder flushed out I think... :( Poor little love...

Maybe its a genetic thing rather than diet related as that website given by daftscotslass (thanks O0 ) says it can be.

Supa Guinea Excel is very high in Protein which isn't good.
Just back from the worst visit ever at the vets. Seen a prat of a male vet who couldn't even be bothered to look at Gus's file so I had to tell him what he had been given on previous visits. He wanted to give him more antibiotics and anti inflammatorys until I said no he's had all that. Then came the greatest jaw dropping thing to come out his mouth. He probably squeals when he's pooing because he enjoys squealing!!?? I just looked at him in amazement. Then he said if he's squealing when he's pooing then his bladder is'nt the problem. Then had to explain the urine analysis that came back with a lot of bacteria in it and some crystals. Eventually he said that they could xray him but it is very expensive. Yes, and? Just bloody do it. Tell you what if it turns out he needs an op then he ain't touching him. I could have left after his he enjoys squeaing comment but I really need answers NOW, I can't listen to him squealing in pain anymore. Last night was particularly bad and I couldn't wait for morning to come so I could take him to the vets, then I get hit with this lot of poo. Anyway he's being xrayed today so will update tonight and let you all know the outcome.
WHHAAATTT! :o :o :o what he said is just laughable. Enjoys squeeking... my a*** :tickedoff:

Ahem... sorry!

Good luck with the x-ray.... O0

Karen... yeah I noticed Supa Guinea has alot of Protein but out of all of the feeds readily available to me I researched that was the best one (in terms of Vit content and fibre). My vet says there is any problem with me feeding my pigs that as she's looked into it too. They even sell it at the surgery! :-\ To be fair... with their veg, hay and water... they have the lower end of what dry feed should be given per day (what they suggest on the packet). ;)
Where are you piggy? Perhaps we can point you in the direction of a different vet. That was a very unsensitive comment to make to a paying client. Showing you care and being thoughtful cost nothing and are your own doing, you don't need 5 years in vet school to teach you that, no excuse I'm afraid. I hate being anti vet (and I'm not!) as its not the way to go but sometimes some of them do ask for it :)

Your surgery can order in Oxbow Cavy Cuisine from Petlife International, a far healthier food, there is the Performance alternative for those on a high Protein diet. SPH Supplies sell it wholesale too. Petlife International Petlife are in the UK :)

Tel: 01284 761131
Fax: 01284 761139

Email: i[email protected]
Just checked out the link... looks great! Its worth considering...

I'm a bit concerned it contains alfalfa though - isnt that high in calcium and possibly protein? 98) (I'm trying to avoid high calcium). Also my pigs arent growing (they are fully grown), nursing or pregnant, - so would this be ok for them? Wouldnt they need just a maintainence diet? I noticed it did say towards the bottom about adult piggies but just thought Id ask 98) ;)

Piggy - I know how you feel about listening to them squeek in pain - its horrible :( :( :(
Performance contains Alfalfa and Cavy Cuisine does not :) If the surgery won't order it in then SPH Supplies do, they do probiotics and other handy bits and pieces too (Critical Care, syringes etc).
Ah yes! Thanks for that Karen - didnt see Cavy Cuisine on that page - so typed it in 98) ;D . SPH supplies site looks like a handy site too...

Many thanks again! Dont know what I'd do without you lot - wouldnt know half of these sites! ;)
sorry - couldnt edit. Just gone back to SPH - and it was right there next to the Oxbow performance! Doh! 98) ;D
SPH offer a fantastic service piggyloon. We have been experiencing very similar problems to you and I have just taken delivery of Oxbow Cavy Cuisine which I am now in the course of gradually introducing my lot to.

I know exactly what you are going through with your vet, although mine is very pleasant, not sure he is too piggy savvy :(. Good luck with your little guys.
Caviesgalore said:
SPH offer a fantastic service piggyloon. We have been experiencing very similar problems to you and I have just taken delivery of Oxbow Cavy Cuisine which I am now in the course of gradually introducing my lot to.

Awww.... its nice (but unfortunate) to know I'm not the only one thats had problems!

Printed off some info from there and from Guinea Lynx to 'suggest' things to my vet. She's not too hot on her piggy info either but she's very nice. Taking Rube tomorrow with ANOTHER urine sample... with a provisional op on Fri. :( :( :(
just to let you all know the outcome of the xray, nothing there, absolutely nothing! I was sure there had to be something there to be causing so much pain but there you go. So, yet more antibiotics (Septrin) for two wheeks and see how it goes, again. Getting really downhearted about all this, however got cranberries to give him the juice and have ordered stuff from Galens Garden for the urinary tract.

Have tried both my piggies with Oxbow cavy cuisine and both of them don't like it! I'm confused, what do you all feed your piggies on? Getting bamboozled with all the different types of food and what's good and what's not! Oh and I live in the West of Scotland in a town called Port Glasgow so if anybody knows of any decent vets in that area please, please let me know! Will keep you updated on Gus's progress and thanks for all the support and letting me blow my top about vets!
And I forgot to say, Gus's pee really stinks! Is this part of the infection?
Yes infection will cause smelly urine.When the urine is strong like this you need to keep the bladder well flushed through.Give as much water as he will take via syringe.

Although Septrin is the antibiotic of choice for urinary infections,switch to Baytril after 2 wheeks on the Septrin,will sometimes work.You will need to give the Baytril for about 10 days.
Okay, thanks maryh I'll make sure I give him plenty of water with the syringe.
The pain while pooping could very well be Mites, my poor piggei is busy squealing right now and he has mites. His poops are perfect looking but they hurt him for sure.
I'd look for a more cavy savvy vet a.s.a.p.
Help! Gus is bleeding! Not massacre style but definate blood. I'm totally raging after that sodding vet giving me all that crap about Gus enjoying squealing. Yeah? I'd like to see him with bladder probs see if he 'enjoys' it. He was only xrayed as you all know, what?, a week ago when I was told there was 'nothing of signifigance' Yeah? There must have been. Gus is still eating drinking and being alert but obviously he's going back to the vets. If anything bad happens to him I'm not going to miss them and hit the wall, I'm going to go mad at them.
oh dear... has he had a blood test to check kidney/bladder function?
If he's got crystals the vet might try some potassium citrate to try and stop the crystals from forming. Thats what Ruby had - but it hasnt worked :( she's now gonna be flushed out on the 22nd. :(

Not sure what to suggest... Sounds like your vets attitude stinks! >:( But it sound like you're doing everthing you can. It might be just a bacterial thing... it might take some time to get the bayril/septrin to clear it up. If you can try and get a 'bloody' sample down the vets as soon as you can - just to prove to them it has blood in it. And if they still dont believe you that his squeeking isnt for enjoyment, try and mop up the wee in some tissue paper or wood shavings. Soaks up better than taking a sample of hay.

really understand what you're going through. Got my fingers crossed for a solution. O0
Renal stones do not always show up on x ray.,you need to get a scan done.

Is there a better vet you could go to?.If your piggy is going to need surgery you do not want this idiot to do it.

Hopefully tho,it is just a stubborn infection which can sometimes cause bleeding.Often 2 weeks on Septrin then 10 days on Baytril will work.I do not know why but I know several pigs with infections that have respoded to this combination.

Get as much fluid into him as you can to keep the bladder flushed through.
Okay, he hasn't bled again but the squealing is terrible. When that happened last night there seemed to be small but visible to the eye grains in it, could that have been some small stones? His pee was also very gritty to touch. Have been trying to give him as much water as possible that's what I was doing when he bled, nearly had a freaky!

There are a couple of good vets at the practice I use so when he goes back again I'll be making sure one of them sees him that other prat will NOT be touching my piggy again.
It sounds as if he is passing gravel. Have a look at


there is a recipe for pearl barley water which will line the wall of the bladder and eas the pain a little.

Try and get him to eat some cornsilk this is also demulcent and diaretic.
Tried the pearl barley before without success but will try again. I bought Urinary Tract syrup from Galens Garden this week, it contains cornsilk, would it still be alright to feed him more and if so where do you buy it? Can I buy it from local supermarket? I know I sound like a prat but I'd never heard of so many different herbs until I got piggies!
At the moment supermarkets and farmers markets are selling corn cobs with leaves quite cheaply.Thew cornsilk is the fine yellow strands of silk inside the leaves.The piggies like the leaves as well.Yes it would be o.k.to give these as well as Belinda,s syrup.
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