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In pain when pooing

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Where do I start? My piggy had been crying when he pees so took him to vet to get antibiotics for cystitis/urine infection. He gets this regularly so wasn't too bothered. Now I've noticed he's crying when he poos too, does anyone have any idea why he would do this? Taking him back to vets tomorrow but would like some thoughts from other people.
Ruby is being treated for calcium crystals in her urine. She squeeked and passed blood when she uriniated and now she seems to be squeeking when she poops too. :( What the vet has given me (to give her) isnt working... so now I have to think about the option of getting her bladder flushed out! But I have not idea why its hurting her to poop as well. Her little tubes must be really irritated by these crystals... but needless to say I'm very scared of her having to be flushed out! :(
How did the vet know she had crystals in her pee? Gus was xrayed the last time this happened and there was nothing. Don't blame you for being worried about having her flushed out! That sounds nasty! It's interesting that she cries when pooing too maybe everything down there just becomes really inflamed?
Possibly! :-\ passing poop next to an irritated urine tube must be a bit painful :o

I managed to get a sample (well, Ive taken quite a few now to see if its changed) to the vets and they 'spun' it down to find she had these crystals (under the microcope). She also had an x-ray and an ultrasound to see what was going on and to rule out stones. Last time she went she stayed in most of the day to have a blood test - to check kidney/bladder function. They all seem to be fine which is good news... just these stupid crystals are being stubborn! The vet says they are easily treatable in cats and dogs ::) , but theres nothing they can do to dissolve the crystals in piggies.
Piggies often poop and pee at the same time so it is difficult to know whether it is actually the pelleting that is causing the pain.I would think that it is the cystitis.What treatment did the vet give you?.Septrin is the best antibiotic for urinary infections.

As Ruby has been bleeding as well,I would suspect that she has a stone.
nope... she hasnt - like I said before she had an x-ray and ultrasound. ;) And ive confirmed this with the vet and she definately doesnt. She's been on Baytril, Metacam and potassium citrate. Pooping and weeing both make her squeek - but some days are better than others. When I watch her during floor time it hurts her just to do a poop. :( and just to do a wee. (separately.) :-\ She's been like this for quite sometime now as we were hoping the medication might sort things out, but I think its likely she'll have to have ner bladder flushed :( which I'm really dreading.

It looks as though my piggies problem is these crystals... Ive no idea why your piggy is doing it 'Piggy' :-\

I'm really sorry if I'm going off the subject but....
Mary - Ive heard quite a few instances on here where piggies have been neutered and within a few days they can have prolapes. If my Rube had an op to be flushed out... would this be likely to happen to her?... obviously I'm a bit scared of that happening :(
Bladder washout will not cause a prolapse in a sow,there is no need to worry on that score.
Phew... thanks mary! *relieved!*

Make me feel a bit better... one less thing to worry about.
It's a separate thing. I've watched him do it. He cries and lifts his bottom and there's the poo. How on earth do you manage to get a sample of urine?! Think I'm going to have to obtain one to get it tested! He's been on Septrin (0.6ml once a day) for nearly two wheeks now with no change. Taking him to vets tomorrow to say if they can tell me anything else.
I put her in her travel container... with no bedding. I put a tiny bit of 'used' hay or wee'd on newspaper in there with her smell on to incourage her to go. Then I syringe it up (tilting the corner of the box). The vet will give you a syringe if you cant get hold of one. Dont know if pets at home sell them? Obviously not with needles in!

You have to be very patient! She's very good though... she toddles off into a old cardboard box at floor time to go to the loo in. As long as it has some of her poop or old hay in - she'll go... eventually! Sometimes though she just goes where she likes! ::) Sometimes I need her to wee twice - just so Ive got enough for them to test.

Sometimes though she can take ages to produce 'liquid gold' as I like to think of it! ;D It feels like that after waiting for such a long time! She's better than my Dilys though. Never ever see her wee! She's more of a poopy pig!

Got it down to a fine art now - done it so often! ;D ;D ;D

Think you should ask about whether or not you should bring one in next time you go... but of course you'll have to pay for them to test it. O0
Has is bum been checked for Thrush?

Beks showed me the delights of checking for this and talk about stilton in the sun for 2 weeks....anyway there's no nice way of putting this but you need to check right in his butt for any nasty green/yellow stuff. If you've never done this its probably easier if you can get someone to hold him while you look. Once you get in there its really quite cavenous and should be clean (unless there is a little bit of poo that hasn't been expelled or if hes impacted). The treatment for this is Daktarin orange flavour oral gel up his bum & then in his mouth.

Good luck
Had a look. Seems normal, well to me anyway! Will ask vet to have a look today. Might have warned me I would need a gas mask! Whiffy or what!
Jeremy was squeaking and lifting his bum last night when pooing - I thought it could have been down to him running out of water and me not noticing, which I feel really bad about.

He had a good drink and I watched him for a couple of hours - he then started to poop OK, and he is eating fine. I checked his bum too and it looked ok, also the vet checked his bum the other week when he had his mites jab.

Could the pain have been down to him not having had water for a few hours and it all going a bit hard? Is there anything I can give him to eat to soften them up in case it happens again?
Just back from vets. They got their urine sample! The vet manually emptied his bladder and in it was what looked like tiny bits of grit so it's now having a crystal analysis done on it just waiting for vet to phone with results. Not only did poor Gus have to put up with having his bladder emptied but he also got an anti inflammatory jab plus metacam drops to take at home. Asked about pain on pooing and vet agreed it was probably because everything is sore down there just now. Will update when vet phones back.
:o :o :o Bet that was a shocker for him!

Awww... hope he's ok! Think they naturally have 'gritty' looking wee to the naked eye but I'm not sure. :-\ These crystals are only seen under a microscope - but the are obviously big enough to cause some damage!

Glad they're looking into it now before the crystals develop into stones O0
Hope the vet finds out what it is & it can be treated easily. Thinking of you & your Piggy O0
Okay, the vet has just phoned. Gus's wee had a lot of bacteria in it (?) and a few chrystals but not many. Vet is suggesting a higher dose of Baytril plus taking the metacam to see how he goes but if it doesn't clear up then he'll be back in for another xray. Should have stuck to horses, I never had this amount of trouble with Joe. Don't worry, I am joking I'd never give up my piggies no matter what! I've to give him another wheek and if no improvement he's away for another xray. I'll keep you all updated on his progress
Baytril is not very affective against urinary infections,it is too wide spectrum.Septrin is much better.Unless Gus is in a lot of pain when he wees,I would not give the Metacam every day because it can cause kidney damage and is not a very good drug for a pig that has urinary problems.
Thanks for the metacam advice maryh! I'm stopping giving it now. Doesn't seem to matter what I'm giving Gus, Septrin or Baytril nothing is shifting it and it's driving me mental!! Can't start to think how Gus feels he must be going mental too. Taking him back to vets at the start of the wheek for probably yet another bloody £60 xray which will more than likely show nothing. I am desparate for my poor Guinea to be pain free. I've had him since January and for most of that time he's been in pain when toileting. I'd love to be able to see where the pain is and just take it away myself cause no one else seems to be able to do it.

Is there another vet you could go to?.£60 for an x ray is frankly a rip off price.

There is obviously something wrong in Gus,s bladder,so maybe the answer is a laparotomy to see what is going on.There may be a cyst or some other growth in the bladder. I take it that there has been no blood?.

These urinary infections can take a awhile to clear up and they can come back.The only cure for these that I know is a course of Septrin,say, 14 days,then a switcch to Baytril for another 10 days.I do know a few cases where this has worked on stubborn cystitis.
I thought £60 for an xray was a bit over the top too. There's no blood just obvious pain. He was on Septrin for two weeks without effect then changed to Baytril and has been on that for the past five days but no change in his symptoms so far. Another vet has been recommended by another piggy owner so I may have to give them a go. Feeling as if that's all I've been doing for months with both my piggies is trying to get there problems sorted and not having a decent piggy vet to go to. My other pig is now sorted thanks to Thistle Cavies, but I can't hit Wendi with yet another piggy to sort out, I really have to do it myself (not that it would be a problem to Wendi!)
Maybe you should try a little more fiber in his diet? It always helps me... ;D
I would seriously think about adusting his diet to include only vegetables low in calcium. If you regularly feed veggies with a high amount of calcium this is likely to contribute to the formation of grit and possibly stones.


http://www.guinealynx.com/uti.html - this page also says that it can take Bactrim (US name for Septrin) more than two weeks to work.
Gosh it seems this can affect quite a lot of pigs!

I'm having the same problems with my sow too but so far she has only had an anti inflammatory injection and a baytril injection. The vet tried to give me diluted Baytril but I was advised against this by another forum member as it not really working.

I'm away for the weekend but I'm going to go back to my usual vet next week as they are so much better at discussing things than this other guy I went to.

It's so awful watching our little pigs in pain.... hopefully they will all be ok soon!
Bladderstones/sludge are an absolute nightmare, even pigs on a low/ideal Calcium:Phosphorus diet can develop them- though it helps :)Bladderstones Article

Read Chrissie's article on how she's coping with her bladderstones pig. I maintained my boy like this for a year before stones came back and he needed a third op which I wasn't prepared to put him through.
There does seem to be a high incidence of cystitis and other renal problems.I would be interested to know what dry mix these piggies are having?'There is evidence that the colours in Gerty Guinea Pig and some other mixes,are implicated in cystitis.The sunset yellow sems to be the main culprit.

Years ago I used Gerty and I had a lot of cystitis,but since switching to a chemical free mix,the incidence dropped.I can honestly say that I have not had a case of cystitis now for about 6 years,and I have only had one pig with a renal stone in that time.
I had been feeding Gus gerty until I heard that it can cause urine problems so I managed to change him over to Supa guinea excel. After doing that he didn't cry when peeing but obviously it has returned. Will look at the calcium content of veggie that I feed him too just incase he's getting too much. Taking him back to vets tomorrow.
Mary - My 2 have Super Guinea Pig excel (orange bag) - recommended by vets! ::)

Rube still seems to be in pain when pooping and weeing - so I'm going to ring up the vets tomorrow, the next step is to have her bladder flushed out I think... :( Poor little love...

Maybe its a genetic thing rather than diet related as that website given by daftscotslass (thanks O0 ) says it can be.
I think some piggies are more prone to it than others and no matter what some people do, they can't stop it from recurring. Karen - thanks for that link to Chrissie's article, it's really interesting.
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