Today I rescued my first set of guinea pigs... I got a pair of sisters that had lost their mother two weeks ago and they are five weeks old... Out of the two there was the one that was very thin and small, and the recue place told me she should be fine with her sister... Not EVEN 4 hours after I got them home and settled in their new home the littlest died... I held her as she took her last breath. I am calling the rescue tomorrow as I paid the adoption fee of 35 dollars and feel that since they gave me an unhealthy pig I should be refunded.. The good news is her sister whom I lovingly call Tink Tink, seems perfectly healthy, she eats well, drinks well, and overall acts perfectly fine, but I am taking her to the vet to make sure of her health. Tink Tink's sister, Twinkle, seemed lethargic at the rescue but I didnt want to split them up.. Twinkle, I also noticed had a very wet bottom and her hair was matted to her bottom, and loss of hair around her eyes... Does anyone know what this may be... I am not sure as I am very new at this. Like I said Tink Tink seems perfectly fine but is going to the vet for a wellness check. If anyone has any idea please let me know, as I may report the rescue. I'm not even sure it was a legit rescue and I'm very mad at myself for not noticing her condition better :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:... Does anyone think that Twinkle may have had something she could have given to Tink Tink? Thanks for all the help, I am really concerned... :-\ :-\ :-\ :'( :'( :'(